Friday 31 May 2024


Anyone want to sew with me tomorrow in the Chookshed?????

Sat morning my time..... Friday arvo/evening on the flip side.......

Leave a message.....

Catch you later.....



Chris said...

I would love to join you from the SonRoom.

dq said...

I would love to, but I am headed to a funeral that is a few hours drive both directions. I will be bringing home two little boys on the way back. I will check in just in case you are still on.

Jeanette said...

Sure would. :)

Karen's Korner said...

I have the Hospital Auxiliary stall on tomorrow morning. Hope to catch you all next time round. Say hello to everyone for me.

cityquilter grace said...

sounds good...if xfinity cooperates that is...

Jennifer said...

Will try if possible....have 12.30 appt. Plaster is off my arm now, yay!

Susan said...

Oh darn - I'm out...sewing
Hello to all!

Unknown said...

Yes, please! I’d love to join in.

Denice Barker said...

I will try but very busy weekend

ButterZ said...

If I’m up when you are on then yes.
We didn’t go away. Tony isn’t well. I have prepared some hand stitching, sashiko and some knitting. So I am all set.

Janice said...

I’ll try. Are you starting at 6am?

Raewyn said...

Gorgeous sky pic!

dq said...

Oh my stars! Beautiful night sky.
We currently have a few fires going, so our blue skies are not. Oh do I love our clear skies in summer.