Kris WARNING..........get a cuppa tea this could take awhile ******
it was a trip I was dreaming of but it wasn't going to happen......to meet Holly from Canada while she was out in Australia.......UNTIL..........Mr Chooky had to go do a job at a mates place 1/2 way there............so I said would these dates work........yes these dates worked with the mate...........seriously the plan was only coming together early in the week as a more definite plan....Susan kept emailing/texting (are you coming?)........and the morning we were going to leave our mate called to say they had rain and that meant the job was off...........then I thought it was all over.........but I think Mr Chooky had got used to the idea of Brissy so off we went anyway with the plan to go via the mates house and do the job on the way home...........
now Brisbane isn't just around the corner...........it's about a 9 hour drive from my neck of the woods so a bloody long way..........and of course then it meant what way are we going...........
we were on the road when I emailed Fiona "I'm going to be in Toowoomba tonight"
her reply "any chance of a quick catch up"
me "dinner?"
a few emails back and forwards and I was staying with Fiona and we were meeting Kris and Geek Boy for dinner................

Kris @ Tag Along Teddies, me and
Fiona @ Bubz Rugz
OMG we got roped into trivia.......ended up splitting boys into girls as we were the only ones.............so funny...........of course the girls won..........
Now Kris and Fiona HAVE to go out AGAIN to lunch as we girls won a meal voucher..........
the boys a 6 pack of fancy beers........

Friday morning we were up bright and early.............sewing machine service..........
I must say it was so good to take a machine to the shop and actually speak to the person who was doing the service............I have to travel hours regardless to get a machine serviced and the last fews times it been dump your machine here and it gets taken to a random location with a random person for a service..............next time I head to Brissy I am going to organise more machine services............

I can highly recommend
John Watts Quilting.............its at Booval so we hung around the area hoping all would be well and it would be finished not needing anything ordered.............
So we did the tourist thing.......
The Workshops Railway Museum was nearby so we checked it out...........enjoyed a brunch sitting on a river bank.........checked out a few quilt shops and the machine was done.........

the old workshops intrigue me..........

This old train was being polished up for a special trip out of the workshop.........

roof patterns.............
Friday night was with a old girlfriend..........great to catch up........next time I go see her she may have a brand new house so it was the last visit to the old one..........
Sat morning I drove in the city (not my favourite thing to do) to Susans and off we went for the big day..................
Alison, Inca, Maureen, Jeanette, Susan, Lesley @ Faeries in My Garden, Me
Next stop
Faeries in my Garden..........such a pretty shop...........
then lunch..........
I missed a few people in this post..........but I think there about 19 of us.............
so much fun............I got to catch up with lots I had met previously..........
I got to meet Michelle, Debbie, Noela, Jeanette, Holly, Noreen and Inca

Susan and
Lynda @ Heavens to Bettsy
A mini swap they missed swapping the previous weekend..........little beach houses on the other side..........
Michelle had her new book with her and some of the main projects..........all gorgeous...............

had to get a book for myself...........
Holly @Nimble Thimble Stitchery-Do and Me
Finally Holly and I got to meet.......the whole reason for the trip...........we have been online friends for years............she has been in numerous
Stitch-a-long's on the group blog and she had a special trip to Australia........we have been talking about this for 6mths or more............
We even phoned
Lori back in Canada - think she was in bed but anyway it was very exciting.......
Holly's Natures Journey centre is looking great...........and Holly was just lovely.......wished we had more time..........thanks for being the driver Megan and goodluck with all the crazy ideas we put in your head.......just let me know when we can come to check it all out..............

Jeanettes Natures Journey centre...........
Cheryl @ Bliss in the Burbs, Megan, Susan, Holly
When I read Lynettes post she sounded so sad cancelling her overseas trip...........so I said "I know something you can do on Sat if you need cheering up...........I know you will get a LOL..........are the free? "
Well free she was so she joined us for our very long lunch...........thanks to her taxi service (hubby)

We so nice to catch up again............thanks for our treats........
Lynette brought us all a charm pack of her new range Needles and Pins............oh I love this range......trying to think what I will make with it..........
I also missed seeing Mrs Hen Needlecase pattern at GDITC so I emailed Lynette and asked if she could bring one with her........
big hugs with
Teresa @ All things Vintage too............

Jeanette, Maureen and Alison...........

Of course I was with Teresa so I HAD to have desert.......
Jeanette and I had this desert and it was delicious...........

Holly and Susan............
De missed you hope the camping was good...............
Wow what a day...........constant chatter and a very long lunch............
sadly we all had to head home...........thanks so much Susan for organising the lunch for Holly..........
lucky it wasn't quite over as I was staying with Susan for the night...........
We worked on planning my Natures Journey centre...........
Sunday night saw me hanging out in the bird nest with
Jenny @ Bird on the Border........
breaking the trip up on the way home.........
slowly coming down from my blogging high...........
I have met so many wonderful people through creating this blog.......
It just amazes me.......
Catch you later.......
PS still got to do the job for the mate...........lol