Monday 30 May 2011

Isabel's Quilt............

This quilt is for a very special little girl...........
.......I just haven't been organised to show you pics of it.................
Her Mum was thrilled with it so maybe one day I can make her Mum a quilt................
the cream is chenille and my beautiful friend Dale quilted it on her machine for me.............
(speaking of Dale she isn't the best blogger as in getting posts up but she is a very prolific quilter and does beautiful work..............she currently has a photo of a quilt she made for her grandsons school.....I love it.......check it out..........)
Back to the quilt.............It was to be a baby quilt then I though if I make it a bit bigger then she could enjoy it for much  unsure of the measurements looking at the quilt hanger )Mr Chookyblue) I would say maybe it is about 150cm square..............not the full length of a single bed bed but lay on the end lovely................
Where has May gone.............I thought I lost April but May has disappeared at a rapid rate..........June will be busy too...........I have a retreat, and a quilt show meet up to go too's going to be great............I love it when I get to catch up with wonderful blog friends...............
Catch you later..............

Sunday 29 May 2011

Farm Day............

It's Farm Day in Australia.............well the weekend actually.............we have hosted 2 families in previous years but a bit too busy at the moment so I didn't host any city slickers this year...........
the idea of the day is to promote
 FUN, FRIENDSHIP and UNDERSTANDING between city people and farming people............the city family can come and spend a hands on day on the farm and see what our day to day life is like...............
anyway since I couldn't host anyone as I was watching Sunrise (morning show) on TV and the weather man was at a farm talking about farm day...........I thought well I could take pics and share our Sunday on the farm with you...............
presently we have cattle out on the road since we have been so dry this year..............we are running out of feed for stock and the grass is better down the road so we took all the cows down there......................for those of you who have followed my blog from the early days we had cattle out on the road for several months back in is a constant job as your supposed to have someone with the cattle most of the time when they are out of the "break"................and these are the signs you have out at either end of the road area the cows are allowed to out at................
oh and just so you know the cows have the right of way..............
this is the break.............the cows get held in here for the can just see 2 white tapes in the photo..........the tapes get electrified and the cows don't like to touch it...........(you can touch it but it gives you a little jolt and frightens the daylights out of you)
Anyway Mr Chookyblue had to go and let the cows out early this morning and me and the kids stayed at home for awhile...........
...later in the morning I went down the road to the cows and Mr Chookyblue came home and we were due to feed the sheep.............the kids help muster the mobs in with their motorbikes and you fill a feed bin with oats and drive out the the paddock and open the little shute at the bottom and the feed runs out in a line as you keep driving along...................
they like the oats..............once you have been feeding them for awhile you only have to drive out in the paddock and they come running...........
some green grass would be good they need some green grass to boast them up............
when Mr Chookyblue and the chicks came back down the road they brought the BBQ and some meat and we have some BBQ sandwiches.........yummo...........mind you we were huddling around the BBQ as it cooked as it was quite a miserable and cold day..........
then I wandered around with the camera...............happy cows with grass to eat..........

heads down munching away...............
kangaroo foot print..........
fox footprint..............
watch out the traffic is
an ants nest.......
another different ants nest...........
one lonely flowering plant............
after the rain earlier in the week life is trying to burst thru the dirt...........
more follow up rain will be required other wise the rain earlier in the week will be useless............
on the way home I stopped to snap this emu as I knew you would love to see him...............
once home i fed the chooks
Curly Pops was out near the chookyard so I snapped a picture............since her major disaster when  calving she is doing well........still loves a cuddle and a pat.............and as you can see "cops" her calf is going very well............
perfect time of the day for a calf...........
after this me and the kids headed inside and they lazed about in front of the TV after yesterdays big sport day.........
Mr Chookyblue got home just on dark............cold and looking for the lovely wood fire...............
If your in a bigger town or city in Australia maybe you could visit a farm yourself next year.............
Catch you later..............
PS the kitchen is smelling better but still not perfect.........thanks for your tips.............

