Kate from Raggedy Rambles sent me these pics from her back deck and her fish.............we used to have fish like this but we found a little baby turtle - he was very tiny when we found him and would have died if we didn't look after him but his name is "Jack" and he is like part of the family now...........when he was little we had him in with the fish......well that was until he started to eat the fish..........opps..........fish are now all gone but Jack is still with us...........he is now 4 years old.......he is such a character.............

anyway back to
Kate................the deck used to have ocean views but she said the trees have grown to much......such a shame...............no chance of an ocean view from my place..........
Kate is also in the Secret Santa Christmas Swap.................
Kate also
tagged me a couple of weeks ago..........so finally I will play the game(sorry i don't have the logo) I need to list one fact that is relevant to my life for each letter of my name, then tag that many people to continue the game. Here goes Chookyblue (bugger it's long)
Camera love it - hard to live without at present
Hate being tagged
Ok will do it this time
Ooooooooo - how I love sewing
Kind - well I hope I am I will just have to ask my friends/family
Yikes - stuck here
Blue - my favourite colour (if you haven't worked it out yet)
Love my family and friends
U can consider yourself tagged if you want
Eating love it.........
Secret Santa Christmas Swap
Well I am getting lots of emails in and out and OMG a couple of you have emailled and you are finished..............hang onto that parcel for a little longer - we want to time the sending for receiving near christmas............some people have planned christmas themes others like myself have not planned a christmas theme............gosh I can't wait to see what they all make.........that will be christmas for me..........
Hey, that looks like a nice place to live...lol.
I agree Kate, now where do you live so we can visit?
As for the swap, I have lots of ideas nothing in action yet.
Slowing crossing off other lists.
Maybe we could all send ourselves to Kate's for the Secret Santa Swap - it certainly looks like a wonderful place to sit and stitch.
Great pictures, LOL. I like how you managed to tell a story about yourself with someone else's pictures -- that was the whole idea! The swap looks like so much fun!
OMG that’s in Australia too? What a wonderful diverse country you Australians live in! About the swap - no news on the front - nothing done yet, but the idea of no Christmas theme sounds appealing to me!!!
What! Still no camera? Pretty novel way to blog without photos....and I like the (new?) banner.
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