What a huge weekend......early friday morning Jelly Wares swung by my place and we threw the gear in and off we went......after hours of chatting we finally arrived in Nundle...(I don't think either of us drew breath during the trip)...........the occassion Girls Day in the Country..........going to the amazing day organised by
Kerry Swain of Cottage On the Hill - tutored
for the day by the wonderful
Leanne Beasley and
Rosalie Quilan and meeting
up with the bloggy crew........
Day Day's Blog,
Happy in Quilting,
Jelly Wares,
Riley's Rambles,
Dragonfly Crafts,
Lzilulu's Stuff,
The Janelle Wind Collection,
Living in Paradise,
Relle's Place, Gai D (belongs to this
club scroll down on the right find the labels and the link for Gai D) and of course ME.......
Leanne, Kerry and Rosie.........

Leanne's project.............a stitchery project........designed especially with me in mind............yes this is true she said it on the day..............I feel extremely special to inspire someone to create a special "Chooky" project - mind you she can't call me anything other then my blog name...........I do love it though........

We could choose to make our project in 5-6 different colourways and of course I choose "blue"...........
.................here is Rosie's project........needle turn applique............as I had never done this before I chose to work on this first.............I managed to get one heart stitched on (a small one) and all my applique cut out and stuck onto the fabric..........I think I could find myself doing more of this..........I usually do blanket stitch............

Rosie, Leanne and Kerry...........

working hard on projects and getting the girls to sign books etc...........they are so kind and patient with everyone.........shared themselves around with all the stitches...........

The group bloggy pic should be here but wait for the next post...............
After the great day we dined out on the balcony of the hotel.........we couldn't fit downstairs (to many people dining at the hotel) and we had enjoyed our drinks up there the night before so decided to sit out there again..............our group started at about 11 in the morning and by the time we ordered I think there was about 25 of us together...........Rosie and Leanne and Janelle joined us for tea and some other lurkers............(they had better comment here)
...................now Nundle can get pretty cold in winter and it was an open balcony and it was colder then Friday night............you think these girls would own a warm quilt don't you..............lol...........

we ended up with all the blankets etc from the rooms out on the verendah wrapped around everyone keeping them warm..........but it was worth it was had a great time..........that is until we had eaten and decided we could all fit down in the bar and moved into the warmth..............
we looked cold didn't we..............lol

Now once we moved downstair this is the only pic I can display but can you guess who some of the girls are that were singing and dancing and generally have an absolute ball..................
the best part is Leanne and Rosie are coming back again next year.......................woohoo.............
......................now for the shopping, my sewing and more stay tuned.............oh and I nearly forgot I have a very special treat for a friend..............
............Fairy girl says my voice sounds different tonight............I think it is due to all the chatting............lol...........I am exhausted.............goodnight.............
..............take care...........