Tuesday 31 May 2022

Housekeeping and Double Trouble............

Its all Ellen's fault @ So Sew Ellen .......I was just helping her fix a little blog thing and she said I have a questions about the Churn Dash SAL........she mentioned she was thinking of a double churn dash (what the hell is that???? search double churn dash block).......was that alright to make......yes absolutely but OMG that dam block has been in my mind the rest of the week and I even watched the video of how they made it......really it was all down hill from there........
It got the better of me on zoom sewing and I made one.......these blocks are big......they are 20 inch finished...........
What do you think????? the problem then was I was asked if this my Churn Dash I am making for the SAL...............uuuummmmmmmmmmmm woops no........
so are you making this one instead.......uuuuuummmmmmmmm no
so how many blocks you making...........uuuummmmmmmmmm not sure maybe 9 or 12 or 16????
so your making making this one and the other one............uuuuuuuummmmmmmmm woops yes......
you can see the colours much better here..........and it's a light grey background............
I cut another 7 blocks and need to cut the grey now...........

1. If I have not replied to you and you have left a comment then you are "no reply" and I cannot reply to you Mary, Kris, Annemarie, CozyQuilts, Phillis, whoever else I have missed i know there are more
2. You do need to be a blogger to take part in zoom and the Churn Dash Sew-a-long........
3. I cannot find a way for you to hit a button and follow my blog except via Feedly......
Feedly is an easy to use RSS service..........you just add in all the blogs you want to follow and it shows you the new posts by those you follow.....I am not searching out an email service and trying to add that option. I don't have time at the moment. The feature that I am sure was in blogger is no longer there...........
4. If you're not a blogger clearly you read my blog so start a blog its easy...........start blogging and make new friends......
OK that's it for me for now..........
What a freezing week it's going to be (in my part of the world).....fires burning........we did have to get more wood but didn't have to take the bikes this time..........
This photo was from last time.........baskets added to the bike racks to pile in some wood........
Winter sure is starting off with a blast.......
Keep the love of blogging alive.........
Catch you later.........
PS thanks for all the gorgeous comments on my wookshed/nine patch quilt post......I think I have got back to everyone now..........

Sunday 29 May 2022

celebrations, cutting, cake, churn.............

Thank goodness zoom was yesterday because the early temps are way lower this morning......a very chilly week is coming up......
CELEBRATIONS with friends of the Chookshed's 10th birthday
Zoom was a full of great progress for everyone.....
CUTTING lots of fabrics for two projects as it turned out in the end.......
Lots of 1930s squares to add to a project..... 
So pretty all lined up here......
Love my bloc-loc ruler..... First time I have used it and I'm in love....
Once I remembered to sit the ruler the right way.....
CAKE as per tradition made by Mick...... complete with sparkler...... thanks heaps
CHURN Dash chatter......I blame Ellen for this double churn dash ..... More about it in another post.......
As Gail calls us the "Chookshed Stitchers" we had 32 bloggers popping in and out during the day...... From Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Norway, UK, USA
Keep the love of blogging alive......
Catch you later.....
PS Still behind on emails..........maybe tomorrow i'll catch up if it rains...........

Friday 27 May 2022

zoom link

Still in the woolshed.... Crutching today.......wigging and crutching...... Basically a hair trim around the head and a run around the wooly bun oops bum......... 
Behind in emails but the zoom link will be sent out before it starts don't worry..........
A pic from yesterday arvo......

Thursday 26 May 2022

Googy's Nine Patch Quilt and the wool shed......

