Monday 15 March 2021

just sharing a photo.....

We've had lots of storms floating about over the last week........quite a bit of rain was forecast...........I took this photo heading home one day.........was hopeful that we were getting this one but no such luck........only 4mm..........some have got great falls around...........
yesterday we had a nice cool rainy day..........
only about 10mm but more is forecast this week so hoping we can score more............
Not sure if I have the comments thing sorted or not......but at least I have comment moderation working again........I'll keep working on it.....
Catch you later.........

Monday 8 March 2021

International Women's Day and comments

To all the amazing blog friends I have out there happy International Women's Day........
go girls........
you simply are the best.......
an amazing sunset this afternoon........
As for comments..........they seem to be coming thru if I have comment modification on but when I approve them they aren't coming to my email like they should be........but they are publishing on my blog so I will stick with that for now...........

WTF Comments!!!!!!

 I realised this morning after I can now see comments on my last post yesterday that comments are not being emailed thru....not in spam not waiting to be approved just nothing.............maybe it's been happening for awhile......even turning on comment moderation won't fix it this time......I just checked my email box and it appears nothing has been emailed thur since 20/3/2021. I see some from the 1st March then nothing.......

Anyone else having issues?????

BLOGGER What is going on...........


PS I'll come back here to see what you write

Sunday 7 March 2021

Zoom and Scrub Stitchin' Retreat prep.....

Sorry i've been a bit quiet.........lots going on.........
I have got some quilts back from quilting........finished a quilt completely - don't die of shock.......
Lots of pics need to be taken.......sorted and posts written.........
I have been trying to find time to do another zoom but things have been busy............
SO today I rashly emailed out to everyone an hour or so before I could pop in for a couple of hours............thanks to those who popped in
Clare NZ, Janet & Gail USA, Chris Canada, Sylvia Germany and Diane, Annette, Jenny, Jeanette, Susan, Maureen and myself from Oz......I hope I have not missed anyone.....links all on the sidebar....
Being so rushed I just grabbed the sewing bag and found some Lucy blocks so that is what I worked on........Finished above and started on below..........
the next chance to zoom won't be until the end of the month........maybe the Sunday.......I couldn't wait that long to catch up hence the quick catch up today.........
retreat plans are well underway for another wonderful few days of sewing........
Early April we will stitch up a storm again......
got a few newbies to add to the mix so should be a wonderul time once again..........
I'm so desperate for a sewing weekend with friends........come and join us........
Pic from 2019 as our last retreat as 2020 was cancelled due to covid.............

Currently we have a mice plague.........another great equaliser like covid everyone has them in the district..........some more then others..........
some of the damage the mice are doing to the bales..........its a battle I hope to win but I am not's taking it's toll mentally, physically and financially....some farms have lost stacks of hay.......
dust storms would be better to deal with then mice..........
BUT I do love the light in this photo that I snapped early one morning..........
Stay safe..........
Keep the love of blogging alive............
Catch you later....