Sunday 15 May 2022

zoom sewing day.....

It was a big day once again and I got lots of sewing done too so even better.......
Its just too wet to do anything around the farm so I signed off for the day........
The garden light catching the drips of water on the trees was pretty.......its was so wet with dew but not raining............this was when I headed out to the Chookshed to start zoom...........
zoom kicked off bright and early as usual and I was working on the binding I had attached on Friday afternoon..........I started stitching it down Friday night and got it finished first up Saturday morning on zoom.............
At one point I could not get out the door due to Bridget blocking the door.........
she loves camping on the deck..........
once that binding was finished I started on Miss Elizabeth............I had found some fabrics in a box that needed to be glued so I did that then I thought I would join them............
by the end of the day I got the three rows joined up............there was only about 10 joined at the start of the day............I realised I need 4 sets of this and I only have 3 sets made so need to cut some more fabrics for a few more hexies.......that would explain why I had spare hexies..........woops.......
zoom was a wonderful mix of girls popping in and out all day...........
with so many time zones you never know whos popping in when..........
some stay up really late........others rise super early.........35 girls from 7 countries joined in and it is amazing how wide and varied our topics are during the day..........and we are always learning something about another country............
This was the creek on Friday afternoon and it is the same or slightly higher this morning............
it was such a warm day yesterday I had to turn the air on on in the Chookshed for a few patches........cloudy again this morning...........hoping for some dry days so I can go to town...............
Check out a few new patchwork shops..........
ok best go find a quilt binding, cut some more hexies and photograph a few quilts if I can find mud free spots.............
Have a wonderful Sunday...........
Keep the love of blogging alive.......
Catch you later.......
PS I will be starting a new scrappy churn dash quilt if anyone wants to join me.......theres a few keen.........


Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Thanks for hosting a fun zoom day for us. It's always such fun. You got lots done and your hexie panel looks fab!

loulee said...

It was a great day Chooky, thanks again for getting us all in the same place. Love you for it.
I think I'll need to shop for a neutral fabric for my churn dashes. Funnily enough I think I will have plenty of fabrics for the blocks. LOL

Jeanette said...

Another wonderful Zoom day. Hmm better print the pattern & see what fabrics i have to use. Hoping i have enough neutral for it otherwise a quick dash to the patchwork shop to see what they have :) Hugs, xx

ButterZ said...

It was so good to zoom in after me missing my retreat away. Help pass my day even though I needed a nap during it.

Clare said...

I enjoyed catching up with everyone I could with this Zoom meeting, so thanks Chooky.

Ondrea said...

Thanks for another lovely Zoom day. Gee, you got a few hexies done! I think Bridget wants to be close to mumma Donna . The Churn Dash quilt sounds interesting.

Janice said...

If wax fun to pop to the Zoom day gif a little while. Rather frustrating that the internet was too dodgy to join in again in the evening. You made very good use of your time. Great progress on the hexies. Bridget had such a hard life, doesn’t she.

Maria said...

Was lovely to join in to Zoom even for awhile , thanks Chooky.
Good progress with your hexies ..
Oh Bridget just likes to keep close.
Must download the Churn Dash pattern and get some back ground fabric next time I’m in town.

Janet O. said...

I wish I could have stayed with you longer on the Zoom, but the wedding day wore me out and I could only keep my eyes open for the 2 1/2 hours I was with you. It was great fun, and your challenge to get the binding sewn on my quilt by "tomorrow" made me buckle down and finish it before I signed off. Thanks--that was the push I needed!
Bridget cracks me up. It was pretty funny to hear her clomping around out there.
Oh, I hope you are drying out, and I look forward to more pretty quilt photos!

kiwikid said...

Thank you for organising again Chooky, I always enjoy zoom time. You got lots done through the day. Bridget likes to be close by doesn't she, I enjoyed her dancing!!

Lin said...

Glad you had a good day. I was tempted to join in but it was a lovely day here and I had garden furniture to paint - just as well as it is wet today! xx

ellen said...

Hi! I can only repeat what others are writing: thank you for organising another meeting of the 'Chookyshed Zoomers' (this is what I call us all ;)) An hour is better than none to meet you you!

ellen said...

Oh, I forgot: Can you tell us more about the Churn Dash Project? It would be great to work on something 'together' and I may need another UFO :)

Deb said...

Always love connecting with other quilters around the world everyone is so prolific! I wish we can get some of that rain here!
Thanks again!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Sorry I missed it, I did have plans to attend but it just didn't work out. Next time!!

Denice Barker said...

Thank you!

jude's page said...

Was great to catch up on Zoom, even for a short time, at least I managed to unpick and fix the quilt. Love that Bridget is close by to you.

dq said...

Bridget on the porch was a great photo.
Did you discuss the scrappy churn dash at zoom? I missed that part. It could be fun.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

What fun! SO sorry I missed another one. I did have a good weekend at our annual quilt retreat but missed Zooming for sure! Keep up the fun work!!

Susan said...

I'm sorry I couldn't join - its just a busy time at the moment - good that you have a change of focus and not all binding!

Love Bridget good to hear she is still hanging around.