Want to join in????
After helping Kerri get her Gardener's Journal together and GDITC with Anni I am definitely keen to get into A Gardener's Journal. I have had the book since it first came out and now knowing Anni is going to be the tutor at GDITC again next year I would like to have that as my deadline.
Peg, Dale and myself are going to stitch along over the next 12 months.
Peg has had a kit for about 5 years and she said she needs to get into it.
Would you like to join us. We want to stitch along together and get a certain part of the quilt done each month. No rushing ahead of each other just meeting the monthly deadline. Encouraging each other along the way to keep up. Good plan hopefully we can come thru with the goods.
Would anyone like to join us???
BUT you would need to get the book to join in. Cost about AUS$30. Available here
But you get the quilt with 25 stitcheries on it and at least 8 other smaller projects using some of the stitcheries so it is EXCELLENT value for money.
I refuse to buy a BOM of patterns where they cost over $100-$150 just for the pattern of the quilt
(and no other projects designed using some of the blocks...........)
Patterns are getting TOOOOO expensive. More inclined to buy less!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take Care til next time..............
Edit: starting first month in April so people have time to pick out fabrics etc.............
I will pick what we are doing each month so we can work along together and keep each other motivated.
Edit: starting first month in April so people have time to pick out fabrics etc.............
I will pick what we are doing each month so we can work along together and keep each other motivated.
I'm not ready to stitch along, fun though it sounds. I've got too many irons in the fire already. Like trying to keep up to date with my FQ Shop BOM! But I write to agree with you that $100 or more for just patterns is exhorbitant. It seems to me that the Australian patterns are much costlier than American ones. But Australians have more stitchery patterns. And perhaps better ones, too.
Ow I'm tempted....... have had the book for awhile also..... mmmmm.... thinking.....when are you starting.....
Well.. this would be my chance wouldn´it...lol.. have had the book for sooooo long.. and I love the quilt very much... So sign me up... just hope I can make it this time..:o)
I already have the book...I'm so tempted to join you all but I already have so many things started. What to do, what to do!
I've finished 4 stitcheries but they've been finished for a few months now so I could do with some motivation, count me in!
you know I am kinda tempted! I know don't faint, but not committing myself just yet. are you starting with block A? I am not the best at following a pattern, may need my hand held to start with.
How much fun is this going to be ....might get to trace another one today.....great post Chooky...Peg...
Good on you girls xx
I won't join in but I'll look forward to seeing all the finished blocks. Good to see you will help give each other a Nudge!
We all need a Nudge!
Next year deadline. Good for you xx
Hey chooky
I am with you on the price of patterns, I refuse to pay that much! its crazy, $165 for a quilt pattern that isn't even queen size? I have done it oonce (paid the big bucks) but never ever again.. makes for a very expensive wallhanging!
Very Tempting, - I have Angel's story that I am busting to get into so maybe you girls could be my inspiration to get that one done!!! Also "Family" Gathering another I want to get started????
I've ordered the book and it will be a birthday present and then I will do the stitcheries and the quilter can put it all together . Thanks for the invite and the sharing.
Oh so tempting, can i manage to join you and do the gingham girls one as well.
Oh why not, at least you will keep me on my toes.
off to order the book, hope your not starting till the begining of April though.
would luv to...I seem to have gathered a few projects these past weeks....but looking forward to Hogs !!!!!
Hey Donna! As a designer, I have to say I've been alarmed at the prices of pattern packs for BOMs etc - I get the whole concept of the BOM being great motivation, but I'm with you in thinking it is all getting a bit too pricey - something I keep in mind when designing. Now ... I've had the Angel Story book for ... hmmm ... a long time! And would love to join in ... as long as you're a little lenient on me if I get ambushed by other deadlines! :0) I've used several of the stitcheries for other projects, just not got going on the quilt. Awwww ... what the heck!!! Count me in!! You only live once, right? And sleep is over-rated! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS
I would love to join in! I have had the book for some time now, and have only managed the smaller projects. I agree on the cost of patterns...to pay that price, even before we've purchased fabric, makes for a very expensive quilt!
Now off to find some fabrics in my stash!
Chookyblue....... can I change my mind - you see I didnt mean to, but when I realised how gorgeous the stitcheries were and that it was another one of my "favourites" of Anni's some extra fabric made its way into my bag at the patchwork shop this afternoon???
I'd love to join in, I love this quilt, Do we all do the same stitchery block?
