I feel like I have every other blue DMC thread except 930..........will have to get some in town tomorrow....................do you think 3 skeins will do to stitch all the stitcheries in the Gardener Journal??????
went out with my camera to snap a spider's web for Lisa...........and then I went past my carob tree which is flowering at the moment...........gosh they stink when flowering........but they are alive with bees.....and I found some flies and other bugs too...........will post some more photos on Snappy Friends in the next day or so also the spiders webs too........."machinery" is the photo challenge this week
then Mr Chookyblue had been out moving some sheep and he and Fairy Girl found some lillies in one of the gilgi's..........(shallow water hole) anyway I was snapping away......I walked into the water cause I had my thongs on and just changed lens to get a bit close and bugger me I felt a little something on my leg..........my camera assistant had already reminded me that I didn't have to worry about croc's (how sweet is he.........nearest crocodile is 1000's of miles away) anyway i calmly turned around cause I had the camera and didn't want to fall over in the water then SCREAMED at Mr Chooky to get the darn LEECH off my leg NOW!!!!!!! He laugh but pulled it off and threw it away before I could think to get a photo............sorry but I really didn't want to leave it hanging there on my ankle longer then needed..........I am such a sook....and it was HUGE.........
the sky was pretty again today..........
Leanne I managed to snap the moon again (quite by accident - didn't see it in the pic until i put it on the computer) slighty to the left of middle (a tiny mark).....wispy clouds - love them.............
Catch you later..............
At last I may be the first on a list to answer if I hurry up: Sorry, have no idea!!! But ever so lovely it will be :-) I have soon finished the stitching on block A, and enjoying things ever so much.
Happy Stitching!
Leech? Croc's? I would have fainted!! The only think I see on my walks is a stray cat or two. LOL!
Just think leeches were a standard medical practice once - ewww. Beautiful pictures!
Euwwww! Leech! I don't think we get them here. I have had one on my ankle in Queensland though. As for crocs...... looking forward to new photos on Snappy Friends! Oh and the word verification? quancirp. They seem to get longer and longer!
Great pics....and you can have the leeches (and the crocs!)....love all those blues
I am so envious of you - it sounds like your "homestead" is lovely. I think 3 would be plenty. I had almost finished up my first two blocks and have decided I do not like the colors I chose for the stitchery, so I will start over. I love your blue!!
The great perils of a photographer.Glad you didn't get the camera wet.The blue threads looks lovely together.
I think you should buy LOTS MORE! At least you know that you'll always use it... being a favourite! Great photos too!!
Hi, you always take beautiful photos. What type of camera do you use? Keep up the great work.
Cheers Sharron
As always I just love visiting your blog.. you always take such wonderful photo's :)
Hi Chook! Thank goodness you are snapping away...love to see a glimpse of your world.
The lengths we go to just to get a pic!lol!Great pics!
Ewwww! Good thing it was you and not me -- I think I would have dropped my camera into the water. That's two AU blog posts in a row about creepy crawlies - if I ever manage to make it down under for a visit, I'm going to have to get a lot tougher!
Ughhhh Leaches! horrible things! what do carob's trees smell like, apart from horrible? toni xxx
Beautiful pictures. I donĀ“t know how you managed not to fall into the water looking at the leech on your leg!
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