I have been on a self imposed Chocolate diet since Maree left.........my Mum came out last week and brought a huge cadbury snack and I have held off but Mr Chookyblue just brought a big plain cadbury chocolate home............can I last?????????? should I just eat it??????
Still holding off on the fabric............
.........take care til next time.....Chookyblue......... |
Wow - no chocolate and no fabric - how's a girl to survive? These are basic essentials... quick - dive in to your stash and find something you forgot you had - it'll be a quick fix to keep you strong! Good luck!
Hugs - Shari
I know women can do more than one thing at a time but when you reach a certain age you shouldn't have to anymore. So you need to decide are you holding off on the fabric or on the chocolate.
Of course you should eat it and to make you feel better I'll join you!!! There must be some chocolate in this house!!!
I'm so glad right now that I live an hour away from chocolate shops! Cause all this talk of chocolate makes me want to eat some!!! Maybe Nundle we can treat ourselves?
you must be miserable or just have great self control!
My doctor said that a little piece of chocolate every day is good for the diet, for the mind and for the heart.
I will do a fabric's diet too.
ciao ciao
HHhmmm now I feel like a chocolate and you can't go past Cadburys, plain is my favourite! If it's in the house I swear I can hear it saying "EEEaaat Meee!"
Resistance is futile 2 Cadbury chocolates in the house. My niece was a Cadbury rep for a few years. It is hopeless.
Be strong....you do not need the chocolate....have a nice piece of fruit...you can do it Chooky....
Donna, you need to decide... one or the other... hell girl don't take things to the extreme.....one or the other.... chocolate or fabric....fabric or chocolate.... sit down and think sensibly....
Oh what the heck go for both.... I don't know how many times I have to replenish choc for swaps if I haven't packed them up in a hurry!
just munching on an Old Gold Pepperemint block thinking how strong you are
If it was me it would no longer e sitting in the pantry...eat and enjoy... I won't tell anyone.
Aarrgh! Chocolate saboteurs! Sweet people who mean well but...
Be strong. Just sent it to me. lol
I'm with Kerri on this one.. Lol Good Luck !!!
Eat it then you don´t have to worry if you should eat it or not :)
Just a little can't hurt but will there be any there later? I don't think so.
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