Way back in 2007 when I started blogging I would never have thought I would still be doing it 15 years later...........I would have told you you were crazy to think that............
This post might be meeting Jude@News From Jude standard of length so get a glass of bubbles or a cuppa and settle in..........
Sometimes it feels like the years have gone in the blink of an eye.........other times it seems so long ago.....and I will never forget the first international comment I got...I was so shocked......goodness knows why I was shocked but I just lived in such a small world..........
This post might be meeting Jude@News From Jude standard of length so get a glass of bubbles or a cuppa and settle in..........
Sometimes it feels like the years have gone in the blink of an eye.........other times it seems so long ago.....and I will never forget the first international comment I got...I was so shocked......goodness knows why I was shocked but I just lived in such a small world..........
This was the first photo I posted..... The view out my window from my desk top computer....I carried a little point and shoot camera everywhere and I download my pics to the computer...... We used Picasa web albums....... (loved Picasa it was so simple and easy to use to file and edit photos).......BUT my internet ended up being so slow it used to take about 20mins to upload one photo...... It was a huge improvement when I was told how to email photos to my blog to do a post......I could do a post SOOOOOO much quicker... Photos are essential to every blog post....... So essential that one time when the my camera broke bloggers from around the world sent me pics and I would use them in my posts...... It was actually quite fun to see what someone had sent me......
Now days I take most of my photos on my phone.........and I can even blog from my phone.......technology has changed so much over the years.......
My first blog meet up ever was at a Melbourne quilt show in 2008......
Jodie@ Ric RAC who I didn't know came with get friend Annie @ Flower Garden and Tracey @Oz Country Quilting Mum......I thought we'd meet for morning tea and then be off and doing our own thing....... So wrong.... Morning tea was taking so long we decided to start looking around and keep chatting....... We spent the whole day today we had so much fun...... I'm still in contact with Annie and Tracey, Jodie and I caught up at several shows in the following years........ There's a post here.......
This meet set me up for the most wonderful friendships that have withstood so many years and many many more meets with bloggers..........
The pic about was taken at Sydney quilt show in 2012.......a great round up of bloggers........There's been some fun times at the quilt shows...........hopefully those days will return but not sure at present...........
I've always met up with someone there...........since we are all scattered so much it was a good meeting point.......slightly weird when someone random would ask if you were "Chookyblue" but lovely to meet people who read me blog.......
I hosted 11 Secret Santa Christmas Swap's from 2007-2017.............100's of ladies joined in from around the world.........one year there was 180 ladies...........
you still talk of gifts given in a swap and friendships made during the swap still continue...........
Jenny @ Bird on the Border even met her swap partner Denice @ Denice's Day where she took a trip to America...........I have a wonderful collection of ornaments on my Christmas tree from this along with the beautiful gifts I received over the years..........
Sadly it stopped during the drought as I could not manage running the swap........
and now with covid the post is so unreliable and the costs have gone up so much........
Over the years I have participated in many swaps......some of the themes - pincushions, bags, nine patch blocks, tea.......
Another wonderful 10 years of blog meets was held in conjunction with Girls Day in the Country (GDITC) organised by Kerry Swain from Cottage on the Hill....2008-2017......The pic above was from the first one held in May from memory...... Such a fun night but it was so cold we had every blanket from every room in the pub on us....... After this Kerry moved it to March.....
All the group pics from GDITC are here
We all travelled such long distances to spend time together.........so many laughs.......
So many fun memories....... Mr Chooky always asked how a one day workshop took 3 days......
At the first GDITC some of us were chatting and decided we would make Anni's Gardener's Journal quilt before we all come back together next GDITC............
From that the Stitch-A-Long blog was born............
From 2010-2017 6 SAL's were run there while many quilts were finished there are some out there still to be completed...one of those is my Natures Journey......one day it will get finished........
OMG...........the shopping trips with bloggers............always coming home with more then needed and encouraging others to also get to much........LOL
I just can't find the first pic but 4 of us had lunch in Bathurst I think in 2010........when I blogged about that some others said they would love to join if we do it again.............that just kept growing also..........from 2010-2013 we drove hundreds of KM's to meet for lunch and all travel home to various part of NSW.......goodness knows what took us so long but in 2014 we found a great venue and one lunch turned into a weekend............
I hosted from 2014-2016 when Deb @ Frog Cottage Designs took over due to my changing commitments for education for Fairy Girl.........that and drought meant I didn't get back and then when I have thought I could covid interrupted things.........if Deb goes again I hope to get there..........
Such a mix of people at times but we have always had such fun..........