Thank you for reminding me that all my beautiful stitcheries are finished and just need piecing together!!! I think I have even cut most of the fabrics too!! Now, just for some precious time! Have fun with the quilt - you will love it!
Hmmmmm...have had the book for ....well...a long time...and really should join in to get myself motivated.....when are you starting....oh..ok...count me in....that's if the book is still in my sewing room and not in storage...in which case...I will have to take a rain check....
I'm going to jump right in and join you if that's okay. I also have had the book since it came out and bought the border material, which I love, at the same time.After christmas this year I traced and started stitching my first block so hopefully by joining you i will keep motivated to to finish.
What a great idea and I can join this time as I have already started this one. I decided to do a block each month over this year and have completed about 4 which I have shown on my blog each month. It is lovely to stitch.
I have about 4 blocks still to stitch...can I join in for those...might motivate me to finish!
Good luck with that Chooky, I will try and finish unfinished projects here and use some of the motivation from you girls to help me.
I just ordered the book yesterday, from a local quilt shop, so count me in!! I've got so many unfinished projects (don't we all??) shouldn't really start on another one but what the heck cos I just love stitcheries.
Sounds lovely! I would love to join in....have had my book and kit for a number of years too....
I definately second you on the price of patterns, especially for BOM patterns. Books are much better value.
Count me in please. I've had the book for ages and it's about time I did something more productive than just looking through it and dreaming. Hope I can meet all the deadlines - sure I will.
I too have this book but haven't started the quilt so if my elbow is better by April I would like to join in on the fun.... fingers crossed... might give it a work out then, going mad without stitching at the moment.
Thanks Donna
Dh is on to getting me the book :) should have it by the end of the week so count me in there too
Sounds like a lot of ladies have this book collecting dust in their book shelf and I'm one of them...I even have the fabric for the border. Therefore, I would love to join Chookyblue, so count me in. I agree with the Aussie BOM's being expensive, what it does is encourages ladies to photocopy. Books are much better value, beautiful to look at and everyone wants to have their very own copy.
Can someone please tell me how much more fabric I need to get?? I've already got 15 co-ordinating fat quarters, need to get more for border and backing. I'm still waiting for my book to arrive. Thanks.
I would love to join this sew along.I already have the book and this season I bought the fabric 'Garden Song' by Nancy Halvorsen for that quilt. It would be very cosy to stitch all the blocks and follow others at the same stage. It will surely give me a good motivation.
Count me in, I need motivation to get going on this, I've had the book since it first came out, so now is the time. Hope I don't lag behind!!
I finished Angel Story a while ago, but I did most of it by machine, I cheated. not this time though..
Good Luck I have already made mine so I can not sign up for this BOM, but I will be following yours.
Heloo, I'm Sofia:)
I have done 1 of embroidery and I'm in the middle of another. I'm doing a self-portrait with some drawings, but maybe now I join this group.
I am Portuguese and I have some difficulty in English, never learned, but is not a problem!I already have the book I bought in Paris at the "salon crétives".I'm tempted to join you but i don't know how to quilt, i have to learn!!!
I tried to resist but resistance is futile so I'm in. I've left a comment on the first post of the stitch-a-long blog. Great idea to have it's very own blog. Now to read the rest of the entries. Thanks for organising.
Just needed a legit reason to start and you gave me one. So it took a few days to give in but I have and left a comment on the SAL page. Now all I need to do is settle on fabric. That will be a problem!
Count me in.I am a hopeless YES-person! Lovely stitchery. And of course this is really the push I have been waiting for.Bringing out the book just now,LOL. Off to buy some whitish fabric tomorrow. Something new to be looking forward to.
Happy Quilting to all.
For one seriously insane moment, I thought - yes, I'll do this. Even went so far as to source online a copy of the book... before reality set in and I remembered that I already have An Angel's Story and A Christmas Story put aside with fabrics, and haven't started either of those!
So what I might do, is use your stitch along as a prompt for me to progress those quilts rather than a Gardeners Journal. But will be following along with interest.
Chooky, I've had the book since August 2005 along with 2 metres of the floral border fabric... so I guess I just have to join in as well. Would be insane to miss the chance to be motivated along with everyone else! Picked out the rest of the fabrics yesterday and I'm along for the ride! xx
Thank you so much for the motivation to get on wish this beautiful quilt. I have posted about it today and thought you might like to pop over for a look!!! The group looks like it is going alson so well. What fun.
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