Well I am so tired after the concert I went to last night but you will have to wait till tomorrow for that post as I need to get a pic from a friend before I do the post.........
............had to go and do some jobs and that involved driving..............

past this old tank stand...............

escorting the tractor home .................this is the start and things are ok..........

off they go down the road....................

waiting.....waiting........waiting............they won't fit over the ramps.............
....(ramps stop sheep/cattle from going into the wrong paddocks)......

so i have to open about 10 gates.............like this except this was probably the one that opened the best................

found some ants along the way...........

"knock knock, hello is anyone home"

yes someone was home and came out to say "hi"

more clouds.............I was terribly bored and did I say tired........??.......

This is a bore drain..........where I live we have water flowing from the ground as we are on a sub artesian basin...........anyway there used to be lots of these drains carrying water to different paddocks for stock..........they can run for a lot of km's.............most are being capped and piped now to stop the water waste and using it more productively.............

.................see education time today..............I really was bored as it normally takes under 20mins and it took over 1.5hours..........I would drive to the gate open it and wait.... wait....wait............for dh to come thru then shut the gate drive again and wait.....wait....wait.... again........thank goodness I finally got home..........
Finally when we got home this morning we found a little disaster..............several thousand dollars in the making.........the tank fell off the tank stand................major problem so now tomorrow we are reorganising a new tank...........not sure what has happened but don't think we will be using this one again.........

Remember the vegies patch.........well look at it now..............with the rain we have had and the fertalising...........they have bounded away..........

.........finally if you are still here and made it thru this boring post here is the reward..............
Day day's blog has been busy making bags and she has just done 20+ posts this weekend showing all her bags.............please go and have a look at all her posts for November............it really is worth it.........she is in the SSCS and I wonder what she will make for her SSCS recipient..........
got the blame for another blogger he he he........although she is not new to the internet and quilting.............head over to Blueberry Lane Designs..........she used to own Honeysuckle Cottage until July this year......I even forgot I used to do her newsletter many moons ago, that would be funny to see one now ..........technology has changed so much in that time.........anyway..........she is supposed to be studing for an exam and she is starting a blog instead.....love the logic there...........so head over and welcome her and wish her the best for the exams she has NOT been working for over the weekend.......lol...............
------------take care-----------tomorrow me and Kate----