Friday, 4 September 2009


Last night we got some fantastic rain......1 inch/25 mls.....crop saving rain...............we have not had any rain for about 6 weeks so it is very welcome..............and it is about 3 months since our last good fall of rain...............late this afternoon I went out to try and snap some pics just in the last light of was dark by the time I came back in but I was watching the storm out in the west.............

not to clear but I didn't have my tripod with me...............

love the cloud formations.....

this was to the was dark..........I caught this flash of lightning............

this one is really doubles but I like it............

lightning around 3 is thundering again now and will see if we get some more during the mail man wet...........

Take Care til next time..............


Abby and Stephanie said...

I love stormy skies. Beautiful.

Terry said...

Great pictures! Glad you got some rain too. Enjoy your day! :0)

Julie said...

Great pics. Yay for the wet stuff.

Annie said...

I'm glad you got some rain - I am looking forward to some gardening this weekend. Lots of flowers everywhere.

Kris said...

Yay for rain! Great shots too. We had some rain last night too. Not a lot, but every little bit helps! We have had a lot more rain than you over the last 6 weeks though. Hope you get some more!

Anne Heidi said...

Beautiful pictures! Glad to hear you got some much needed rain :-)

Lynn said...

I love thunderstorms - beautiful pictures - I can almost smell the rain & feel the wind.

Kate said...

Yeh for rain! And love it that you talk in inches. Thats the only way I know how to talk about rain and my city boy husband never know swhat i am talking about.

Rumi said...

Great pictures Chookyblue. I'm sure it was a welcome sight after so long without rain!

Teresa aka MarieSews said...

Beautiful pictures! Wish we could get some. Haven't seen rain in California since....I don't remember! Maybe 8 or 9 months! Wonderful pictures especially catching the lightening.

paulette said...

What gorgeous pics!! AND I must say I love the way you put the print lined up right over to the left...VERY NICE. I have a new pair of glasses (progressives) and am having a heck of a time reading with them. I haven't been able to read your entries when they are long and centered -can't focus to the next line. So I thank you....and no I'm not a hundred years old... I just sound like I am.... :o) Take care!

Candace said...

Love the 4th and 5th pictures best. Glad you got the rain, I know how it is both ways, too much and too little and neither is good.

dutchcomfort said...

Those stormy skies are stunning!
I’m glad you got some well needed rain!

sandra said...

Great pictures! Rain is always wellcome!

Unknown said...

The pictures are a bit scary...

Noémia said...

Lovely pictures!
I love storm skies and rain.:)

Anonymous said...

Those storm clouds are beautiful. :) Isn't is amazing how beautiful storms can be! I'm so glad that you guys got some much needed rain too. We have had about the same as you so far but it's very rainy looking here again today too. LOVE rainy weather!

Wendyb said...

Hopefully we'll see some of this this wet season up here in North Queensland....'the wet' often provides us with much welcome rains but on any other given day....sun, sun, sun! Beautiful I know, but nothing beats a good storm!
;o) Wendy B

Narelle said...

I love storm photos.
Pleased to hear that you've had some good rain ... We had 9mm of rain last night so here's hoping there's some more on the way for all of us.

Joy said...

Love your piccies!!! We're getting some much needed rain up here now .... it's lovely, it's washing the dust off all the trees ;o).
Joy :o)

Cardygirl said...

GlAD you had some rain...we have not had as much, though it stormed overnight. Have a great weekend!

Ali Honey said...

Yea! lovely rain! Being a person of the land I know how happy you are about that. What great storm photos.

Unplug your computer - she says speaking from bitter experience !

Julia said...

Great pictures! Glad you got some rain too. ...i know how much you need it for the crops..
Julia ♥

Ginger Patches said...

Beautiful pictures---probably the only storm I'll see for awhile :)

Anonymous said...

Oh it was great to get 2 nights of rain here near Tamworth too. I used to live down the coast and it used to pour, pour, pour. We have always had metal roofs and I just love to hear the sound of rain falling on the roof. I hope your tanks are full, ours are, what a blessing for your crops too. We had about 25 mils all up.

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Oh Wow, I love your pics! Aren't storms amazing? So good to get the rain xo

Rebecca said...

We have the stormy sky now and I love it. Roll on summer I love to watch the storms we get.
Big Hugs
Ps great pictures

The Naturalist's Daughter said...

Fantastic pictures. Glad you got some rain. I really love clouds too, they are amazing. Hope you get some more rain.

Sue said...

Good news about the rain.

Cubby House Crafts said...

Awesome pics! Pleased you got some rain Lisa

corry said...

I'm glad you've got some rain! Great pictures Donna!

Leanne said...

Nothing beats watching a storm roll in. Glad you got some rain.

Cubby House Crafts said...

I was so inspired by your pics, I walked round the garden taking a few snapshots of flowers and even remembered to take camera on my daily walk of the scenery! I was quite surprised how they turned out! So thankyou! Lisa

sewkalico said...

Remember our deal?? Well, I sent you my rain, so I look forward to your sun ;-)))))