No 8/9 quilts that needed to be bound....this one was finished weeks ago....I finally snapped these pics a few days ago while doing some sheep work at the woolshed.........then just had to find the time to write the post..............
needed a sunny day as it is dull enough in there.......
Mr Chooky thinks I have completely lost the plot and why would i take a clean quilt to a dusty greezy (lanolin) woolshed........I did tell him its a dark quilt and it does need to be washed so all good...........
the woolshed is old and full of old worn timber.........
Anyway onto the quilt...........this was made from blocks in Googy Girls Traditional Nine Patch Swap in 2013........the only person besides myself who is still blogging that was part of this swap is Fiona @ Bubz Rugz
Quilted by Betty back in 2020 I found a post here......which also told me who quilted Friendship Kisses Quilt so I updated that post too......you can see a little bit of the baptist fan quilt design here......
During shearing........that pile at the bottom of the pic is the the loose bits of wool that comes off when shearing........it all ends up in a bale...........
Anyway the quilt top went together when I was still highly motivated after the crazy Christmas sewing blitz of 2017..........so early 2018 when I was doing my 10mins a day it happened..........
There's a good summary of the quilt here when I got to the top stage.......
I do love finding the posts about my quilts to pull it together...........
The press keeps compressing the wool until the bale is full.......once you get so much in it pins go in to help hold it down also until it is full enough......
Well wool goes into the wool press so I thought my quilt could here here also........can't remember if this one has wool batting or not..........you need these presses to compact the wool into the bales......you can see a bale full of wool in the first photo......at the wool stores they have bigger ones that compacts 3 of these bales into one.....better for transporting to other countries for processing.........a wool bale must weigh between a certain weight.......140 and 200kg.....if they go over 204kg you need to pull some wool out.......otherwise you will get in trouble at the wool store......
I was trying to find different spots to take the pics in the woolshed........these are wool bins........so when you have several different grades/lines of wool and you have one press you can put the piles in here until you have enough to press a full bale.......
the floors are grated where the sheep are held so when they wee and poo it falls thru the gaps.........sheep poo is about a pea size..........
if you can be bothered to get under the shed and pull some out it is great for the gardens..........we did collect some years ago but its not my favourite job............
the head gear in the background that powers the shearers hand pieces............
And since we have been shearing lambs this week here are the shearers..........unfortunately one day we didn't have a roustabout so I had to roustabout........it was a long day.........
in our shed the roustabout pens up the sheep, picks up the fleeces (maybe I picked up 1/3rd I was protesting a bit Mr Chooky had to pick them up), sweeps the floor in between each sheep they shear, odd jobs, helps on the wool table sometimes........opps missed a pic of that........you can just see it in the background to the right.........its big and the fleece gets thrown on that to get skirted........skirting any stained/dirty bits of the fleece around the edges pulling them off at this stage.......once the fleece is right then the wool classer classes what line it will go in............That's Mr Chooky in our case but a lot of sheds have a wool classer come in to do that also.....you need to do a course to get that qualification and it needs to be renewed every few years............I don't love the wool table......actually I don't love the woolshed.......I like to flit thru and do a little job or two......have a yarn and maybe pen up and get out of there.......mustering is my preferred shearing job...............
anyway that's it............onto the quilt details........
Name Googy's Nine Patch Quilt
Size 77in x 77in
Started 2013-2022
Group quilt link here to those who participated
Quilted by Betty
only one more quilt to share from the 9 originals....I have the pics just need to write the post.........and I need to find an extra to help hold up one of the new ones as it's a pretty big quilt......Mr Chooky's arms are not long enough......
There are some takers for the Chookshed Birthday Party so that's great.......the thought of sewing all day Saturday is what's getting me thru all this sheep work...........got to go muster some sheep now......
Keep the love of blogging alive
Catch you later......

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Up for a party???

 SO the Chookshed is turning 10 next week........hopefully it won't rain and the girls can get here for the usual retreat weekend BUT this Saturday (my time) we will  start the celebrations.........
If you new here my Chookshed does have a birthday every year.........I celebrate that fact I have my sewing space as I never thought I would get anything close to this...........
I really cannot believe it is its 10th Birthday............

This weekend we will start the celebrations with a zoom party......I used to have people sewing at home the same weekend as me and then we would share a blog post of what we made over that time......
It was great to see what others had sewn and knowing we were sewing separately but together over that weekend was pretty cool..........
If you have not joined us before your welcome to join but you need to be a blogger.......sorry if your not but that is how we have connected........
Since covid in 2020 and 2021 we did zoom sewing days........they were so much fun too so we cannot miss out this year once again......if you don't want to zoom online with us sew along at home instead and then do a post and show us what you made after the weekend.........

The party will start 6am AEST my time on Saturday morning..........not sure it will be as long as the last two which were crazy but it should be a long one anyway......

As usual put the family or whoever on notice that your out of action.........prep some food that's easy so you don't have to go cook dinner.........(some of you are way to kind or i'm neglectful) 

I wonder if Mick's  (@Jannimary) free to cook the birthday cake again????

So are you coming to the party?????


PS Ma Betty I cannot contact you as you don't have an email or blog connected to your name...........

