"the cute"...........3 willy wagtail babies..........right at my back door............a favourite nesting spot for the willy's............they hatched several lots each year and they sure are getting in early this spring.........they will be out of the nest in a day or so and then flying around the garden............

"the not so cute"...........I have included this as it is a bit of history.......life on the lands constantly includes pest animal and plant control.........with the wet summers a few years back feral pig numbers have got out of control...........there have been numerous controlled eradication programs.........everyone is complaining about pig numbers.........i've been here for 20 years and we have never had a pig here in that time.....or sign of one.......a few months ago a neighbour saw one on the road near the house and we couldn't find it................we found signs of "rooting around" (pig diggings) but we could not find any pigs...............that is until yesterday when "boy wonder" was out in the paddocks............and he caught it.............well done......an older boar lets hope he is on his own...........but I sure will be looking out for more.............
today I pulled out the good camera........been using my phone too much lately
as I roamed around the garden I snapped some flowers.......surprising how much is flowering considering how dry it is..............I have lost some plants........the gaps will just have to stay there until it rains properly....
And I have been sewing...........working on numerous projects with no clear direction or progress..............I stayed out in the chookshed until it got toooooo HOT.....it was becoming a sweat shop............not fun...........33.5degC when I came in.......go away summer.........this months temps are well above average.................
Recently I got to enjoy lunch with Sonia from Me and My Thoughts...........you definitely have to stay for longer then a quick lunch............why does work have to interfere with socialising........next time a sleep over or two.......
look at the gorgeous sign she made for me.........i've got it sitting on the windowsill.....still waiting for Mr Chooky to put up some hooks etc so I can hang things.............
Catch you later
Love your sign and the flowers - even the baby birds - but eek - a pig!!!!
On our recent travels, we saw more pigs as road kill than anything else.
What a great sign for your hideout. Sharyn:)
Love the sign! Gosh thought only my Dad took pics of feral pigs he has shot! Pity they have turned up, if you haven't had any for years but l guess that is the drought conditions. Let's hope that his mates don't turn up as well. Good luck with the FT town job.
we see those big black pigs when we camp along side the murray in Robinvale,well done boy wonder,he looks a big one.
Lovely pics chooky and love the sign that Sonia made you.xx
It's lovely to have baby birds in your garden.....but definitely not pigs. I hope he was on his own, and good on boy wonder for catching it. Love your new sign.
Your new "sign" is wonderful and will be great hanging up welcoming more visitors!
That's a big pig! Love the sign...how perfect!!
Always something interesting happening at your place. Are those pigs dangerous? !
It certainly is warmer than normal, but thankfully we haven't got your extreme heat. We have babies too - choughs. We love the way the whole family of choughs get involved with the nest and baby. Well done to catch the pig. Here's hoping that is the first and last you see of them. Cute sign. It will look great when it is hanging.
Feral pigs!! Well done wonder boy for catching it. Do I take it your freezer will be full of pork soon? :o) Great new sign for your 'shed' Sonia is so talented. Wishing you a Scottish summer.... luke warm and wet! Stay cool....
Yikes - a pig! They're mean, aren't they? Wouldn't they hurt your dog? Hmmm..... Your flowers look beautiful!
Luckily we do not get feral pigs here in the UK. (Not that I am aware of anyway), but a sighting of The Beast of Bodmin might actually be a treat. Google it everyone if you have not heard of this beast.
Myth? Legend or just a story past down through the generations?
Well down for catching the pig it looks huge.
I love your sign and it is always great to catch up with friends. Baby birds are always the sweetest....as for the pigs...we've even got them at the back of our place at the moment.
such happenings at the farm.... those pigs are huge ....
Love your new sign and that majestic view.... and of course such pretty things to sew...
Gorgeous little baby Willy Wagtails..one of my favourite little birdies. Love all your photos and your sign is so cute. I hope Mr Boar is a nigel no friends and hasn't got a family.
Well done 'boy wonder'! Not an easy task.
So nice to watch babies grow and leave their nest ... makes you feel like you've played a little part in their upbringing when they're so close to your home.
Lovely to have a little colour in your garden and sewing in any direction is good for the soul :)
Cute babies. What a shame about the pigs. It's similar here, we hadn't seen pigs for at least 15 years until last spring, they made an awful mess in the paddocks around the edge of the bush. It's always a worry at lambing time too that they will kill young lambs. Our cause is not drought, but pighunters who release pigs into the bush to make sure they still have sport! Annoys the hell out of farmers!! Well done boy wonder...
Looks like the boy is enjoying his holidays. Very cute sign. You have to love a nest full of willy wag tails. I love the noise they make.
The lovely Sonia is very talented, you are a very lucky Chook. Love the flowers and the birds. Please tell the young fella ..... good Job..... one less feral pig.
Waow !! The sign is wonderful !!
For sure :)
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