Friendships i've made over the years means that when I travel somewhere I try and catch up with blog friends.............
This one was particularly special as I met up with the Brisssy Bloggers when Holly came to visit Australia from Canada............
Besides the great feeling of finishing a quilt the other wonderful part is taking it for a photo shoot............my assistant Fairy Girl loved this also.........
Speaking of Fairy Girl shes turned into a beautiful young lady now.........and I am so pleased that she also has a love of quilting and assures me when I die she can take care of the stash........and will treasure my quilts..........Mind you Book Worm has also turned into a wonderful young man loves the quilts I make for him also...........even if he thinks i'm crazy.......
In the first few years I spent many days on the road droving ( feeding cattle along a roadside)
While I was clean in the mornings I would stitch in the car.........
Years ago I picked up Curly Pops half dead.............she became such a special calf and an even more special cows........she was so quiet.........she featured on the blog for years along with her babies......
Carol and I even took a trip to Melbourne for an amazing quilt show of antique quilts..............
meeting up with bloggers there also........
A random lady emailed me about Girls Day in the Country........ After I confirmed she was genuine I replied and we meet - still friends to this day...... Helped her start up a blog...... Encouraged strongly for her to follow her dreams....... Shiralee Stitches was born....... Sandy quit her teaching and runs the business now...... She's even built a workshop/shop on her property........
From little things big things grow......
Through your support and connections 350 quilts were collected and distributed to those affected by the Warrumbungles fire in 2013...... The remaining kids quilts ended up at a preschool in the Blue Mountains later in the year....... The remain kids there had been evacuated in a fire truck when a bushfire hit......
Crazy fun party times......
Meeting up to farewell a friend......
When Girls Day in the Country ended I was trying to work out how we could continue to meet.........I had this venue in mind for years and finally a plan came into play..........Scrub Stitchin' was born..........a mixture of bloggers, bloggers friends and other sewing friends I have.........
many bloggers don't blog now but we still keep in touch.....
we also have so many different styles and skills but it is wonderful to share with everyone...........
they even trusted me when I took them on a mystery bus tour.........this one ended up in a tour of the Sculptures in the Pilliga.........
I even branched out and designed a project for the first year with Sonia
10 years ago Mr Chooky pulled a shed down at his brothers, packed it up on the back of a truck and brought it home..... Just like a "Meccano set" we put it back together..... Every year I celebrate......I never ever thought I would be so fortunate to have the space....... And friends invite themselves to come and stay with me for the weekend.........
Way to much food.......
Floods and dust storms you've been on the journey with me............
you've help keep my sanity over the years...........
celebrating the highs and supporting the lows.........
I've driven you nuts with all kinds of nature pics over the years.......
you just never know what I will share...........
And quite a few sunsets/ sunrises have been posted here also.....
You have copped whatever has been happening on the farm..............
The sheep, the cows, the crops............
These cuties are always popular........kept extra warm by the random readers of this blog who made and sent some lamb jumpers................
Sadly Covid hit the world early 2020....... It's still controlling out lives with some patches way worse then others...... It's stopped some parts of the world altogether in lockdowns.......
The upside of Covid is I thought to zoom......
Firstly it was for the girls who were supposed to be attending Scrub Stitchin' as it had to be cancelled due to Covid.....
After that I started having open ones on my blog.......20 months later we are still meeting........
Building friendships..........see and talking to blog friends that I have been reading blogs for years.........some as long as I have been blogging..........also making new friendships....
Hand projects are the easiest for me to work on while chatting away on zoom.........
Many hours have been spent on Blue Lanterns and now Lucy...............
I want to thank you all for the wonderful friendships you have given over the years..........
I want to thank you for the inspirations, advice, motivation and support............without your interaction this would not be as much fun..........
it's taken ages to get this post written but it has been so much fun going back thru photos and refreshing the memory........I will be pulling my blog books out this week and flicking thru the pages........
As I have too much on this weekend in the next week or two I will be hosting a zoom to celebrate the milestone.............you can all join the party..........
But for today I will sit back and enjoy a wine and I will be thankful for what you and blogging has given me...........
Catch you later...........
Oh my goodness what a wonderful post Chooky.... lots of great memories. Made me look back at my own blog, I've been blogging since 2006 which I hadn't thought about for such a long time..... thanks for reminding me of fun and terrific friendships made.
Really, have we been going for 15 years? LOL I just had to look, my first post was on 8th July 2007.
Like you, sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes a whole life has gone by. My children are grown up and living out in the world. Between them I have 5 grand children.
