Saturday, 6 September 2008

checking in............

........1000km's later...........I thought I had better post in case I don't get back for a few days............been pretty some "extended family" time..........more rain while I have been busy and more busy days coming up.......

.......but to change the subject I have several "old" machines and last week I was looking them all turns out I have lots more then I realised...........dh found a couple more at the MIL's so I decided to check them out to.........this one he could not find the number but today we found it.............I looked it up and it was born to life at Singer 306K serial number EM in 1957. This is a very cool machine as it has some metal plate thingy's that go into it and then you can do "fancy stitches" zig zag..................not sure what else but it is still working and a treadle machine.........all the sewing bits and pieces still there from when it was last used.............

totally of the subject now Quilterpolly asked for some suggestions on how she could be an awesome "angel"........head over and help her out..........


has anyone else had trouble leaving comments lately............they have been driving me insane.........the last few weeks esp............I think it is my crappy internet provider.........anyone else having problems????

Take care til next time


PS Sandi please email me some other way...........I am getting your comments but you don't seem to be getting my replies or emails..............check your spam box........I have tried both emails you gave me...........


Noémia said...

It's a lovely machine, and from a very "good year"! I has born also in 1957! I have two old Singer too,one is in my garage, it belong to my grandmother, I wiil see if it works past so many years.:)

Candace said...

What a beauty, and the cabinet looks to be in very good condition too.

Jenny said...

That is a real beauty all right. I have an old one in the shed-must check it out again.

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, how lucky you are to have those old machines. That one's a beauty! I'd love to have the machines that my grandmothers sewed on, but sadly they've been "lost".

Daisy Jayne said...

I'd love to have the machine that my grandmother sewed on, but sadly another member of the family received it ......Hopefully it is still in the family?? .......cheers Marc

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Hip Hip Hooray, we "connected" today! I cleaned out my old e-mails and that may have "freed-up space" for your e-mails to come in. Thank you so much!!

Scottish Nanna said...

Love your machine it looks in good condition I have an old singer it is a knee kick one you use your knee to push the bar to make it work I dont know how old it is?
Hugs Mary.

Unknown said...

The machine looks great.

Nicky said...

Great machine! It looks like its in excellent condition. you are lucky to have something so lovely and old.

Lorraine said...

Wow...nice looks to be in pretty good condition.....on the subject of comments I haven't had any trouble .... well, not that I know of anyway!!

Leanne said...

It's just a little bit older than me....I remember this machine my mum had one and I used to sew on it ...if you treddle backwards you would break the needle.

Anonymous said...

It's in great condition...I have a lovely old machine it was grandmothers, sister machine so it was old!!!!check out the new country thread mag it a good photo of you at girls day out....
Gaizie Girl

Lori in South Dakota said...

What a great old machine--they just don't make them like that anymore. My rule is not to sew on a machine "younger" than I am! Collecting machines is a great hobby--and they are so USEFUL!!

quilterpolly said...

I love your little singer. I also have one. I would be lost without it. it was my grandmas and she taught me to quilt on it. I still use it for classes...Thanks for reading my post and sending bloggers to me. Your the best and keep up the great job. I love your cards:)

Helen said...

Great to have a treadle. You can sew during a power cut :-) She is a real beauty.