Saturday 1 June 2024

Chookshed's open..........

 Come and join me for a cuppa............The Chookshed is open so come join me..........

its rained and I had a terrible time getting home last night.........good thing I cancelled the Chookshed Birthday pending the forecast..........
Those are my tracks on the left............I got pulled down and could not get back up on the road..........
I had to phone a friend to come to the rescue............

This is what it looked like out the car door...........complete slop..........
So THANKFULLY I do not need to go anywhere until Tuesday........
Grab a cuppa and pop into zoom............
if you want to join and don't have the link let me know.......
Catch you later..........


Maria said...

Pleased you had a neighbour that could get you out of the bog..
Having visitors for the long weekend .
Enjoy your zoom meeting.

Lin said...

Yuk, that looks awful! Will pop in if I can. xx

kiwikid said...

Wow that is super muddy, thank goodness you had someone to call and help you keep moving.

Janice said...

Thank goodness your neighbour was home and able to help.

dq said...

I like seeing the outdoor photo of the Chookshed.