Monday, 31 March 2008
more cards.........
Sunday, 30 March 2008
just a glimpse.......
A few weeks ago I went to the Hunter Valley is a couple of the flowers and the other views..........would love to include them bigger but there are so many.............if you ever get the chance to visit it is certainly worth it..........this is the second time I have managed to visit the gardens.........
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
Read the label............
Well this pipe is not fix yet but should be tonight............but these are the scones I whipped up this morning......
The agent said he was only joking when he said he wanted scones and jam and cream but that is what he got................he thought they were pretty good.........
....gosh that is a lucky thing .............I had made up a whole batch and usually eat some dough while cooking (bad girl yes I know ) but thought it didn't taste quite right........nothing missing yes I had included all the ingredients.............
had them all prepared and ready for the oven and went to put things away and realised I had used the PLAIN flour instead if the SELF RAISING flour.......OPPS.............emergency..............threw them in the chook bucket and started again and had popped the tray above into the oven just before he arrived...............
he did say he would have eaten the other said he would have told everyone in the district how BAD they were would never have heard the end of it.........
Work and no play..........
Well girls this is about as much of me as you will see when in work really isn't good..........but yesterday we did some cattle work - weighing my younger stock........they are looking okay
Here are some of them later in the afternoon when we let them out of the yards...............they had better enjoy that drink as a pipe broke during the night as dh is trying to fix it right now - lets just say water spraying everywhere is not a good thing............
while I was wondering around with the camera I went and shut the chooks into there yards and took this pic..........
Thursday, 27 March 2008
dragging the chain.........
I am little behind with everything..........still catching up with bloglines from before I was away.........
A friend gave me this wonderful book.........I am so lucky I have looked at it several times and not got it so thanks heaps CM..................
This is what you see when you lie on the you ever do that???? I haven't done it for awhile but love watching the clouds pass over............
Now I know I already said I am behind but over easter I had visitors and my friend brought some plastic sleeves with her that you put onto hard boiled eggs and lower into hot water for 3 seconds and it shrinks onto the cool here they are on the left............
We all got plenty of chocolate and in Australia we also have chocolate Bilby's (an Australian native animal) so that is him next to the easter bunny............
I got some canvas boards for the kids to do art on and here is what the girls were working on.........."Book Worm" didn't get a picture taken but he painted Ayers Rock.............
I also did some sewing on the weekend and made a skirt and bag for my little girl visitor for her birthday.............she loved it...........
Monday, 24 March 2008
last post from my trip.........I promise
These are some pics from the Living Creatively (not really sure what that is) display at the Stitches and Craft...........pretty cool............check out these desserts.............
you could just reach out and eat them..........
but they are all handmade from felt and kniting and you would choke...........they looked so real I had to look twice........
This little bag was so pretty............
They even had flowers sitting all around...........
lots of good sewing hanging here.............
Annies favourite apron here on the left............
she liked this bag also.........
And I just wanted to pick up this quilt..............
These carrots and cauliflowers put a whole new slant on knitting for me...............not that I am about to start knitting...............but they are so cute..........
Now I am not sure who exactly put this display together but it was amazing .............they even had real rabbits in there............very cute..............
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
The shopping and some presents.......
top L - is a cup bag pattern and I need to make a couple of R - a present for someone, bottom L - a bargain that I just had to have,
Some fat quarters, 1930's some others for my butterfly Roosting Robin, felt brooches, navy chennille, perle cottons been wanting to have a go with them, Lecian charm packs and 2 free patterns...........
Nice Bracelets - mine $4 and Fairy Girls $3 little presents from the girls for Fairy Girl - Down Under Quilts - bargain some free magazines and a bag pattern from Giggle Buttons......
...................Hope you all have a good Easter .........
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Catching up.......
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Wow what a great few days...........
......I went to the Museum one day and met up with Little Mysteries. It was so nice of her to come into the city area and meet me..........we had a great time chatting and wandering around the museum (which is also wonderful) and when we were done there we walked around to Meet Me at Mikes I have heard a bit about so it was fun to go and see....and a nice lunch together............thanks so much Little Mysteries for showing me some of Melbourne........... and for the presents for the kids they loved them I will show them in my next post........
Next stop was the Stitches and Craft expo - a tram and train trip and we were there waiting for the show to open...........Fairy Girl came with me
Now here I met up with Flower Garden (Annie), Ric Rac (Jodie) and Oz Country Quilting Mum (Tracey).............
(Back Jodie, Annie, Front me and Tracey)
here is Tracey with her coat is huge they should have given it to her for free and I am not sure how many people she had to tell where she got it

Also met Dear Fii, Miss Marzie and Lululollylegs..........all lovely friendly girls............they were on a stand at the show so this was a bonus as I didn't know they were going to be there.............
Oh and we nearly missed the quilts ...............not that there were very many but here are some of the highlights
If you ant any details of who made them I think I have it for most............
So Australian with the cricket........
This Mariners Compass had Oriental faces in all the centres of the compasses
Hope you can see enough of the quilting here............
This one with the birds is my favourite...........
This was Fairy Girls favourite and she is a young quilter....
darker quilt............
I did like the effects of this one and the red and black and white............
pretty flowers here...........
bit hard to see here but some fairies - another favourite of Fairy Girls..........wonder why????
I do love flowers.........
This one was quite different...................but I liked it
soft and pretty..........
These last 2 were calendar quilts...................
now of course I brought things but that will have to be in the next post.............also the little presents fromthe girls............opps I was not so organised last week..........
Thanks so much girls for travelling in to meet up.................just wished I lived closer but I will be are all so lovely and friendly ...................
Thursday, 13 March 2008
A little while ago I signed up to a new PIF on Gail Pan's blog...........yes not quite finished this one and I went and did it again but I would LOVE to have something Gail made for me so I will now in turn open my comments for 3 people to leave a message that they would like to receive a present from me and they in turn make the same offer on there blog and make a present for 3 people............spread the's the blurb.....
It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on the blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog
otherwise you could just leave a message and tell me I am out of my mind but thats fine
Bye for now more exciting news soon.........
present sent.......
Monday, 10 March 2008
PIF sent.............
This is a Pay it Forward complete.............this one went to Becky in the USA..........
Thanks goodness we had plenty of time to pay the I can relax for a few days before I tell you how crazy i
Til next time ...........take care
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Look what the mail man delivered..............