Monday, 25 January 2010


Just to fill in some holiday time with my "bookworm" we played some
"Boggle"[much better then marbles - lost that game]...........we decided to annoy you with a game...............see how many words you can come up with...........we got 60+.
For eg we had "snag" as one of our words.....[snag=sausage]......something
we will have tomorrow on the BBQ with lamb chops for Australia Day...........hope you all have a good will be a quite and hot day here at the farm............
Take Care til next time..............
PS why do the weather people think we are only HOT when the cities are hot.............I am sure they forget and don't care about the rest of us in the state.............what do you think.........


Annette said...

That was fun, but I'm not as good as you are...I got 42.

Lurline said...

Uh, oh - taking a little breather from the sewing machine, so not enough time to Boggle - I'm an old hand at that and I am sure I would beat you both, LOL! - don't tell Fairygirl I said that! Have you checked your mail today?
Hugs - Lurlineā™„
PS - hot here, too!

Lurline said...

Oopsy, Bookworm I mean!

Crafty Things said...

What fun - we found 57. Did you find begone, ague and gouge? It helps when the "s" is so useful. Thanks for a nice diversion.

Rebecca said...

Haven't played Boggle in a long time what fun we had playing it. I guess not much else to do when the weather is hot, but to stay indoors and try and stay cool. I am hanging out for the cool change lets hope it comes early this year. Hugs Bec

jodie said...

we played a lot of boggle on our honeymoon - loooooong story. SNAG - sensitive new aged guy.
Dang hot here! City or not.

Willow Grove - Kez said...

No time for Boggle. The phone stuck to my ear. lol Good to see some quality time with Bookworm. Still on the floor then????

Levin said...

we played boggle whilst we were camping - it's great fun and so portable. i've played it many a time in my life - i know when i gave up smoking i played it all the time - as a distraction.....fortunately it worked ;-)
enjoy your australia day - i'm thinking steak sandwiches - cooked on the bbq......mmm tummy's rumbling already

Lissa Jane said...

I used to love playing boggle... My mum was ace at it..

its going to be HOT here tomorrow too.. today was a lovely 34C.. compared to what we had on Saturday its good.. I guess they stress when its hot in the city is cause everyone 1. heads to the beach (major problem on bondi) or 2. stays home and runs the a/c which causes blackouts.. what did I do? um had the a/c on! LOL (but I am only in Newcastle, not a big city and I am on the fringe of it anyways 20kms from the beach)
Our local news always lets us know how hot it is in the state... I'd hate to live at White Cliffs! eek!

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

oooh that is a great game, we also have number boggle which is equally as much fun!

Anonymous said...

Thank`s for your comments!
Hugs from Wenche;)

Tracy said...

I found my favorite word "snuggle" :D I'm doing a lot of that right now :)

Jan said...

Oh you really got me going, Chookyblue - I stopped at 150. What fun! Strangely enough earlier today a friend and I were talking about what people do to keep their brains active - now I can add Boggle to my list! And I'm with you on the weather issue - unless we watch local regional news, the TV channels refer to temperatures 'here' meaning melbourne. Very annoying.

Jenny said...

Would love to take you up on the boggle offer but I am too busy getting ready for school tomorrow! Grrrr!!

Margaret said...

boggle is great fun, I have six games of wordscraper (scrabble) on facebook going, I hardly use facebook for anything else. Happy Australia Day.

Margaret said...

boggle is great fun, I have six games of wordscraper (scrabble) on facebook going, I hardly use facebook for anything else. Happy Australia Day.

Anonymous said...

I haven't played boggle in ages! will have to sit down this afternoon and give it a go. Damn hot here too, and even in the cities we get centralised news and weather (from Sydney or Melbourne). It would be nice to get a regional report for once. toni xxx

Joolz said...

I got 64 pretty quickly....good time waster that! Lol!

Cheers - Joolz

Anita said...

Love boggle!! but don't have anyone to play it with - Craig hates games like that LOL
Hot here too, i am sick of hibernating!

Sue-Anne said...

Definately agree on the weather. We live in NE Vic and we have day after day after day of stinking hot weather. My girlfriend in Melbourne complains when they have one day over 40c and we will have 5 days in a row with no coastal cool change coming our way. Our regional news keeps us well informed on the local weather though. Can you tell I'm sick of the heat? Ha Ha. Have a great Australia Day.

Leanne said...

Being dyslexic I don't always come up with the same words as everybody else LOL.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

We love board games during the school holidays - Boogle is one of our favourites too! This summer there has been some pretty long Monopoly Tournaments going on.

Lily Mulholland said...

I loved Boggle as a kid and look forward to the day when my kids are old enough to play too! Looks like you had a great trip to Sydney and the Blue Mountains too!

Anonymous said...

Boggle... such a fun game to play!! :)

Bev C said...

Hello Donna, My kids have told me they have joined a facebook site called something along the line 37 is not a hot day. The weather people always say Perth is having a hot day of 37 when we are probably having 47. I really know what you mean!!! Hope you had a great school holidays with your two. I have just realised it was my last long school break because it is Lucy's last year of school. Happy stitching.