Saturday 30 December 2023

Annette's Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge list.............

Annette's already regretting this list but it will just be working on the project in the month............mind you she has achieve great things before so she could get a "miracle" finish............

 1. Owl and Hare Hollow
2. Grey abbey 
 3. Santa, the tree, the Turkey and me
4. Letter to my daughter
5. Tea and Cake
6. Nature's Journey
7. Dancing chickens, flying pigs
8. Sunshine and lollipops
9. Mrs Billings Coverlet
10. Pretty Circle Game 

I know nearly all those quilts and they have lots of work.........

Goodluck Annette NSW....


Friday 29 December 2023

Chookshed Stitchers Christmas Zoom Sewing Day.........

What a wonderful day we had on Wednesday catching up with everyone on zoom.........great roll up for the day..........

I think we had 32 people pop in and out during the day..........

These are just a couple of pics i took during the day................

I did a little bit of sewing on my machine but really I talked way to much.........which was great and so needed..........catching up with people........

Here is a pic of some cementing I got done for my christmas present.......may have even had to push wheel barrows of cement or several on Christmas day to get it BUT it is done...........the Chooks are going to be so much happier with this floor in the Chook house...........

OK I'm fluffing today............Mr Chooky mowed yesterday and I put the hoses on............more watering this morning and doing some jobs...........I am now in the Chookshed as it's going to be hot and maybe stormy later today......there's horrible wind out there at present...........zapping the moisture out of included.....
what's everyone up to.........there was a chance I may have had a visitor arriving today but that's not happening.......maybe tomorrow........and I have more visitors tomorrow so before they arrive I may just be able to sneak in a zoom in the morning (afternoon/evening on the flip side).....They all have long trips to get to me.............I'll see how I go....keep an eye on your emails...........

OMG only a couple of days until we find out what number we are working on for January........are you joining the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge???

Catch you later........
PS trying to catch up on some blog reading......but it is way out of control......

Wednesday 27 December 2023

The things you say yes too...........Chookshed Stitchers Challenge!!!

So while on zoom today with the Chookshed Stitchers I made the right "choice" and signed up to Deana's Challenge...........

Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge........ 

Deana has all the details on her blog post here as she is hosting us.......

The logo is on my sidebar..........

So my list is as follows............

1. Churn Dash 2

2. Double Churn Dash

3. Lucy

4. Chapel Street

5. Kiwi Birds

6. SS 2023 bag

5. Floral Quilt (old project)

8. Peace on Earth Christmas Stitchery (Anni Downs)

9. Blue Lanterns

10. Moda Love mini

so there it is.........I may or may not come back and edit to add some pics but mostly I will just be working on the project not finishing it............

So if you want to join us feel free to join in............just need to be a blogger and post your list on your blog and let myself or Deana know that your joining in the crazy fun, encouraging and supporting each other to get sewing on some projects.............

1st of each month Deana will post the number for the month and that's what we will be working on...........but go read her blog post now........

I'll be back to report on Chookshed Stitchers Zoom Sewing Day.........we've had a great roll up so far..........over 30 ladies popping in and out today..........its been wonderful.........inspiring and fun........and I even got a little bit of sewing done.......

Take care.........

Catch you later..........


Tuesday 26 December 2023

Chookshed Christmas zoom sewing.............

Hi everyone...... 

Don't be shocked but I am back for now............

Here's our "Christmas Tree" yes I went super basic this year as it was a very quiet Christmas here.............

I am going to host a sewing day for the Chookshed Stitchers....tomorrow 27trh Dec......Now we are not an exclusive're welcome to join in......but you need to be a blogger to join.........

(please note the funny faces they give for the times....)

So what to do.........

wear you pretty Christmas outfit (or not)....i'll be wearing one of my new dresses.........

Bring your Christmas food - breakfast, lunch or dinner........

I'll have trifle.....(for breakfast lunch and dinner)...............

Bring your champagne, mulled wine, tea, water........

Bring your Christmas CHEER and your Christmas traditions........

I'll be up bright and early......

See you soon.......


PS I am hoping this to be a big sewing pop in or out when you can...........i'll send the invite when I get up............

Saturday 9 December 2023

nature as nothing else to report......

While we missed a heavy quick fall to fill the dams we have had some wonderful rain..... Things were beautiful and green......... 
The last few days have been around 40 so things are drying out and starting to go brown..... 
Lots of different fungi have popped up while it was still wet......
Some lovely sunrises and sunsets.....
The wild orange have been flowering....... My favourite bush tree.....
With a few more twists in life and busy days I'll call this my last post before Christmas.......
Who knows when I'll be back but I'm in need of some sewing time......i was supposed to be having a real sewing day with friends today but it all got canned.......
Have a great Christmas.....
I'll be in touch when we can zoom again.......
Time is over due for the Chookshed Stitchers to gather........
Catch you later.......

Friday 24 November 2023

Retreat dreaming QLD..........

