Thursday, 6 February 2025

MHS Worrell Appeal update.........

Macquarie Home Stay Worrell Appeal update

We have been given another donation towards the appeal. Come by Chance Campdraft committee have donated $4000 towards our appeal. Thankyou to Bek for championing the cause. This is a wonderful donation to add to the tally.

So rough tally

Give Now site $30000
Livestock Sales $34000
Direct donations $6000

So quick maths that's over $70000 for @machomestay

The new rooms are being set up and cleaned as I type. Guest are booked in from next weekend. Hopefully I'll have some photos of our room that we have all contributed to this afternoon or tomorrow.

This is real it's all happening.

OMG so grateful for everyone's who has been part of this project so far and we aren't finished yet. We still have more livestock to round up so it's not too late to donate something to push this total up. All funds raised are going to the amazing Macquarie Home Stay.

Let's make a difference together!


As for life I have been busy...........
The grandkids are still here which is wonderful but they leave soon 😢
Work has been busy also..........
so sewing and blogging has taken a big back burner.............
let alone replying to emails and text...........sorry people..........

Hope you are all well and hope to be back soon..........
Catch you later........


ButterZ said...

This is fantastic news. You should be very proud of yourself. Excellent

Jennifer said...

Well done!

Maria said...

Fantastic! Great work by all.

cityquilter grace said...

awesome total! sewing can first...

Jeanette said...

Fantastic. Well done to all involved.

Janice said...

That is the best news. Well done.

Janet O. said...

Incredible! I have been away from blogs too much this year and missed all the action. Just went back to your previous post and found the link and donated. What a wonderful thing you are doing here!!

Narelle said...

Great news and well done!
Enjoy your beautiful grandies while they're in 'cuddle' reach xx

Ma Betty said...

An amazing achievement Chooky. It will soon be time for some RnR for you I think.

Lin said...

Great news Chooky. xx

jude's page said...

Enjoy your grandies, and well done with the fundraising, an amazing effort.

Maria said...