Monday 23 May 2011

yuck yuck yuck.............

I wanted rain we are desperate for rain.................we have cattle out on the road (eating the grass along the road) because we are running out of feed for them here...........we are giving the sheep some feed.......then last night finally we had some rain.............27mls which is a good start lets hope we get some follow up rain.............we have only had under 40ml for the whole things were getting bad.......
.......but when the rained poured down last night I was cursing it.............not long before the rain started the power went out..............we had gotten into bed after a big weekend and dh decided to check the remote rain gauge in the hall and could "SMELL" something......................
long story short a "STINKING" drain was backflowing into my kitchen...............we had water going everywhere over the was dark and trying to work out where it was coming from and stop it was challenging.........anyway we had a massive mess to clean up in the dark...........we have mopped the floor several time with disinfectant nice smelly stuff........
....not sure if it leaked in under some of the cupboards.....or into the edge of the carpet at one doorway............I have floorboards.....
......ANY TIPS ON CLEANING would be appreciated otherwise please DON'T comment - I can't cope with everything at the is too busy...............i'm going to let the cows out and dh can deal with the kitchen..............we have about 5 loads of towels to wash too...........we just threw them out onto the lawn last night.............
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue.........
I'd got around some blogs before the mess but I just haven't managed to leave comments which is unusual for me so if I usually visit and comment know i have been there.............

Sunday 15 May 2011


It seems I got a special early copy of Anni's book...................which I had no idea of when I opened my mail and shared with you so if you could patiently wait for the stocks to arrive in Australia you'll be able to get your own copy very very soon.........
.......BUT it is definitely worth the wait..........

.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue.........

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Look whats in the mail...........

I'm so excited...............look what arrived in my mail box today...............
"Some Kind of Wonderful" by Anni Downs
THANKS HEAPS ANNI...........I LOVE IT............
15 projects I think I counted...........
112 pages gorgeous pages (think and glossy)............
I have only given a couple of sneek peeks so you can enjoy all the wonderful surprises just like me when I was flicking thru the book..............
email  or sales if you want to get a book....
...she handles The Home Patch mail orders and Anni is at Quilt market in the USA...............
Anni's actually having a giveaway of a copy of her book on her don't have to jump thru any hoops just guess how many buttons are in the jar............head over.......
Catch you later..............

Monday 9 May 2011

Fires burning.................

There is a definite chill in the air..............winter is on it's way for
the next few days with snow forecast down south that means the winds will be
chilly here.............last night I lit the fire for the first time this
autumn/ the warmth of a wood frosts yet but
maybe this week..........

The pic is from one of the little campoven fires we had a few weeks

If I am quiet don't worry just worked out I have a few thousand km's to
cover in the next week - ten days............
..............bit like a revolving door here..........who has what kid doing
what, where and when............aaarrrhhh..............
Catch you later 

Sunday 8 May 2011

Happy mothers day...........

Hope you have a wonderful day no matter where you are or what your doing..................
Happy Mothers Day.
A BBQ lunch here with my Mum and MIL..............
Catch you later..............

Friday 6 May 2011

don't drop dead with shock..........

I hope this isn't too much of a shock for you...........
It's only the 6th and these were finished a couple of days ago just.......been too busy to get pics 
two more Tis the Season blocks finished................
And I got my Homespun magazine today.........
.......they are a bit more special when you have blog friends mentioned or starring in the mags
Off to bed.............I have some reading to do
Catch you later..............

Monday 2 May 2011

Tis the Season April blocks...........

I forgot to put this post up on Sat then yesterday the power people forgot to tell be I had a planned outage with NO POWER from 8.30am-3.30pm...
"NOT HAPPY JAN"............kind of stuff my whole day up...........
My April blocks for Tis the Season
loving this SAL..........
Much excitement on my last post as I am meeting up with some great friends at the quilt show woohoo..........
THANKS also for the lovely comments on the dam pics and the new header............
Catch you later