Saturday, 8 June 2024

where did the week go???

 Well I am not sure where the week has gone...............

But here its Saturday afternoon again and the week has whizzed past once again...........

No sewing.........

BUT it's a long weekend and I just made my Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken which I know Janet @ Rogue Quilter has made a few times..must have been someone else so tell me if it was you..........It's been ages since I made it and the weather has been perfect for slow cooker cooking...........

I just added a few bits to the recipe and you can find the link here for the recipe............

Also while I was at it I finished my Fried Rice recipe and posted to Chookyblue's Cooking.........I don't know anyone who makes it like me but it was the way I was taught at high school............need to get a better photo but hey it's the taste that counts.........

Let me know how you cook fried here for my recipe it on Chookyblue's Cooking...........

It's been a cold wet week...........after all the rain Friday into Saturday we got more rain on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday...........50-59mm here for the week and the road has been interesting to say the least....more slippery...........couple of huge fogs in the mornings which we rarely get also to make driving to work interesting as visibility was 50-100m.........

very quiet long weekend here so who knows if I do a spontaneous zoom...........I have a few other things to do and just enjoy some down time...........maybe some friends might drop in but no one staying.........was thinking an evening bonfire but the night dew if way to heavy for that.........
Who loves the magic of a milk thistle at this stage above............such a fleeting moment, one breeze and it's blown away..........
Great excitement when I found a few bits of oats had shot...........Lots has probably been way too wet as some has had water on it for the week......I'll have a look at it again on Monday........
The creek looked pretty tonight..........and it was perfectly still so lovely reflections......
Big old trees............💙💙💙

I've nicknamed this one the dragon log......can you see that or maybe I should call it the croc log..........
Anyway I best go............
Have a great weekend.......
Catch you later......
PS I got distracted and hadn't finished proofreading this post and now its a few hours later........cut some wood with Mr Chooky as we had none left for the fire...........I have started a new secret project............OMG i'm having so much I am stitchin'......shock to the


Jennifer said...

We've had good rain, but not as much as you have had. Love your big old trees!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Glad you are able to sew a bit, with all the rain it is a good time to stay inside. Your meals look yummy, perfect for colder days.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The weeks do go by fast, don't they?! Your fried rice recipe sounds delicious - I've never thought to brown the rice and then cook it like you do. Beautiful photos of your place, too!

Denice Barker said...

That is a LOT of rain! It sounds like a lazy weekend for you so enjoy it. We are allowed to be lazy.

Susan Smith said...

Love that you still use your slow cooker too, as I do. Not as much rain here in West Gippsland, but it has sure been bleak & as I suffer with SAD, I've not been the cheeriest, with little sewing done, though we've had lots of car club stuff this last month or two, so staying busy. Still no blog updates from me till I find someone to help with my new PC (sad face). Thanks for the lovely scenic photos, take care & hugs. Enjoy the long weekend.

Fiona said...

Been getting foggy here in the mornings too.... great to be getting some sewing time in this weekend... slow coolers and wood fires... the best of winter

Ma Betty said...

I love the dragon log! Since this morning I've had to walk up to Officeworks twice. First time I bought 4 printer inks, came home, put in the one that was needed, printed two pages. Then the printer powered off and will not power back on. So I walked up again to get my money back on the 3 remaining inks. I think I'll just go upstairs and sew some more scraps.

loulee said...

That's a good lot of rain. I do like your dragon log.

Janice said...

It’s a good thing we changed our plans as we wouldn’t have got to your place with the van anyway. You certainly are water logged. It sounds perfect weather for slow cooked food and stitching. Enjoy the down time.

Lin said...

Lovely creek pictures. Oh my, all that mud! Sorry couldnt make zoom again, hope it was fun. xx

kiwikid said...

Lots of mud there on your road, I had the slow cooker out in the week to make pea and ham soup, was wonderful. Good to see the oats have started growing, hopefully you will find more. Beautiful reflection photos.

ButterZ said...

Thanks for the zoom. Boy, your road is a mess. Your rice looks yum. Not very good at making that. Mmmm a secret project?…

Susan said...

Definitely a dragon log...I forgot it was a long weekend for you...
a new project??? oh the excitement....its hard to resist isn't it?

I might check out the chicken recipe- I don't cook fried Rice...maybe I should try that too.

cityquilter grace said...

great post and thanks for the salsa chicken...definitely gonna try it...lovely photos...glad to see some of your oat shoots, hope there will be more. stitching is always fun isn't it??? take care and sew on!

Raewyn said...

Far too much rain. Hope it dries up soon. Hope more of your crop you usually grow oats, I'd forgotten you did cropping? Will pop over and look at the recipes. Glad to hear you are enjoying some sneaky stitching!

Jeanna said...

I've love fried rice but have never made it. You are tempting me to give it a go. Can't wait to see what you are stitching.

jude's page said...

Great photos!! Good to know it can rain, somewhere!! But we did receive 11ml last night, so very thankful, and today is so cold!! Looking forward to warmer temps going north.

dq said...

Why is it I didn't know you had a cooking blog? I checked it out. Thanks for the link.

I know the road is muddy, but that really is a pretty picture.

Frederika said...

Boy what a mess. Nice to have a hobby, so we don't have to be bored

Jenny said...

Lovely photos you always take beautiful photos whether it drought of rain .