Saturday 9 December 2023

nature as nothing else to report......

While we missed a heavy quick fall to fill the dams we have had some wonderful rain..... Things were beautiful and green......... 
The last few days have been around 40 so things are drying out and starting to go brown..... 
Lots of different fungi have popped up while it was still wet......
Some lovely sunrises and sunsets.....
The wild orange have been flowering....... My favourite bush tree.....
With a few more twists in life and busy days I'll call this my last post before Christmas.......
Who knows when I'll be back but I'm in need of some sewing time......i was supposed to be having a real sewing day with friends today but it all got canned.......
Have a great Christmas.....
I'll be in touch when we can zoom again.......
Time is over due for the Chookshed Stitchers to gather........
Catch you later.......


Lin said...

Lovely pictures Chooky, good to hear from you. Shame about your sewing day. Stay safe and have a lovely Christmas. xx

Janice said...

Great photos. Let’s hope this weather cools down soon. Thank goodness you received that rain. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and I hope there aren’t too many more of those twists and turns in life.

Jennifer said...

Some parts of town had a downpour a couple of nights ago, trees came down or were broken, it was all very dramatic......and here on the hill we scored a few measly drops. Have a wonderful Christmas, Chooky!

Denice Barker said...

Hoping things turn around for you soon. Best Christmas wishes.

Janet O. said...

So sorry your sewing day got canned. Bummer!
Your photos are calming to my mind. Lovely sights.
I was thinking of you a couple of days ago as I was on my walk in the snow.
Really hope you have good Christmas, and hope the Chookshed Stitchers can catch up sometime this month, if possible!

Ma Betty said...

Thanks for your time and inspiration this year Chooky.
Thanks also to everyone for their friendship albeit virtually.
Merry Christmas to all. I hope to see you in the new year.

Karen's Korner said...

Take care and have a safe and happy Christmas.

Susan Smith said...

The photos are lovely and hope there are not too many more twists'n'turns to deal with. weather is sure strange of late and down here in Gippsland, it's been cooler this weekend and lots of rain, not downpours, but just consistent yesterday & windy. Have a lovely festive season, take care & hugs.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful photos Chooky, the weather sure is up and down this month. Shame you sewing day was canned. Have a very happy Christmas, looking forward to a zoom when you can. Take care.

cityquilter grace said...

great post even if no quilty stuff..good to hear from you...glad to see some water for a change...

cityquilter grace said...

great post even if no quilty stuff..good to hear from you...glad to see some water for a change...

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Your photos of your part of the world are just so wonderful. I love rain clouds, and that mushroom is really interesting in its lines and shape. I understand about twists in life, dealing with MIL health issues and other family problems, has sucked all the joy out of the season for me this year. I can only hope for a better year in 2024.

ShinyNewThing said...

Hope you have a great Christmas as well, and maybe we will get in a Zoom during UK waking hours over the holiday.

loulee said...

I'm hearing ya!! Life is in the way. So need a zoom day, maybe over Christmas.

Ondrea said...

Glad you had some rain . Beautiful pics. I hope everything is ok.

Lili O from Mur'Bah NSW said...

Hi ChookyBlue, I followed you in Holland. After 20 years there, we returned to Australia. Looking for a house. Staying with great friends in the Border Ranges. Living out of suitcases atm. I brought my old Pfaff. Will start a scrap project that won't tax my brain! Have a wonderful Xmas and may Santa bring you lots of that wet stuff to fill your dam!

Raewyn said...

I'm pleased to see you've had some rain - now those temperatures need to lower themselves a little! Gorgeous nature photos. Take care, hope you get some R and R time and also time with some fabric!

Jo said...

Hope this settle down for you to enjoy your Christmas. Stay safe.

jude's page said...

Good to hear from you and look forward to catching up on zoom sometime. Thinking of you