It's been a great experience, like you I've met some bloggers in person and found them to be wonderful people. Zoom has been a great experience, thank you for all the organising you do for that, and all the things you have organised for us in the past too.
Here's to the next 15 years, lets keep blogging alive.
What a great post, full of memories! I have enjoyed 'seeing' you on Zoom. I think Zoom is the one silver lining to this awful pandemic. Keep sewing and sharing your Aussie life!! I really enjoy the posts about your farming life.
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging. A wonderful post full of fabulous memories..
I enjoyed meeting you and joining in the swaps and SALs and seeing you and all the ladies on your Zoom meetings and maybe one day we'll met in person......
Hugs Maria.
What a fun post... lots of great memories for you.....
Such lovely memories of 15 years! It was fun meeting you in Melbourne and one day I still hope to make it up your way! Now you're making me go down a rabbit hole to see when I started blogging, lol! I think it was July 2006.... I had a few other blogs before this one... xx
Wow! I look forward to celebrating with you on the next Zoom meet. :-D
Such a fun post full of great memories for you. I enjoyed taking a trip through the past 15 years with you. Blogging is awesome and I can't imagine not continuing to blog for years to come. Looking forward to joining the next zoom xx
Happy 15th anniversary. Lots of fun and happy memories to look back on over the years.
what a wonderful 15 years...glad that I found your blog all those years ago and still follow along, been to a few zoom sewing days (hope to get to some more soon), received wonderful gifts from swap partners near and far, found some wonderful blogs to follow....love the nature pics and life on the farm.
bring on the next 15!
OMG, so many memories - and I recognise quite a few faces in the photos of your get togethers.. I remember the curly pops and the mail service has alot of explaining to do because I am still waiting for the calf you were going to post me (or was it a lamb or both)..lol.. Great post Chooky... it was wonderful reminiscing with you... you made me feel all nostalgic...xxxx
What a fantastic post Chooky, lots of memories for you and the rest of us bloggers. I enjoy the blog post regardless of whether they are farm or sewing related, this townie can always learn something new! Thank you for organising Scrub Stitching and zoom catch ups, they are such enjoyable times. Here's to another 15 years!! (Cheering with the G & T)
Congratulations Chooky, a great post, and lots of great memories for everyone. Look forward to more looonger posts from you!!
Congratulions on your 15 years - what a fabulous post! So many memories in your photos - it would have been interesting for you to write too, going back through all your posts! I still feel the bloging world is a special one and I'm so pleased to be part of it. Thank you for all the fun and inspiration and here's to another great 15 years!xxxx
It all sounds so heartwarming and lovely, almost makes me wish I lived in Australia. You are obviously a very special woman to have generated so much community over 15 years, well done and congratulations on your blog-versary.
What a lovely post sharing such special memories! Congratulations on 15 years....15th anniversary is crystal, so your last pic is very appropriate.
It has been lovely reading of you blogging journey. Your blog is such a great record of all that has been happening over the last fifteen years. Yours was one of the first blogs I discovered before I took my first tentative steps with blogging in 2009. The blogging community is such a friendly one, with you being such a central figure.
Oh Chooky. This was a fun, happy and lovely post. It was great reading about your journey and I am so glad to have joined inalong the way. Your blog books will have so many memories to look back on. I really look forward to when you announce a zoom. You have done us all so very much with getting us together, especially through covid. Well done and I am glad you did what you do. Hope to meet you in person one day.
OMG I hope you're not dying because this is a beautiful eulogy to you!! And if you EVER for one minute think you haven't made a difference to people, just pull this post up and read it again.
What a great post. It was lovely to read and learn about your blogging history.
Dear Chookie, heartful congratulations and a huuuuge THANK YOU for these amazing, friendly, inspiring, 15 years ... and, hopefully, many, many more! I'm not often commenting, but I'm following you and you always inspire me...
Along all these years, you are among the most friendly people I know on the Web :)
Keep doing, take care !
In stitches,
Nadine XOXO
Down memory lane for your last fifteen years of blogging and now Zoom time too. I`ve enjoy the little time I`ve had with you in this time. The Christmas swaps, SAL`s (maybe more of those to come!!) and Zoom time when this fits in with our lives. Blessings.
What a heart warming post! I am so happy to be included in the Zoom meetings as I am more a knitter/cross stitcher/sewing enthusiast than a quilter. I do make very simple quilts though and am so happy to meet others here in Canada that quilt. Thank you for the opportunity.
God bless.
