I heard a funny noise outside the Chookshed the other morning...........I had an echidna visiting.........

The first 8 keets are doing great.............so great I decided to raid a nest that I had in the garden............
Well that was interesting.........there are varying ages of egg development in that guinea fowl nest.................
So I candled them and have 2 incubators going with different stages of eggs in each one.............
the raided eggs have started to hatch.......over several days now here's the progress so far.......
1st keet was doing great but I think a little premmy and didn't get the gist of eating and died...........
They can live for 24 hrs at least without food etc........the left over yolk sustains them........
2nd one is doing great........
3rd one didn't hatch out and died thinking premmy also.........
4th one is doing great ..........
5th one is starting to hatch so see what happens...........there are more eggs to go..........
in the pic above you can see the big ones are about 12 days old...........the little one towards the back of the bowl is 2 days old now........
and the baby at the front is the newest and I popped him in the box at lunch time........
no sewing to busy playing with these babies...........
Catch you later.............
PS maybe I need to change that to guinea blue.............LOL