Tuesday 14 November 2023

Bits and pieces and big dreams............


Lots of storms over the last week but only 7ml of rain all up..... Some spectacular lighting shows......

I got all the bright fabrics cut for the star burst quilt
Janet sent me some of her gorgeous soap

.... How cool is this bee one......

A few chocolate treats and a piece of fabric.... Perfect thanks heaps Janet......
I've got to visit a few patchwork shops..... It's wonderful to really be in a shop.......

A few purchases may have been made..... Also catching up with friends...... Breaky with Maree and lunch with Fiona and Kris...... Just forgot to take any pics...... Crazy....   

Oops forgot to publish........ So now more has happened....

Had a catch up with Maureen also along the road..... We met at a park...... One thing leads to another and I found an open house so we went for a look...... OMG perfect place to hold retreats......... Does anyone have any spare $$$$$

The girls at retreat are probably sick of hearing about my dream....... We have 4 of us that could go into this together....... But we don't have the $$$$

So I'm off to buy a lotto ticket today.... Wish me luck.....

But I can tell you I've got so many ideas and plans for that place already...... The girls are probably sick of me

But a girls got to dream right.....

So tell me your dream retreat location.......

I'm too busy sewing to share more now.....

Take care.......

Catch you later...... 



Jennifer said...

Some storms here too, but a bit more than 7 ml. That's a pretty fabric range, it will make a lovely star. It seems a shame to use that lovely soap! Nice shop....maybe I need a road trip too....where is it?

loulee said...

We had a good storm pass over us too!
Stop day dreaming and sew.

Lin said...

Lovely gifts - I do like 'proper' soap. Nice colourful pieces cut there. Follow your dream. Mine is just to get to a retreat, anywhere will do! xx

Annelein said...

Always Dreams big... if the magic happens... I will come and would love to be part of a retreat... Ithjnk I would stay for a whole year....;)...

Jo said...

I’ll dream with you

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Our little group has gone to a couple of retreats in older Victorian homes, with quilts on all the beds and huge garage spaces turned into communal sewing rooms. So much fun!!

Rose Marie said...

What about an old church or school ......

Raewyn said...

Oh what a fabulous dream....good luck with the lotto tickets! Oh that quilt will be yummy! Gorgeous package from Janet - that soap looks too nice to use!

Fiona said...

crazy busy life... was great to see you. You know me I want a retreat location nearby so I can come home and sleep! But you are at a lovely one now .... Happy dreaming...

Susan Smith said...

Sounds a great dream and hope you manage a win on Lotto. I was wondering where it actually was. Take care & hugs.

jude's page said...

Good luck with the lotto ticket, can't hurt to dream a little, hope you are enjoying your retreat, and getting lots of sewing done.

Susan said...

ha ha ... surprised you found time to blog!!!

Fingers are crossed

Janice said...

Nothing ever happens without dreams. Fingers crossed for the lotto. In the mean time it sounds like you have been having fun catching up with everyone and stitching up a storm.

kiwikid said...

Wonderful package from Janet - life needs dreams! Good luck with the lotto ticket.

Carole said...

Lovely purchases. When I owned my shoppe Fibre Junction it was my dream to have a place in the shoppe the I could hold a retreat. I love teaching/talking about the history of woman via the needle and thread. Those were such fun clubs ... for me anyway! lol Keep dreaming girl. Put it out in the universe, you just never know. Cheers!