Saturday 26 March 2022


Forever grateful for the humble cotton plant..........It creates so much joy for me.....its allowed me to make friendships......have this blog....create beautiful many things........
This is a cotton boll...........cotton plants in crops are much bigger then my little plant usually little plant is only about 30cm high........but it is still alive into it's second year and bigger then it was last year........
Last year I got one cotton boll..........this year looks like I might get 6 all together..........
nice healthy plant......
Its even survived a trim from "Bridget".......she was naughty and got into the garden........
And look what you can buy from cotton...........I did have a voucher from my birthday last year and got carried away at "The Home Patch" and brought a bundle..........
For now I just keep patting the fabrics..........but i'll decide on something soon hopefully........
What do you have to thank cotton for on this rainy Saturday morning????
Catch you later...........

Saturday 19 March 2022

2011 memories......

Still one of my favourite pics........4th girls day in the country..... Where the year before we decided to make Gardeners Journal...... Anni Downs Hatched and Patched being the designer...........

It was cool to see everyone's versions...... The same but all different.....

Miss these girls..... Lea will be at retreat this year.......

11 years ago today........

Catch you later ......


Friday 18 March 2022


Just thought I should pop in since it's been awhile........
Just busy with life like everyone else............Enjoying stunning sunsets driving home one day........
Checking out the cows and all the wonderful feed they have.........rolling fat......
We got a bit of rain last night that will freshen things up too......
I recently had a trip away for work with the floods.......
As all roads were closed into the area it was an adventurous trip to get there........
A plane flight over the mountains.........really they are so cool from the air..........
The coast the stop of our second leg of the trip...........
Then it was hours of waiting for a helicopter to take us the last of the trip.........the only transport available into the northern rivers area of extreme flooding..........
Please note this is a LONG was from my home...I was not affected at all..........
This photo is just after we flew over Grafton............
This area is just south of Lismore.............just so much water.............
thousands of houses flooded............some completely destroyed...........many much cleaning up and work to do..........
A week later I flew out and there is still so much water flooding the land...........
livestock drowned........businesses flooded and equipment destroyed............
This is Ballina the end of one of the rivers............the dirty water flooding out into the many towns and little communities flooded..........the water in Lismore was 2metres higher then ever recorded I think............thats a lot more water.............
I'll end with this gorgeous flower I found out on the farm the other day...........
it was veiled in fine grasses and looks so delicate...........
In super exciting news........
19 sleeps until Scrub Stitchin' retreat.....the countdown is on.............
Most girls will be there on the Wed now so its basically a day longer now......
I'm not complaining at all........more time to sew.......
Catch you later.........