Sunday 12 May 2024

Friday night drinks in the Chookshed............

 a fun night.............I worked on a attaching the stripe to some more joining blocks  yet..............
Saturday morning I worked on binding a quilt.......I think I have about 1 side left to do..............
sorry no pics..........
Just some random ones..........
Friday before the rain I mowed and mowed and mowed everywhere...............I did some whipper snipping also and I am still paying for it but its so nice to see the outer outer garden yard all neat............even got carried away outside the fence............
And no aurora pics as we were cloudy...........
another inch of rain overnight Friday night.............It's pretty wet in the paddocks.........
not good for the other type of sowing........
good weather to be tucked up inside and its nice to be a bit cooler.............

This little bird decided to test out the glass door on the Chookshed...........I did check to see if it was stunned but no its dEaD.............opps.........
best start planning the Chookshed's birthday............
or should I to get disappointed once again........
the last couple of years its been pretty sad...............
2022 cancelled due to rain....tooooo wet for my friends to get in........thank goodness I had a zoom version.......not the same as the girls here in real life............
2023 I had the online version a week earlier and then I had to cancel the girls coming to stay as mum got seriously ill.............
What will 2024 will be the 12th birthday.............not that shes got to celebrate the last couple properly.............
2021 was a full house........see here......

Maybe it's 3rd time lucky???

Keep the love of bloggin' alive.........
Catch you later.....
PS happy mothers day........


cityquilter grace said...

happy mother's day to you too chooky...poor birdie...hoping weather turns better....rainy here today so it's a sewing day of course!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Happy Birthday to the Chookshed! Hope your Mother's Day is lovely.

Denice Barker said...

Looking at your past post it looks like Chookshed might be second weekend in June? If you zoom that is?

Susan said...

oh...poor little bird.

all fingers & toes are crossed for you & the big celebration....

loulee said...

Fingers crossed all goes to plan this year.

Jennifer said...

Poor birdie....everything crossed for your celebration....haven't been on zoom lately, I'm moving slowly at present.

Susan Smith said...

Oh, the poor little bird, though we have had the same thing happen over the years. Hope all goes well for the chookshed celebrations & all the rain has evidently greened up your area. Take care & hugs.

Jackie said...

Happy Mother's Day to you. Poor bird.

God bless.

Jeanette said...

It was great to catch up over Zoom. i hope everything works out for you for the Chookshed celebrations this year.

Lin said...

Always satisfying to see a tidy garden. Ours is at the moment but then we have a week of rain ahead followed by a weeks holiday - will be a jungle by the time we get back. Poor little bird. xx

ButterZ said...

Let’s hope 3rd time lucky. Fingers crossed for you.

Rose Marie said...

I put up stickers or a paper silhouette of a cat sitting or standing onto the inside of a glass door/window and that has helped with my patio door and windows. Used to have all kinds of birds hitting them. Hoping for a good party for you.

Ma Betty said...

I'm still waiting for the lawn to dry out enough to mow. It looks as though it will happen tomorrow morning.
I hope the birthday plans come together.
A song for little birdy - Yellow Robin?
Ah poor bird, take thy flight
Far above the sorrows of this sad night.

marina said...

lets hope your birthday celebrations get the go ahead with no surprises to hinder it.
look forward to seeing the celebrations!

Jackie said...

Our Mother's Day was last Sunday. I hope yours is wonderful.

God bless.

Ondrea said...

I hope your Chookshed birthday plans come to fruition.

kiwikid said...

Hope all your birthday plans work out Chooky.

dq said...

It was a pretty bird. They just do not savy windows.