Friday, 23 March 2012

The adventures of Peg and Dale....

Since our dear Peg and Dale were unable to join us they have come in another way............Tracey whipped these up last night and after a few jokes the girls have come to GDITC with us for the weekend...............
they laid an egg before they left they were LOLing so much............
In the car ready to leave..........
What do you reckon Dale should we drive through the water hole...........Lise will not cope with this...........
Hey Dale the view is gorgeous..........
Pink or white???
maybe we could steal a trike??? and go to the motor bike meeting the girls would never miss us.......
we made it so you want a cold beer???
thank goodness someone is taking us to the table for lunch...........
hhhmmmm that scotch is good.....
perhaps we should have eaten lunch first...........
yippee Kerry's..........we'll just grab the mail for her............
finally Kerry's house............
woops Kerry you should have opened your glad to see you..........
the adventure continues................
GDITC friends............
PS thanks for the snaps Loz


Anonymous said...

what a lovely thing to do for the girls and what a funny adventure those 2 will get up to.xx

rachelmp said...

so funny!

Maria Harrits said...

It seems like you have had a great trip!

Jeanette said...

What can i say? :) Thanks for the laugh Chookyblue. :). Hugs,

Salley said...

What... no seatbelts?

Lurline said...

Chookies have a little tipple, purely for medicinal purposes!
Hugs - Lurlineā™„

Unknown said...

such fun and frovilities! Think those old hens should lay off the scotch a bit though!!

Jan Maree said...

So funny loved this post!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I am laughing and crying .... Tracey, Dale and I have never looked so good...Must be Dales's egg she gets very nervous..Dale can never hold her grog, not sure what my problem was, I must have been very tired after the trip...LOL...
To all our gorgeous friends...I don't know what to say...thank you for making us feel so very special..we are truly blessed....xxxxx

Sue SA said...

Phew after the drinking I was worried the girls were going to go all Thelma and Louise on us! So glad you all arrived safe n sound, happy stitching.

Jodie said...

Oh I am not sure nundle will cope with you lot.

2paw said...

I think Peg and Dale are just lovely and their antics very amusing!!!

Larissa said...

Lol! Love it!! ... Sounds (looks?!) like you're having an amazing time!!!

Quilt Kitty said...

You have to watch the scotch intake when you are only a little chicken! Great fun. Tracee xx

Katie said...

That is too too funny! :-)

FloS said...

Ah ! ah! You seem to have fun time !

weidemama said...

Da lachen ja die HĆ¼hner, so eine lustige Bildergeschichte!
GrĆ¼ĆŸe nach Australien von Wilma aus Deutschland

Carin@UllhƤrvan said...

They are adorable!

Mistea said...


Hope the chooks are enjoying their stitching weekend after the adventure of just getting there.


Shari said...

Gorgeous post - very fun.

Princess Martha said...


Shiralee Stitches said...

So clever of you girls to come up with the idea to hatch Peg and much fun, and it put them in our thoughts all weekend...but they were a bit mischievious at times!!!!!...naughty