ThAnKyOu for all the the beautiful comments on my blogaversary/blog birthday post...........11 years is a lot of friends have come and gone to the darkside or disappeared altogether so I appreciated all those that still blog and I have lots on my list still...............I updated my pic from that post to my header...........
Life is a little hectic with a quick trip away for a family funeral.............this bible above is a family bible............given to an ancestor many generations back i'm not sure of the line as it's Mr Chookys side...... the ancestor was given this bible on his 52nd birthday from his mother......way back in 1879.....there is currently 4 generations alive.........
so it was a very long way and very quick trip............
along the way we saw some wind farms................
they are huge..........
I'm a little busy over the next blog posts will be quick phone ones or none at all...........
Also a little busy and terribly excited about Scrub Stitchin'.............all the fabrics have arrived for the little kits.........secret plans are still being squirreled away with my partner in secrets Sonia @ Forever Always........
I've been trying to work out what I want to take..........
some hand stitching and some machine....
we still have a few beds if anyone is interested.............
39 sleeps to go.......
then it will be 4 days of fun.......all meals cooking or cleaning involved just heaps of chatting and stithin'
And I signed up for March Charge (Cancer Council walking fundraiser) again...........was still thinking what to do when I found out a special feathered friend has cancer so that made my final decision..........we've lost two family members to cancer in the last few months.......
I've commited to 4kms/day..........lets see what I can do.......I set 3kms/day last year and did stacks more.............
I know Julie @ Simple Stitches is doing it too......

So as usual I have tooo much going on........but you only get one crack at life so need to fit in as much as possible........
Catch you later.......
Sorry to read about your family member...precious family bible..💕well done to you on the walk...go,girl ❤️❤️It will be here before we know it ❤️❤️
Sorry you have had another loss in the family...the bible is a.great family heirloom....
Good luck with the special challenge .
Your Scrub Retreat will be fun for you all.
Sorry to read of a death in the family. The family bible is an amazing heirloom. You are so right about living life to the full as we only have one.
What a treasure the bible will be. So true - life can be short and you have to grab it and go!!!
Hugs for your challenge and your loss.
Sorry to hear that Donna. What a magnificent bible it must be truly treasured by the family.
sorry for your loss...that family bible is amazing! I've got my Mums but it's no where near as impressive.
yes those wind turbines are massive!
and we can do the March charge together even though we are hundreds of KMs away, good way to keep up the spirits!
sorry about another family member gone.... take care all of you. The Bible is a wonderful thing to have... all the best with your walking... and of course your retreat....
Wow - that bible is incredible. There are no words to describe what I think of the big C. Too many loved ones lost to too many people - including my own. I'm off for a walk shortly along the beach before the physio. I'm very fortunate my work post box is right near the beach and I need to go there often (more often than necessary?) to check it. lol. Have a good - busy - week.
I am so sorry for the loss of your family member. Sending you angel hugs.
Sympathy to your family on another loss, and what a treasure that Bible is. The scrub retreat sounds like it will be a lot of fun, and good on you for doing the walk. Too much of that "C" around these days.
What a special bible. Sorry for your loss. Go you with the March Challenge. Bring on Scrub Stitchin.
Love your new header--especially the pic with the liquid refreshment--lol! I need to do some major housekeeping on my blog, but just never seem to get around to doing it. Your retreat sounds like it's going to be lots of fun!
Firstly a belated Happy Blog Birthday to you!!!! Good work on the March Charge - I contemplated doing it and sent off an email asking about how they were wanting it tracked since I wanted to incorporate some of my "learning to run" into my walking - but I think it had to be run or walk. If we were just a tad closer I'd be coming for the girl time out ...... but ... we may, just maybe have some interested parties for the house! Waiting to see
What a beautiful thing to have a family bible like that. So sorry to hear that you have lost another member of your family. xx
What a lovely family heirloom....big hugs x
Having the bible is a precious thing, even if only for the history of it Chooky... just sad that you lost a family member in order to now be custodians of it.
Well done on your Blogging Milestone... now would be a good time to 'fess us & admit that I read your blog and Peg's blog for a good 6 months before I started my own.
You're right, so many bloggers have gone to other 'platforms' but I still think blogging is the best.
Hi Chooky what a beautiful family heirloom,hope it stays in the family for a long time. Cancer sucks,good on you chooky for doing the walk,this horrid disease just about affects everyone,hope they find a cure soon. Cant wait to see the pics from Scrub stitchin i know you will all have a ball,take care my friend xx
Connection to our family history ... oh so important! Good luck on your walk! I'll be with you in spirit! I usually power walk 6 km. When the weather is a tad better (it has been a strange and cold winter with lots of ice) I will start jogging 3.5 km of that 6 km. So looking forward to getting back to my morning routine. It's good for the soul! Catch you later!
Lovely to have that family Bible.. we have one too, my brother has it, not sure how old it is.. next time I visit him I should take a pic.... I'm sad I'm missing scrub stitchers... daughters come first.... xx
This feathered friend is very grateful for your support and friendship, dear Chooky. Last year you walked for my late dad - who knew that this year you'd be doing the same for me ...
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