The sky is changing.... .. So is the scenery..... And a little Lucy is happening........ Road tripping with Fairy Girl.......
Catch you later.....
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Monday, 19 June 2017
dinner anyone.........
Heading to the big smoke for the quilt show..........
anyone want to have dinner Friday night in Darling Harbour????

Catch you later..........
Saturday, 17 June 2017
Loving the autumn colours........
Loving the light on this tree....
Loving that I have friends to share these moments with.....
Catch you later.....
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Its always sad when you drive into a paddock and the cows come running.......
it means they are hungry..........
a new baby..........
they come running following the ute........
chasing the bale of hay....
there is a slight hint of green but it is only a few mms long...........nothing for the cows to get hold of..........and no rain forecast to help it along so it is dying now.........
some stragglers........
Mr Chooky had dumped me to go get some others at the other end of the paddock...........I wanted to take pics.......they all stopped confused..........
then they saw /heard the ute again and off they went............
finally they got what they wanted............
poor Mumma isn't doing so well............the biggest feed/energy requirements for cattle are late in the pregnancy and the first 3 months with a calf............
cute or what..........
hang on Mum I want some milk......
Catch you later...............
Keeping the love of blogging alive
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Last Sat was another sewing day with friends.........
Nundle last year...............Sue worked on this quilt...........just attached the to sew it down............
Janice also got some binding on a quilt............. sorry I missed getting a photo of her quilt..........
I've got all my blocks done and started joining rows............just getting a little piece of yellow to make another yellow block for the top left corner...........
Take two on my tincy pincushion.........and I to the reject of last week......much better to iron as you go with this tincy sucker and also to cut the pieces a little wider then the instructions said.......
When I looked at the second picture with this pattern it is a cushion in a dolls house.......2 1/4" finished
Janice even had a go.......we just need to stuff and stitch opening closed........
Its been a busy time with friends staying too........
now another mountain of sheets and towels to least its been windy and I have water..........
I thought it was all going pear shaped Friday afternoon when I spent a few hours at the hospital with Boy Wonder and an eye injury but luck was on his side....... and things were not as bad as they could have been.........
Hope you have enjoyed a great weekend..........
Catch you later.....
Keeping the love of blogging alive
Monday, 12 June 2017
Scrub Stitchin' 2018...........
Just a little excited................our Scrub Stitchin' retreat (which I initially blogged about here) for 2018 is just about full.....only a couple of beds left now.........
when you set out on a big adventure i'm so pleased others think it is a good idea too..........and more importantly they want to come too.........
We have a secret project to work on.......heaps of time to stitch whatever you want to bring with you...............someone preparing every meal.........
a beautiful bush location full of bird life..........
it will be heaven..........

the rate 2017 is flying by it will be here in no time........
maybe your name could be on one of the last beds.....
we have a wonderful mix of girls from 3 states so far........
no distance is to big........
3 nights accommodation, secret project, all meals $350
but you better be quick......
Catch you later......
Keeping the love of blogging alive
Farm stuff...........
a few showers scatting around yesterday nothing in them..........but some amazing rainbows..............caught this one on the way home from town.........
Just made for dramatic skies great for photos...........
these are just on my phone........
went for a long walk...........
Remember Lamby from last years Chookshed birthday party.........shes grown heaps.......she is a big fat sheep now..........
Goaty was on the feeder so I went out to see of the fresians with her they have grown heaps too........
And Goaty has not made an apperance for quiet some time........she is always inquisitive...........
and trying to nibble my hair........she will eat anything..........
nice silhouette..........
more of the calves.........
Bit of a farm's been awhile........
Catch you later.....
Keeping the love of blogging alive
Friday, 9 June 2017
Bring on the June long weekend............we have visitors.........most of the district has visitors this weekend.........
Winter sure is here......which is great........
Boy Wonder has mates floating around.......
tripping around numerous properties on boys adventures......
Its going to be a glorious weekend..............well it won't rain so we may as well have nice weather............
please don't complain about being too wet...........I don't want to hear about it.............
A seed bursting on the Chinese Tallowwood
Catch you later......
Keeping the love of blogging alive
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Chookshed Party...........part 2...........
the autumn colour is gorgeous on my Chinese Tallowwood..........
the days were glorious and the nights pretty chilly............
thank you girls for joining me to celebrate the Chooksheds 5th birthday......... I think 7 would have to be the max number in the chookshed..........
I always say quilting is an addiction...........and it sure is when your opening dodgy little foil packages.............
Sonia worked on hand stitching all her flowers down.........
stacks in progress..........
Diddles working on Dancing Chickens and Flying Pigs.........Kate also worked on the same BOM............
Girls busy stitching.........
don't bump that tray on the chair or the whales will be a disaster...........
I am making my quilt from this book............
I saw Debs quilt at GDITC show and tell.......I knew I wanted to make one.......
the book arrived last Friday...........
slowly getting there..........I think it needs another block of yellow...........
And I still have a few to move around by the looks of this pic..........
in the end I just shoved the unfinished block up to get an idea of how it was going.............
Sadly all to quickly everyone was gone and the weekend was over..............
thanks to everyone who joined in virtually....
blogland is the best and i'll be hanging out here for many years to come yet
I've been getting around the blog commenting and i hope I have not missed anyone............
thankyou for helping celebrate......its nice to know we are sewing together in our own little spots on the planet..........linked with needle and thread..........
Catch you later.......
thanks to everyone who joined in virtually....
blogland is the best and i'll be hanging out here for many years to come yet
I've been getting around the blog commenting and i hope I have not missed anyone............
thankyou for helping celebrate......its nice to know we are sewing together in our own little spots on the planet..........linked with needle and thread..........
Catch you later.......
Keeping the love of blogging alive
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