Sunday, 30 August 2009
SSCS update.......
Friday, 28 August 2009
burn out......
when you burn the candle at both ends you eventually get burnt.........
today has not been such a good day.............totally exhausted.........finally a day at home
supposed to have markets tomorrow..........what do you think my chances are.....
1.......I am not feeling well
2............ rain is forecast (yep outdoor markets)
...........going to bed I don't have the energy to prepare any more.............
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue......... |
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
part 2................
ok so where were we when I had to take a break............of yes.............nearly finished Friday...............well Friday night saw us having pizzas and champagne with some city friends................great to catch up...........
before I forget here are some pics of my bag I made with Audrey and was so nice to just sit and sew...........
ok so Sat morning the traffic was so much was to be the BIG BIG day...........Anita and Jo Jo go there about mid morning.....we wandered around some shops together........a little later Jenny Daisy Chain arrived (amazing what happens when you send someone an email and tell them to be in Sydney..........ok well she did happen to already have a ticket for a girly weekend but she squeezed in S&C too just the catch up with Annie and me)...........there was lots of texts back and forward with Annie and Jodie of there travels............finally they arrived at lunch time and the commotion outside stitches when we met up was film worthy - just not sure who it was that was videoing us crazy ladies meeting.............(some poor ladies that had to share the bus trip with Annie and Jodie)
if all that catching up wasn't enough we all went to Jodie's blogging talk............she is such a about laugh............I took a few pics on Jodie's camera.............go beg her to share them..........
I also got to meet some of Tutti's crafty friends..............Jade and Cass so nice to meet you both..........sorry I missed Claudine..........
must make a mention of Mrs Amitie Jenny and Mr Amitie...................more about that later with the shopping...........thanks for making me feel so welcome..............lovely people..........
Saturday night saw a big group of girls out for dinner and drinks................I dragged my non blogging city friend along too............thought she would fit in well fit in she did and we had a fab night............lots of drinks, laughs and chatting as if we hadn't done enough gossip to share here you had to be there..........
but really am I just showing how old or countryish I am...........Jodie (sort of country chic) and I went to the loos and were amazed at the size of the full length mirror in the ladies...............we tried to take a pic............can you see us peeking around the later in the night when the dance scene started happening I know why the mirrors are so big...............every darn person that walks into the toilet has to check themselves out for at least 5 minutes on there way in and out of the loos and some just went in to check themselves out in the mirror.............OMG what a hoot............
don't worry I didn't drink toooooo much ...........but I sat up talking way to late at my bloggy sleepover with Jodie and Annie(who fell sleep) and Sunday was a hard day on 5 hours sleep..........
Sunday I had the morning at Stitches unplanned but as my girl friend I was going to stay with has a little girl I thought she might like to do the canvas workshop..........H loved the workshop and this is the canvas kit I also got for Fairy Girl............
Anyway I have one more weird in a good way blog story..............I saw a lady walking down the isle and panic hit as I knew I should know her..............ok by the time she got to the front of Tutti's stand I remembered I knew her from work............she recognised my face and we started chatting............had to do the bad thing admitting I couldn't think of her name (very unusual for me) anyway she mentioned she lurked on Tutti's I said do you know Chookyblue (not saying it was me at this stage) anyway she said yeh..........well when she found out it was me there was lots of OMGs this and that..........including - "your the one that posts all those weird farm pics" yes that was definitely cut a long story short......we have met several times before............each time in very different circumstances and never realised either crafted or got the full names at the time..............Brenda you are such a city and Mereth this is the weirdest meet up yet but she had the
I also got to help out a little with a couple of Audrey and Maude's workshop..........that was fun........thanks
Anyway it is time to finish all this bloggy goodness.............I was very sad when I had to go on Sunday.............need some you think the crafty events could continue to time with great blokes events............last year Stitches and Craft collided with the Grand Prix in Melbourne............dh got to go to the Rugby on Sat night........
now I have to start planning my next trip to any ideas!!!!!