What a fabulous post Chooky! Congratulations on 15 years. I started my blog 13 years and can't believe I'm still blogging. I also remember my first international comment and was so excited. I have made so many friends through blogging and have met a lot in person too. Hopefully one day we can meet in person. I really love zoom stitching along with you and the other girls. Thanks for sharing your memories. xx
What a lovely post , so many good memories, so many good friends, all made possible because you started us blogging and encouraged us all to do the same. Thank you.xx We've got to know each other and our families with some visits, we have shared a glass of bubbles or two and stitches a few projects all for which I am truly thankful.
Such a lovely trip down your memory lane. You need a big pat on the back for everything you have done and achieved. You have brought people together from everywhere and created a lovely space to share with many. I thankyou for your time and energy and send you many hugs.
Beautiful post and it's been lovely to share your journey and our own too.
Such lovely memories and I always loved catching up if the planets aligned when you came north. Blogging is such a special thing to do.....Highlighting the ordinary and extraordinary in our lives. Even though I was late to the party I loved joining in the Christmas SS and connecting with another stitcher across the world. Congratulations on bringing some many together and giving us city slickers an insight into life on the land. Big hugs xxx
A beautiful post. Enjoyed reading about your blogging journey & the adventures you've had along the way. Hugs, xx
What a wonderful 15 years Chooky - so many special memories. xx
Congrats on your fifteen years. Keryn and I started blogging in Jan. 2006, and we met you
once at Sydney show but I can't remember which year. So much has changed since we started but the blog is a wonderful record to have, isn't it?
You and I did start at the same time and I think it was the SSCS where we first 'met'. Congrats on 15 years and it was interesting to read again what you have been up these past 15 years. I'll be zooming in on your next meeting.
Lots of fun memories there I must get another blog book made up at some point - not sure if the same people still do it! Enjoy your wine xo
wonderful heartwarming and picture-full post! so glad i've been included as a north american scrub sister via zoom...it's been wonderful meeting new quilty peeps and enjoying everyone i would have never met if it weren't for you chooky and zoom!
What a lot of amazing memories Chooky.
What an emotional post! Fabulous and not so fabulous memories but what an amazing record to have of it all also. Not only is your blog wonderful, informative and perfect eye candy, it's a learning lesson in so many ways. Your dedication to it to be commended and admired. Such an amazing to connection to the world to have. Congratulations. Keep up the great work and hopefully we'll get to meet one day. (Perhaps I can bring along my Girls day out quilt that is languishing in a box as I stuffed up the border and never got around to fixing it after all that work!).
Hello Choky. such a nice heartfelt post, so emotional, heartwarming. I'm totally touched.
a post for the heart.I look forward to reading more great posts from you.Such a beautiful view from your office. the beautiful flowers. I love the cows.
and I look forward to more Zomm meetings that I may attend.I wish you a wonderful week. see you soon. Creative regards Marika
What a wonderful post and I hope that I will be free to join the next zoom and celebrate with you! Hugs Christine xx
Congratulations for 15 amazing years. What a fabulous post! You say people have inspired you, but you are the glue that holds everyone together. I remember when I first came upon your blog you were going through the drought and my heart was broken for all that you and your family and friends endured. You were kind enough to invite me many times to Zoom until I finally realized the internet was not going to suck up my soul if I learned how to do this. What fun we have had on the few Zooms I have been a part of. I wish you every happiness going forward into the next quilty adventure. Hope to chat again soon. Enjoy the day my friend!
Thank you for an amazing trip down memory lane ... so many familiar faces too.
My first post was July 10, 2007 (yes, I had to go and check).
What a beautiful post Chooky….I feel very blessed to call you my friend. Always enjoy our get togethers…good for the heart and the mind!! Love you xoxo
What a wonderful look back at your blogging history and blogging friends. I have only blogged for 11 years and don't recall when along that journey I found your blog, but I have enjoyed getting a view of life and quilting from your side of the world!
You have had some great experiences gathering with blog friends. I am so glad you started including the quilt blogging world at large in your Zoom sessions. I really look forward to them--especially since there have been no retreats for me for 2 years now!
Happy celebrating!
I remember discovering your blog, we both started in 2007! It has always been a joy to read your posts and to discover a glimpse of a totally different world and lifestyle at the other end of the world! Congratulations on 15 years of blogging!
I am SO glad you have kept going with your blog x I have many happy memories of the swaps and have many little gifts also x
Happy 15th Bloggiversary! And for most of those years, we've been blogging buddies. :0) You were the third blogger I started chatting with when I began blogging and it's been fantastic over the years to meet up in person so many times, both in your backyard and mine ... it's just a shame you don't get to some north as much since Fairy Girl finished studying. ;0) Here's to many more adventures, in person and online. Big Squooshy Bear Hugs! KRIS xx
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