Monday 23 May 2022

catch up

I have nothing much quilty to show just to talk about...........
There are 25 of us to support and encourage each other along in the SAL...........
seems a few were teetering on the edge and a kind nudge pushed them over........sometimes this has a domino effect hey Susan @ Susan's Sewing Space
there could be one or two still thinking.........
I originally found the fabric on the right for my next possible background........I was worrying that it was too dark....but then I sat the one I used on it............lol.......not much darker surprisingly............in my reorganising of the Chookshed I found the one on the left...........both have enough yardage for the background.............the one in the left could be winning at present............
back to the SAL............
If we can get our fabrics and have the first lot done by the end of June that would be wonderful............
some have ordered some fabric awaiting delivery...........others just a little busy to start right now but can very soon..........hence the end of June for the first lot.............
check and see if your name is on the sidebar of my blog top right.........also that your link works..........
once you have done that you can check out some of the other girls.......some have done a post already..........
This week ended with another social gathering............I got a sudden text from Helen who was passing thru my part of the world...(one of the Scrub Stitchin' girls)......so we had lunch and spent the afternoon together............
that was a lovely surprise outing........
arriving home this was the west..........red glow from sunset.........and the stars shining strong..........
my phone is amazing.........
On the sewing front nothing has happened as I have been reorganising stuff in the chookshed...........it looked like a bomb had exploded for a few days....you know when a bit of this ends up here and there and its not together with its buddies........like fabrics are more together now.......it was long due and i'm waning on the last so some stuff may just get shoved into a box to get rid of them (sort later) and clear the deck so I can sew again.............but things are so much better.........
It is a little overwhelming what I have and what I found to finish.........BUT........i've plenty of options......and reinspired on some stuff I found......just need another 100hrs in my week and I might start to make headway...........
Keep the love of blogging alive...........
Catch you later..........

Friday 20 May 2022

an adventure

well I got my little car out............slowly............there are some deep tracks thankfully I avoided those.........they will just be pools next rain.....which could be next week.........
and for those that ask yes our road is supposed to get graded..........
but it is rare and they are beyond a maintenance grade now and need some new top soil that is better also.............can't see that happening.............
BUT back to the story as I was getting ready to go Lianne @ Lianne Makes Stuff commented on a couple of posts............
the bell rung in my head.............wonder if she wants to meet at the new patchwork shop.........YES GIRLS you read that right..........NEW PATCHWORK SHOP...........The Crafters Cottage
normally this would be an hour away from me but I cannot go out that road with the road conditions..........and a creek in the way so I had to go the long way..........which would be twice the distance......couple hours nearly........but hey what's a girl to do......she's been stuck at home for a week and its a NEW patchwork shop.........Lianne says yes...........so its a play date all set..........
(it's roughly 1/2 way between us........)
so exciting.......its going to be a lovely shop..........she's getting fabrics in all the time...........and i like what she has so far...........threads and plenty of other bits and pieces that you need also..........plus some shashiko so I got one and sent off to my niece.........I must finish the ones I have before I buy another one.........
lovely wide backs which I rarely see (missed taking a pic of those) 
 I got one for my drunkards path quilt......
this is where I was supposed to go for a workshop last week when it rained and i couldn't go......
so nice to go and have time to check out the shop...........
for the wool lovers she also has a lovely wool corner............
Just to the left of the wool corner is the walk way to the classroom...............
the shop is nice and bright too........
After we did damage at the shop we enjoyed lunch together............
Was nice to meet Lianne and she's just as lovely as she's been on zoom........
maybe we can meet up again another day.........
Lianne's joining the Churn Dash SAL and she brought some lovely fabrics for her quilt......so that was fun........I got a small piece of fabric that could be a possible sashing.......
now until end of June will be choosing your fabrics and making the first lot of blocks........
I have started a list of names on the sidebar........it will turn into a linked list once I get time to organise it........there are still names to add to it but I have been busy.........theres at least 10-12 of us I think so far......I have some emails to reply to also..........

Keeping the love of blogging alive..........
Catch you later.......

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Churn Dash SAL?????

Edit SAL closed

Are you up for a Sew-a-long????
After discussions on zoom on the weekend I have been churning a few more thoughts.......
I'm sure there could be 5 of us Jeanette, Lou, Maria and Ellen joining me......Lou is definitely in.... I'm going to do a Churn Dash Sew-a-long....... Gosh hope I didn't miss someone.....
The one we are starting from will be 32 blocks....(9in blocks)
So 8 blocks each month is the guide for 4 months and then the 5th month put it together?????
That's my thoughts so far.......
If you want to make it bigger just make a few more blocks each month....... No pressure at all......
So interesting in joining in????
Keep the love of blogging alive......
Catch you later.......

