ThAnKyOu for all the the beautiful comments on my blogaversary/blog birthday post...........11 years is a lot of friends have come and gone to the darkside or disappeared altogether so I appreciated all those that still blog and I have lots on my list still...............I updated my pic from that post to my header...........
Life is a little hectic with a quick trip away for a family funeral.............this bible above is a family bible............given to an ancestor many generations back i'm not sure of the line as it's Mr Chookys side...... the ancestor was given this bible on his 52nd birthday from his mother......way back in 1879.....there is currently 4 generations alive.........
so it was a very long way and very quick trip............
along the way we saw some wind farms................
they are huge..........
I'm a little busy over the next blog posts will be quick phone ones or none at all...........
Also a little busy and terribly excited about Scrub Stitchin'.............all the fabrics have arrived for the little kits.........secret plans are still being squirreled away with my partner in secrets Sonia @ Forever Always........
I've been trying to work out what I want to take..........
some hand stitching and some machine....
we still have a few beds if anyone is interested.............
39 sleeps to go.......
then it will be 4 days of fun.......all meals cooking or cleaning involved just heaps of chatting and stithin'
And I signed up for March Charge (Cancer Council walking fundraiser) again...........was still thinking what to do when I found out a special feathered friend has cancer so that made my final decision..........we've lost two family members to cancer in the last few months.......
I've commited to 4kms/day..........lets see what I can do.......I set 3kms/day last year and did stacks more.............
I know Julie @ Simple Stitches is doing it too......

So as usual I have tooo much going on........but you only get one crack at life so need to fit in as much as possible........
Catch you later.......