Take Care til next time..............
4 blognormous days...........
oh and if I don't give you all the links then you won't be able to visit them.........heaps of links included
It all started with a morning at Ag boys heaven..........but I had a wonderful morning with was so nice wandering around chatting............checking out the more girly displays..........
then it was off to Alison's for afternoon tea........beautiful cake............oh and her house is beautiful with lots of wonderful beautiful patchwork, stitcheries, cross stitches everywhere.........truely a crafters heaven............also discussions of projects in various stages............we talked lots but I think the dh's talked you have to get her to post a pic of the tiniest cross stitch I have ever seen.............not sure how she did the stitches............
we had a few issues after leaving Cardygirls (to late) - I started off driving then it got problems I drive in the dark all the time - but you know you should always go with the gut instinct not the stupid Mrs Bossy Boots (aka GPS) and dh - some weird directions given and the car came to a sudden stop................I knew it was wrong so I refused to drive any further - dh took over the driving then............(look what beauty surrounded me Tutti Fruiti's stand)
(Audrey and Maude's)
after an early rise Friday and a bad run with traffic (give me my cattle traffic anytime) we made it to Rosehill with time to spare...............Tutti's stand was next to Audrey and Maude aka Cathy and was like catching up with old friends and meeting so many more new ones...............
Kristen Cheeky Beaks (above and below)
I also got to hang out here with Ink and Spindle, Bettina - bkh Designs, Kristen Doran (Cheeky Beaks) Dear Fii, Justine from Mixedtape, Kate from Two Little Banshees was around the other side with Mr Banshee and baby Banshee (she is super cute) and Rummage,
Monday, 24 August 2009
Just to let you all know I am home safe and sound it has been a long day but not without drama..........
I have always tried to keep up to date with my First Aid know those 1-2 days you do (well that's what you do in Australia) to deal with an emergency if you come across it at home or out and about
I started out in Girl Guides I think as a badge you could do so it has been many years and many refresher.................never really had to rely on it before now........
but in the last month I have really had to use my skills 2 times...........
(don't want to have to use them again either)
today in our long trip home we came upon a car van flipped onto it's top.............I didn't see it happen but Mr Chookyblue did and we immediately pulled I was getting over to the vehicle a million things were going thru my head but all those courses came flooding back..........
.......long story short all is well with the man in the accident (well he was when the ambos took him for a hospital check) no major injuries much to my relief but I feel confident I took charge of the situation well and did all the right things...............I was fearing the worst when I went over -with the look of the van............I was ever so relieved to hear that mans voice and see movement........
here is the message
you never know when you may need it
it could be a complete stranger or someone you know and love
don't leave a comment on this post cause I have a pile to go thru instead
and if you sent an email in the last week and don't have a reply then you will just have to wait I am buggered and going to bed .......
.......the bloggy fun wore me out - so much to tell...............
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue......... |
Friday, 21 August 2009
so much fun..........
I made one of these tote bags today with can book at their stand..........
(photo borrowed from Audrey and Maude)
Oh and I have been shopping but no pics as I am using a friends computer...............
meeting up with heaps of bloggy friend tomorrow too..............hardly seen much of Stitches cause I have been chatting with so many lovely people on level 4 ..............
see you there tomorrow.............
off to drink some champagne with friends............Chookyblue
ps it is such a hard life................yesterday morning with Bec and afternoon tea with Cardygirl...............
Monday, 17 August 2009
Fat 1/4 swaps...........
the girls in my group are Lurline's Place, Kate - Stitched with Love, Anita - Rileys Rambles, Dale - Day Day's blog, Peg -Happy in Quilting
.......hope you weekend was wonderful mine was............
Friday, 14 August 2009
busy busy............