I'm back home..............not a lot of words..........
the last couple of weeks have been like a yoyo..........
We meet up with Maureen at a random park along the way (as I mentioned last post)............
Found the dream location for a Quilt retreat business...........need to win lotto........or find a friend with lots of money..........succeeded in neither so far..........
visited a stunning old homestead "Glengallen Homestead" who clearly also needs lots more money spent on her...........

loved the stair case............
the features speak for themselves.........
ate to much food.......
enjoyed wonderful company........
actually used a sewing machine........again......
ate more food...........
took my partner in crime all things quilty........
chopped fabric for Susan and myself........
more sewing..........
required therapy so brought fabric - probably cost less
loved the company and being inspired by everyone's projects.............
chain piecing for Chapel Street
worked on Starburst............
made a big mess.........with Susan's help.....
more food.........chocolate mug cake and macadamia icecream..........
channeled Janet...........please note a tiny ruler........
although the pieces maybe to big for her liking..........I may also regret this when I start to size them up......
came home a day earlier then planned and missed a sleep over with Annette.........
Had a stunning glow for yesterday's sunrise...........
Also enjoyed 2 inches of rain and hoping for a few more - lets see if we can fill the dam...........unbelievably we have rain forecast for the next is possible.....
Have a great weekend..........
I'll be watching the grass grow.......It's a sight to behold..........
Catch you later.....

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Bits and pieces and big dreams............


Lots of storms over the last week but only 7ml of rain all up..... Some spectacular lighting shows......

I got all the bright fabrics cut for the star burst quilt
Janet sent me some of her gorgeous soap

.... How cool is this bee one......

A few chocolate treats and a piece of fabric.... Perfect thanks heaps Janet......
I've got to visit a few patchwork shops..... It's wonderful to really be in a shop.......

A few purchases may have been made..... Also catching up with friends...... Breaky with Maree and lunch with Fiona and Kris...... Just forgot to take any pics...... Crazy....   

Oops forgot to publish........ So now more has happened....

Had a catch up with Maureen also along the road..... We met at a park...... One thing leads to another and I found an open house so we went for a look...... OMG perfect place to hold retreats......... Does anyone have any spare $$$$$

The girls at retreat are probably sick of hearing about my dream....... We have 4 of us that could go into this together....... But we don't have the $$$$

So I'm off to buy a lotto ticket today.... Wish me luck.....

But I can tell you I've got so many ideas and plans for that place already...... The girls are probably sick of me

But a girls got to dream right.....

So tell me your dream retreat location.......

I'm too busy sewing to share more now.....

Take care.......

Catch you later...... 


Saturday 28 October 2023

Just what I needed.............

I've been writing this post all week.........anyway better late than never.......
I decided that I needed to have some time with friends so zoom was the solution.....saved driving anywhere and where was I going to go anyway......zoom involves no driving........
I worked on this kit that a friend sent me...........It's a pattern from the book Jelly Roll Jam.......
i'll share more another day but I think I am taking that one to retreat with me if I don't start sewing it before then..........still more cutting to do..........this was just the fabric sections worked out.......1/2 of the strips are cut into their required cuts now.......
massive excitement of Saturday morning was twins.............
Bridget has twins........proud Ma here........I did share some pics and a little video when I was online with the girls............they were only maybe 6hrs old here............trying to work out drinking........funny to watch as Bridget is trying to encourage them but keeps turning around to look at them and moving around in
Mr Bluetongue was out and about..........I tried to take a little video of him but I missed him poking his tongue out.......its so blue.......
I was a bit lost and I really just wanted to sew and not think so I pulled out this jelly roll........
Simplicity by 3 Sisters........they have such pretty fabrics.......
I decided to make a jelly roll race quilt.........let me tell you this was no race unless it was between snails but of I loved it..........
I used Fairy Girls new machine and it was lovely..........
(it's a few years old now but I had not used it)
So pretty............
Even the pile on the floor was pretty............
But I did get it finished before I left zoom..........thanks friends I sure felt better after that time together..........and your support was greatly appreciated.........
<<<<<<<<<<<>>NOW TO THIS WEEKEND>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I wanted to find some fabrics for borders.......
so I pulled out two boxes of pretties...........
BUT what I found was another quilt I started a very long time ago.......maybe now it is an antique???
long before I knew of standard block sizes........more on that another day.......
BUT I started cutting fabrics to finish that quilt instead because in order to finish the jelly roll quilt I need to sort what fabrics I will use in the "antique" quilt............
I cut lots of squares for the blocks............and I just realised I am so dumb as I need 2 squares for all the blocks to be finished so I need to cut heaps more...........lucky I have not put them away yet...........
Finally Bridget made her way around the back of the house this morning with her babies..........they have grown heaps in the week.........both boys and no they do not have names.........they will be sold in a year......they will be referred to as Bridgets boys........
Apologies for those who join zoom as your not really getting any notice when I will pop on but I just take a chance and jump on when I grab a chance..........
thanks to those who have joined in...........even if I was getting a bit of a ribbing this morning from a names mentioned but Betty and Lou may know who that was............LOL
Ok must go back to study now.........
It's a lovely sunny day here.......not to hot, not to cold and not blowing a gale..........the weather is ridiculous lately..........some beautiful gentle soaking rain is desperately needed..........
Catch you later........