Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Catching up.......

Kris, Corrina and Stina are in on a pay it forward from me...........so if you want to join in head to one of there blogs and sign up..........thanks girls for signing up........

Thanks to everyone for comments and visiting while I was away I am a little behind on replies so will not try and catch up and just move on from now.......

....I am also way behind in bloglines and trying to catch up but it may take awhile - I have a bad week (very busy) and far to many people in bloglines but my problem is who would I wipe.........no one - I love to visit so may places in blogland......

Take care.........


Jodie said...

I know exactly what you mean about bloglines.... I'm way behind on that front too!!! I love all of the blogsa that I subscribe too that I don't want to delete any but I'm finding it really hard to visit all of them as they post.... What to do, what to do... If only bloglines could invent a way of reading them all for you and then filling you in on what's been going on... LOL!!!


Leanne said...

Life would be easy if we could invent something or get someone to do all the other boring things in our lives eg housework.