2015 SSCS Swap girls

Alexandra Germany http://puppemaennchen.blogspot.de
Anne Heidi Norway http://lappemor.blogspot.no
Annette  Australia www.jindiscottage.blogspot.com.au
Anthea Australia http://hibiscus-stitches.blogspot.com.au/
Carin Sweden http://ullhrvan.blogspot.com
Carole USA www.carolesquiltingetc.com
Cheryl H Australia www.cherylsstitchings.blogspot.com
Cheryl S Australia http://blissintheburbs-kayly.blogspot.com.au/
Cheryll Australia http://stitchingcubbyhole.blogspot.com.au
Chookyblue Australia www.chookyblue.blogspot.com
Christiane Germany www.krisell.de
Christin  Switzerland http://soleurchris.blogspot.com
Clare New Zealand http://craftladyinkiwiland.blogspot.com/
Dagmar Germany http://quiltmoose.blogspot.de/
Deb Australia www.frogcottagedesigns.blogspot.com
Denice USA www.weesied.blogspot.com
Diane Mc United Kingdom www.thecheshirequilter.blogspot.com
Diane S Australia http://www.thesloanpatch.blogspot.com.au
Fiona Bubz Australia http://bubzrugz.blogspot.com.au
FionaH Australia www.peacefulthreads.blogspot.com
Florence France http://chezprincessenounouche.blogspot.fr
Gail USA www.trailteach.blogspot.com
Helen Australia http://helbels.blogspot.com.au/
Jan Australia http://littleredhen08.blogspot.com
Janice Australia http://jannimary.blogspot.com.au
Jeanette Australia www.jeanettespatch.blogspot.com
Jenny Australia http://birdontheborder.blogspot.com.au
Jill United Kingdom emeraldcottage.blogspot.co.uk
Jo Australia http://jobutterfield.blogspot.com.au
Jocelyn United Kingdom http://dillydimple.blogspot.co.uk/
Julie S Australia http://jewells58.blogspot.com.au/
Julie G Australia www.simplestitches1.blogspot.com
Karol-Ann United Kingdom www.sewkalico.blogspot.com
Kate Australia http://kate-showandtell.blogspot.com.au/
Katie USA mysandbox32123.blogspot.com
Kaylee Australia http://kraftykaylee.blogspot.com.au
Kerrie Australia http://channelbankcreations.blogspot.com.au
Kris Australia http://tagalongteddies.blogspot.com
Laila Norway Jacobs-quilt.blogspot.com
Lisa Australia lisavslounge.blogspot.com
Lyn New Zealand http://stitchesfromthemainland.blogspot.co.nz/
Maria G Australia http://thenextstage-maria.blogspot.com.au
Maria W Australia http://maria-lifeontheblock.blogspot.com
Marica Sweden http://englating.se/wp
Marika  Germany http://quiltfee1966.blogspot.de
Marion Germany http://kunzfrau-kreativ.blogspot.de/
Martina Switzerland http://sunshinequilting.blogspot.ch/
Martine Belgium http://bizzymartine.blogspot.com
Michell New Zealand www.michellsplace.blogspot.com
Michelle R Australia http://michelleridgwaydesigns1.blogspot.com 
Michelle U New Zealand allthingsrustyandfabric.blogspot.co.nz
Noela Australia www.quiltybitsfromtheblueroom.blogspot.com.au
Noémia Portugal aartedostrapinhos.blogspot.pt
Oddbjørg Norway www.nordquilt.blogspot.com
Peg Australia http://happyinquilting.blogspot.com.au/
Raewyn New Zealand http://stitchingfarmgirl.blogspot.co.nz/
Sandi Australia http://sewmoorewithsandi.blogspot.com.au/
Sandra Portugal http://floresascores.blogspot.com
Sheryl Australia http://shez-enjoyinglife.blogspot.com.au/
Simone Australia www.quiltingismydowntime.blogspot.com.au
Sonia Australia http://foreveralwaysonline.blogspot.com.au/
Stefanie Germany http://steffishobbys.blogspot.de
Susan Australia http://thimblestitch.blogspot.com.au
Suze Australia http://suzeblack-bearsmum.blogspot.com.au/
Sylvia Germany http://flickenstichlerei.blogspot.de
Tonje Norway http://shadesofnemo.blogspot.com
Uta Germany http://utilisblog.blogspot.de/
Wendy USA http://stitchduchessscrazysanequiltingworld.blogspot.com/


Jo said...

Wow. What a great range of countries to spread the love of Xmas

Anonymous said...

whoo hoo let the fun begin ,thankyou chooky xx

Steffi said...

Thank you Chooky, for your efforts , I am very excited !

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

ThanksChooky....once again you have done an awesome jog...xxx

Jeanette said...

Thanks Chooky. Awesome effort. Hugs,xx

Show and Tell said...

So glad I can be part of this great swap again this year, well done my friend xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Thanks so much for your hard work. I am really looking forward to joining in this year xxx

Cheryl said...

Wow a great number of girls. So thrilled to be a part of it once again

simplestitches said...

WOW. starting to have a look at all those lovely blogs now...lots are new to me....thank you so much for all your hard work in organising this.....

Deb R said...

Thank you Chooky for all hard work!!! Off to make some new friends!!!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Thank you Chooky for organizing, what a big job. The excitement is all over, hardly able to sit still on the chair.
Great fun to spy out new friends and stitch presents.

Utili said...

Klasse, vielen Dank Chooky für die Organisation und die viele Arbeit!!! Ich freue mich zum ersten Mal dabei zu sein.