I've changed the date of this post so it stays at the top of my blog this weekend so you can visit the other party goers.......
I'll try and do some posts over the weekend of my sewing progress........
have a great time........

I'll try and do some posts over the weekend of my sewing progress........
have a great time........

Link up here
Join the party now..........
Catch you later........
Have a wonderful weekend.
OOps I am so keen I have signed up twice!!! What a goose!!
Thanks Chooky! Happy Sewing!
Have fun girls!
Who Hoo!!! party time!!!= you lot be good....
Can't wait for the weekend.
I am looking forward to the weekend sew in! I am going to work on my stitch along blocks and hopefully get them caught up now that I am back from my trip.
Oh, I was typing my info for the linky, & noticed I'm already on the list - not sure how that happened!
I made a mistake when linking up for the party. My name should have been at nr. 40 instead of the blog post name, but I'm not sure how to change it :-( May be you can help?
Thanks in advance! Oddbjørg
I'm still here and following along!
Happy Chookshed Birthday! Wishing you a super festive weekend of fun sewing!!
Have fun with Trish Chooky can't wait to see what you girls get up to xx
Happy 3rd Birthday-- have fun.
Looks like lots of people to 'visit' after the weekend, judging by the sign up...some familiar names and some that are new to me!
Shopping today so will pick up a nice treat or two to keep me going tomorrow ... looking forward to joining in :o)
Have a fun week-end!
Happy birthday to the chookshed. Have fun xx
Happy Birthday chooks he'd, happily stitching here, just finished my april blocks 😘, now working on my table topper
I am with you all now, Champagne is poored, toast, already had a little zip, Happy Birthday Chooky, you are the best.
Sounds like you will have a great time, enjoy!
Happy Chookshed Party! I'll have to come and go amongst the other "stuff" but I'll be there...
Have a great time...
Congratualtions, hope a great time is had by all.
Have a fun weekend celebrating girls.
I am looking forward to visiting with your friends this weekend.... thank you for sharing.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many, many more to come!
It's a pleasure sharing your special day, L
It's your birthday too? Well, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ......... Enjoy your special day! Hugs!
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