The last 3 months is a period in my life I would prefer to forget........but then again you learn from every situation in life.......I am sure I will be stronger from it............but it's not just the drought although that has been the biggest issue it sure has not assisted with other areas of my life...............and while I would not say the drought is over things sure are looking more positive than they have for the last year or more...........
So onward and upward I say with a few more changes in my life........
with rain I will spring back to life just like the earth does................

(a photo from 2007)
Things have been so chaotic and miserable here I even missed my blog birthday.......this is what I posted on my birthday and I didn't even give my blog birthday a thought.........that was back in February.........7 years OMG can you believe it 7 years I have been blogging here in this little spot in the cyber world.......the things I have learnt, tried, seen sure has been encouraging and inspiring especially when you don't belong to a sewing group......... friendships formed from all over the day I may get over the ocean and meet some of you for now it's just the girls in Oz I get to see.............another upside of blogging is always finding someone online no matter what time of the day someone is online doing something in my part of the cyber world and it doesn't cost me trips to town to meet up, you don't care whether I am in my daggy work clothes or pj's, thankyou for your support and encouragement over the last few months actually the last 7 is very much appreciated..............hopefully now I can get all the things on track that have been neglected over the last 3-6months.............slowly and surely I will get to prepare some more GDITC posts............and wait for the cooler autumn days to arrive......I hope this is the last day of 30deg...even the nights have only got down to about 18deg.........still very mild...........but sunny days like these sure will help the grasses grow.............
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue......... |
And a wonderful 7 years it has been! Glad you received a little rain...enough to get some grass to grow at least. Looking forward to the next 7 years! :)
I hope that things have finally turned around for you. You bring such joy to people with your wonderful blog - everyone thinks so highly of you. Like so many others I'm sending you hugs and hope.
Wow, congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I hope the highs far outweigh the lows in the future. Blogland is the best :-)
Congratulations on 7 blogging years. Hugs, xx
I haven't been around for all your 7 years but for the time I have been blogging with you - its been great,,the SALs are always great - love your posts and have truly enjoyed talking with you and finally meeting you.
So glad that things are improving with some rain...
congrats on 7 years.. that's great.... so glad about the rain ... it's amazing how quickly the landscape greens up - hope for a bit more so the vegetation can set in..... take care
Wow 7 years... I can't believe it's been that long either. I really hope things get turned around for you and better times are coming your way... you certainly deserve that! Stay strong and take care of yourself xx
Congratulations on 7 years. I've only known you for 1 of those but thank you for sharing your journey with us all the good as well as the bad (that's what friends are for). xxx
wow, 7 years is indeed a long time. Congratulations for keeping your blog going. I do hope things will calm down for you and that it will get easier and that the rain keeps coming. xx
I'm glad to hear you are feeling on the up. I was just saying something similar myself last week about how nice it is that there is always someone online to offer a bit of friendship when needed.
Take care
Glad things are looking up and congrats on your blogging birthday.
You are a pretty special person Chooky, look at what you have endured over the last few months. Big Ups to you. 7 years, that's a bit of a milestone for sure. Good to see you back!
Happy 7th Blogger Birthday! That is an awesome achievement. Well done!!
May the coming months bring on the good times, both with your life on the land & with your sewing & blogging friends.
Whenever life is challenging, just keep breathing and put one foot in front of the other. I'm so glad things are looking up for you, you really deserve a break. Congrats on the seven years, and a big thank you for all the encouragement you have given to new bloggers.
I am so glad you had a blog birthday. I have enjoyed very minute of it and made treasured new friends thanks to you Chooky.
Congrats on your 7 years of Blogging it wouldn't be the same without You...So Glad things are looking up for you and your Family it's not an easy life...
Did you get my email Re: the Cards.
Cheers xx
Thank you for the seven years. I've also met a lot of people thanks to you. Yours was one of the blogs that got me wanting to try this for myself so even though you (we all) have ups and downs you still set an example I'm grateful for.
Happy belated blog birthday. If it's any consolation, I have totally neglected my blog birthday as well. Wanna start a club! lol There are so many positives to the internet and one of them is meeting wonderful people like you (and my friend Cheryl - ok I met her on a news group, way before blogging). Life sometimes gets in the way, and soon (sometimes not soon enough) it starts to clear and the light starts to shine in. So glad to read that things are more positive. Do let me know if there's anything I can do. I think of you often! Keep well my friend! Hugs! xox
Happy bloggy birthday. So glad things are on the improve for you.
I hope everything will be better and better. You deserve it. Wish you all the best.
Wow! 7 years. That is great. I know that yours was one of the first blogs I read when I was first considering starting mine. Here's hoping some of this next lot of rain heads your way to make things even better.
It's great to read you so chatty and more your usual self. :-)
7 whole years, you chatterbox! LOL I think I've been blogging that long too! xx
Happy belated bloggy birthday. I am so pleased some rain went your way....take care dear friend!
Glad to hear things are on the improve for you Chooky! Happy 7 years...and you are right, someone is always on line somewhere! Have a great day!
I hope things are on the up and up for you Chooky and you have a little more time to yourself and have less troubles on your mind.
Loved your blog since I discovered it via Peg.
Happy 7th Birthday and not to worry I missed my 5th last September and this is the only time I have mentioned it!
Take care
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! It is always nice to read about what goes on in our lives in different parts of the world--through good times and sometimes rough times. Look forward to more posts over the years. Thanks for starting me off in the blog world! Would not have done it without your help.
Here here! Onwards and upwards!
Amazing how it's been 7 years - congratulations!
Belated birthday wishes to you, Chookyblue! Here's hoping the year holds goodness for you after all the trials you've had over the past few months.
What a lovely post. I am glad I found your blog so many years ago now. You've given me and so many others a world of blogging friends. For just one blogger you've touched so many people. Maybe one day that virtual blog trip you took years ago will come true!
Take care dear friend !!
I will be thinking of you .....
Tha ks for all time you've dedicated to us.
Take care, you are the most important, don't forget!!
And happy birthday!!
Lots of kisses!!
Gee time does fly. 7 years wow, i have only known you fir 6 of them and wow how encouraging have u been to everyone and given so much help and advice in "ho to blog" not mention all of the stitch a longs, and secret santa swap which have brought so many people together
Congrats on just being you and for all you do in blogland that has brought so many faces together..
happy bloggy birthday chooky,you are the reason there is so many bloggy friends out there and also so many friendship groups that have started because of blogging,thankyou my friend for making the decision to blog.
I am so glad that things are on the improve for you all chooky and i hope 2015 will be a better year for you and the farmers up your way.xx
I'm glad everything is going better for you !
I hope you will get some time for you in the next months !! Take care of you !
Onwards and upwards is the way to go. It's nice to think we have been friends for a long time. Take care.
Happy ... Happy ... 7 years in Blogland! Glad to understand things are greener and better on the farm:))
Life sure does send us challenges, doesn't it. I am so glad that you are finally getting rain. I live in Washington State, in the Northwest of the US and would gladly share some of our rain with you. By the time summer comes we feel like we are rusted!
I enjoy reading your blog in the mornings as I try to wake up and start my day. Thank You for sharing.
I really admire your honesty and courage in writing your blog. We are also on a farm but I still enjoy your posts about farm life. I think you give a genuine insight into life on the farm and always like to check in on how you are going. OK I am one of those stalkers. I have tried to start a blog a couple of times but struggle to bare my soul. Take care. Marcelle
7 Chooky...gotta tell ya, you are amazing, great inspiration xx
Happy blog birthday, seven years is a long time. You are such an inspiration to so many. I hope things keep going in the right direction for you.
And I meant to say I really love that photo
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