Monday 16 May 2022

Blueberry Pie Quilt

7/9 the quilt show continues..........this one was finished week before last.......still catching up on posts..........
Blueberry Pie was started at another Nundle retreat back in 2007........woops 15 years later
the pattern is from The Pattern Basket - Butterscotch Pie 
Me being me had to change it to BLUEberry pie..........
Started here it uses the tri rec rulers..........
Progress was made once I got home from retreat but pretty sure it then got shoved into a bag with frustration and tossed aside for way too long until once again the crazy sewing frenzy post Christmas 2017 came to the rescue.............see here
The Tri Rec rulers let you create a curved effect without curved seams............
I found a link to them here
I went down the creek again but this time I got attacked by mozzies so this was a very quick photo shoot.........(this was before last weeks rain they are worse now)
sunset just after the photo shoot..............
Lucky I had the quilt in a bag as I dumped it on a fence post while I went and moved some sheep.............
This tree was a great tree to hang a quilt on but I had to stand on the bike..............
then the grass was very long and it was warm and I was wary of snakes so I then moved the bike around to try and find the right angle to take the pics..............and then line up with the log again to get the quilt off............also hoping you don't fall off the side off the side of the bike reaching up to the log.........OMG the things i do............
I did find two great logs but this first one was even worse for mozzies so I left it.............
12 pies all baked........ready to keep someone warm...............
Started 2007 finished 2022
Quilted by Betty Field
Fabric - mixed
size 84 x 70in
Pattern Butterscotch Pie by The Pattern Basket
Keep the love of blogging alive.....
Catch you later.......

Sunday 15 May 2022

zoom sewing day.....

It was a big day once again and I got lots of sewing done too so even better.......
Its just too wet to do anything around the farm so I signed off for the day........
The garden light catching the drips of water on the trees was pretty.......its was so wet with dew but not raining............this was when I headed out to the Chookshed to start zoom...........
zoom kicked off bright and early as usual and I was working on the binding I had attached on Friday afternoon..........I started stitching it down Friday night and got it finished first up Saturday morning on zoom.............
At one point I could not get out the door due to Bridget blocking the door.........
she loves camping on the deck..........
once that binding was finished I started on Miss Elizabeth............I had found some fabrics in a box that needed to be glued so I did that then I thought I would join them............
by the end of the day I got the three rows joined up............there was only about 10 joined at the start of the day............I realised I need 4 sets of this and I only have 3 sets made so need to cut some more fabrics for a few more hexies.......that would explain why I had spare hexies..........woops.......
zoom was a wonderful mix of girls popping in and out all day...........
with so many time zones you never know whos popping in when..........
some stay up really late........others rise super early.........35 girls from 7 countries joined in and it is amazing how wide and varied our topics are during the day..........and we are always learning something about another country............
This was the creek on Friday afternoon and it is the same or slightly higher this morning............
it was such a warm day yesterday I had to turn the air on on in the Chookshed for a few patches........cloudy again this morning...........hoping for some dry days so I can go to town...............
Check out a few new patchwork shops..........
ok best go find a quilt binding, cut some more hexies and photograph a few quilts if I can find mud free spots.............
Have a wonderful Sunday...........
Keep the love of blogging alive.......
Catch you later.......
PS I will be starting a new scrappy churn dash quilt if anyone wants to join me.......theres a few keen.........

Friday 13 May 2022

binding marathon ends......

I hope you are sitting down........I cannot believe this myself but I have finished the 9 quilts that I had waiting to bind.........
Such a good feeling to have them all finished......
I have Blueberry Pie to share still and now I need to photograph the two I finished in the last 2 days but it's been raining so that will have to wait until it dries a little.......and I have some other posts to share anyway.............so here's a recap..........in did snap a quick pic of the ends of the last two I finished......
Yellow Moda Love Quilt (needs a name it did get called Christmas Star but that's not really suiting it.....).......suggestions for a name please!!!!!!
Googy's Nine Patch.......
Blueberry Pie..........
Churn Dash.....  
Citrus Punch..........
Friendship Kisses..........
Tilda Orange..........
FG Love.........
Framed at Fifty
That's the whole nine in the pile done now.........
Easter until 12th May......
two missing that have been gifted away already..........
Don't forget zoom is on tomorrow.......hope to see you there.........if I continue to have someone to talk to it will be a BIG day...........comment on the post back a couple that has the details if you want to join.........link here
Off to the Chookshed.....need to add the binding to these two quilts that I got back on the weekend.........it never ends.......lol.......but these are new ones..........
Keep the love of blogging alive.........
Catch you later.....