Saturday, 28 April 2012

Blogger &^$%$*&^#*^^$*&^#..........

During the school holidays blogger pushed us into the new interface.
  aarrrgg &^$%$$*^%* blogger your driving people nuts.............
You can still change back to the old interface for the time being................i have gone back to the old one as it is easier to use but also to control the SAL group blog I can see how many members we have in the blog. 
Previously I couldn't delete members of the group blog in the new interface but now I can do that.............BUT it still doesn't show how many members you have in the group like it does in the old interface and blogger has a limit of 100. 
I don't want to be counting that all the time seeing how many members we have.
From the dash board click on the wheel below.......then choose old blogger interface
You can also find out about the new look here too..............
I have included the link here.........
Once back in the old interface on the dashboard does say the old interface will be removed in the coming months which will be a bummer but for now i'll stay with the old look............
Have a great weekend..............
Take care til next time 

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

wide open spaces.........

wow what's been happening......... holidays are over..............we have had a wonderful time.........busy........constant stream of visitors...........we had 20 here for Easter........wonderful time with all busy..........seems so long ago...........
we had a visit to friends.........some of the pics below.............the first 2 are from Fairy Girl...........
the next 3 pics are a landscape.........

love the western rivers......
no traffic.........(sorry about the bugs)
winter sure has hit today..............i've lit the fire............I love the fire.............
been fiddling with the blog's not fitting right and I have fiddled and fiddled and it still isn't it can stay as is...........
Catch you later..............

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

have a nice easter.........

After an unexpected quick trip to Sydney i'll just wish you all a happy easter......
I have a pile of visitors for Easter.......bringing on a new meaning to "packed to the rafters".........
but we always have such a nice time together........... holidays have started for some and start Friday for others.... i'm not sure when I am back here but I hope the easter bunny finds you....................
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue.........