wow what a busy week it's been................"boy wonder" had some mates come to stay................2 arrived last Friday and they went home this morning..............2 others came and went over that time was so nice to see them interacting together......tell/showing each other how to do things better/differently in the cattle yards.........5 teenage boys in the house - most would say I am nuts but they were great.............not once ounce of trouble.........bonfires, camping in swags out in the paddock ......"boy wonder" is sound asleep at the moment..........a very long nanna nap...........
one day we had a big day of cattle work........took longer then planned so the last were unloaded off a truck just on dark..............
(missed the lunar eclipse.....just the slightest glimpse last night as we had some cloud)
I love all these silhouettes of the western sky............
big sky country..............
this is the best of a bad bunch but considering it was just my phone in hand it's not too bad
Was trying to get the silhouette of the cattle as they jumped off the truck...........
just about now was when I got a face/neck full of cow S&#%..........think face mask...........
the very next day we had some of the steers stuck in the dam............2 of the boys got in and got them out...........
the boys could stand on the silt layer with flat feet but the hoofs of the cattle were busting can see the wet shorts of when the boys dropped through.............we hadn't got this dam desilted due to it drying up and not getting the tractors out there to do the it only has some water that has run in from the batters (sides)............hopefully the others drink more carefully...............
then the boys raced to the edge..............
And I have found a few moments to do some sewing prep work.........nearly all the hexies are glued and ready to start joining...............
Fairy Girl had a friend she has's a bit of a revolving door here.........I have to do a head count each meal to know how many I am feeding......
But I wouldn't have it any other way.........
Have a great my fish and prawns for Good Friday............
busy in the wool shed next week (thank god I have to work in town 2 of the 3 days) so not sure when I will be back..........enjoy the holidays if you have some..............
Calf update
we lost both the
last 2 calves we brought a few days ago the second one this morning............for some reason he
decided to swimming fell into the dam getting a drink yesterday..........goodness knows how he got out but we blow dried him last night and tried to feed him but it was the final straw and he was just too weak and not drinking..............I think they were both to drought affected to drink properly..........
Goodnews - the
blind calf (pink eye) can see a little bit more.....he hangs out with his buddy we feed him with.........all the other calves are cruising along...........fat little things.......I tell you there must be some good stuff in green is so nice to see all the stock here fat and healthy...........
Catch you later