This photo is from Nundle and the moon was just setting as the sun was rising............especially for Leanne.........
for the bloggers in the Secret Santa Christmas Swap SSCS09.........this is when I got the idea for the ornament..............Tracey sent this one to me last year and I thought it would be great to have a decoration to hang on the tree to remind you of a kind friend each Christmas...........just a small decoration to hang on your tree......many friendships have been made thru the SSCS so I can't wait to see what happens this year.............check out the list on the sidebar............
oh and I have a new blogger for the swap............Granny Goose go welcome her to blogland
(if there was someone else too let me know cause I had a feeling there is another new girl too)
edit Teresa is the other lady please welcome them both should have all received an email from me now so check the "junk mail" first if you haven't........ 1/2 of you have replied in less then 2 hours OMG you are soooo good.........makes this job so much easier...........

yesterday at a friends I spotted this lone dandelion in the middle of the mown lawn.............more pictures of it here on Snappy Friends.............
I am in a few birthday fat 1/4 swaps and I am patiently waiting to open this bundle..............(counting down the seconds but patiently waiting)
life is busy so if you don't hear from me don't worry............back when I get a chance.............
Take Care til next time..............
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Champage and Chocolate............
I know what you girls are thinking with the champs and chocolate..............the worst cause I was with Farmyard crafts..............remember I went on a chocolate diet after the last time I saw her............but it is all are a few snaps around Cottage on the many beautiful quilts to make and fabric to choose..........I always have the best weekend when I go to Nundle............this is the 6th year I have been for a retreat weekend...........we travel over Friday........pick our quilt we want to make Friday afternoon and fabrics - sew Sat and Sun and the travel home late............(narrowly avoiding a pair of echidna's in the middle of the road)
in the picture above on the bottom left is Valley Forge collection..........wanted to get some of that but just got 2 pieces for the nine patch block swap...........
basically when you go to Nundle you pick what ever quilt in the shop you want to make.............then whatever fabrics in the shop you want to use........
Kerry cuts all the fabrics for you...........nothing is ever a problem......the quilt on the left is the same as mine but I laided my blocks differently..............amazing the difference by colours and placement.............the one on the right is a first time quilt..............shaggy's are perfect and she is hooked............planning 2 quilts and starting one of those there..........
here we go...........mine on Sun morning now this is where the Champagne and Chocolates comes in........although I did find some Rocky road over the weekend.......
the fabrics are Sachet Flannel II - Marcus Brothers .................the pattern is Champagne by Kerry Swain (different block placement on mine) and I just had to add that Chocolate chenille for a narrow border................just love it.......forever known as "Champagne and Chocolates"
making progress.............
here we are............Champagne and Chocolates.................Nundle no 6 is off to be quilted already........(would be great to get Nundle no 4 finished and Nundle No 5 bound)
also the wonderful news of the weekend - beside spending it with my wonderful friends sewing and eating yummy food - there we some other visitors over the weekend..............Cardygirl and friend called in and stitched with us
(Jeeves is such a lovely driver.........Cardygirl he is worth more money) can't wait to see your projects finished..............
Also the Oh Sew Busy Bec called in with most of the family and the kids were so good............Jessie Girl showed all the ladies her knitting and Xmas decoration swap gifts..........Bec brought lots of show and tell.............loved it...............
thanks girls for making the effort to catch up it was wonderful.................bloggy friends are just so lovely.............thanks Kerry for another fantastic weekend already booked in for next years retreat and Girls Day in the Country 13th March 2010
Take Care til next time..............
SSCS girls I will send you an email shortly.............basically the swap is closed unless you are a regular on my blog............
Monday, 10 August 2009
I am home safe and sound had a fantastic weekend with a fantastic group of women will be back soon so show you what i have been up to but it involves champage and chocolates...........
I will reply to any emails sent in the last few days tonight if I get a chance...........back soon...........
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue......... |
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Happy 40th Birthday.........
yep another big birthday in blogland.........Tracey is 40 on Friday 7th............head over and wish her a great day.............she is have a it of a shindig over the weeknd with The Chocolate Cat..........
