the local show has been on and I entered some photograpy and sewing.............I did well really well.....just let me gloat for a few minutes.............first time I have come home with more money then it cost to do the
......3 firsts here.......carry bag (big bag), hangbag, and soft toy
the entries were down on last year which was abit disappointing and the flowers sections was pretty low but there are not many blooms around at the moment...........our show is usually a little later........
the dark quilt in the middle got first in the flannel quilt section...........
the quilt on the right is my quilt and i am very please...............
here are the ribbons for it...........first again.............Champion in the Patchwork section and most successful exhibitor.........yeh..........a stitchery also got a first..............
Book worm got to hold a snake...............highlight of the day....................or was it first in his painting or going on one of the big rides and throwing up everywhere...(including on his mate) grandmother took him on that I know his tummy can't do it)
Some of the High School kids did these great chooks painting on hessian and some blanket stitch around the edges..............they looked fab..........
more chooks know I had to show you these...............
this painting didn't get a prize but it is my favourite...............(not my painting)
I also entered some photos did really well there............
.....4 firsts, 2 seconds and 3 thirds...............lots of great photos in the entries this year so I was very lucky.............
...............take care til next post.............