I'm off on retreat to the Cottage on the Hill with some friends and also meeting up with some bloggy buddies..........sooooooo excited.............see you soon Cardygirl, Farmyard Crafts and Oh Sew Busy..........oh and i get to buy fabric............the fabric diet is over...........yippee..........
Any emails answered on return..............the secretary is having the weekend
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue......... |
Monday, 3 August 2009
wattle time...........
August always brings out the wattle.................golden beautiful.............sorry about the pic but it was windy.............brightens up winter days though...........
July and August also brings on emails like below
Subject -??????????
"I was just thinking about your last secret santa s w a p and was wondering
are you doing it again this year because I want in if you are I LOVED last
year" (Beth)
Well you know it is time to put the SSCS post up when the emails asking
about the SSCS go from weekly to daily...........
2007 - 80+
2008 - 156
2009 - ???
2 people didn't get gifts to their partners so you're not welcome this year
Cindy and Debbie B- sorry but that's your fault not mine
If you want to see what happened last year go to my labels and choose Secret
Santa Christmas S w a p or Secret Santa Christmas S w a p 2008 (just after xmas there are a pile of posts of presents)
The rules are simple
. Make a beautiful gift (love, time and effort required) - you
can make whatever you want eg, bag, wall hanging, stitchery, table runner,
Christmas themed gift - whatever it is you love to make...send something you
would love to receive... (not something you whip up in a couple of hours)
. This year you also need to make a small decoration that can be
hung on a Christmas tree (simple or fiddly up to you)
. Don't tell anyone who your SSCS partner is please. This is a secret
shhhhhhhhh!!!!!! A different person will be sending to you....
. international posting essential.
You need to have an active blog .....posting a couple of times a
month.... so your partner can sneak a peek and get ideas of what to make for
you and they know you are active.....therefore existing
. Swap partners emailed when I can get it done (hopefully by 31st Aug)
. Sending (not before 20th November) deadline is 25th November to
ensure your partner gets their present before Christmas (remember reason for
. Please don't sign up if you are not prepared to send, non-senders!!!! will
be named and shamed
. Make sure you "thank" your Santa - very important and post about your present when you receive it..........
. If you are difficult to contact you may be dropped from the
SSCS.....several times between now and the deadline I email out and you MUST if you are going away for a week or 2 just let me know
. If everyone can follow the above it will make for another very successful
SSCS..... less headaches for me.........
. Any problems make sure you contact me
. If you want to join email (chookybluesscs at gmail dot com) I need your
Name, Address (including country), email and blog address eg
...more fun for my regular visitors.......
Take Care til next time..............
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Stitching kit.........
I know you're shocked I have got some more finishes but hey don't get used to it because it is about to come to an end for a bit...........I am not the kind of person that works on something til it is done and then starts another one...........I don't even want to think how many projects are in various stages............I have lots of projects on the go though............if I don't like what I am working on I can just move onto something else.............
The lovely Cardygirl sent me this pattern Nellie's Sewing Bag because apparently I didn't see any of these bags at GDITC this year............I must have had my eyes busy chatting probably...........another Rosie project..........
also teamed it with a Anni Downs Hatched and Patched needle case
I love this is from her book "The World as it Should Be" and called My World Needle Anni warns in the directions it is difficult to turn the needle case thru because of the stiffer interfacing but persist.........well Anni persist I did and it was difficult but so worth while in the end........the stiffer effect is great..........
I think most of the fabrics are from the Chocolat range..............
another gift for a friend that i didn't want to part
Take Care til next time..............
PS I know I know I have been doing lots of Rosie and Anni at the moment..........but I am loving it...........
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Xmas Decoration swap..........
This is the Christmas decoration Angel sent in the girls swap.............Fairy Girl loves it..........thanks girls for a fun swap...........whats next????
well done Angel.......
Take Care til next time..............