Well the blog has gone back to blue............my favourite........bad luck if you don't like it............the pink for breast cancer awareness month was fun and if one person saw my blog and checked their boobs it was worth it.............and the new header pic is from my garden............I just love my Jacaranda's...........
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Finally some sewing...........
Monday, 29 October 2007
Annie from Flower Garden had a 50th post celebration recently and I won the present......I mean presents look what she sent me....................OMG was I a happy girl when I opened this parcel..........this bag Annie even went to the trouble of taking a picture of the draw with my name with her chookies...........how cute..............
all these goodies................
this great fat quarter..........
and finally this fab fat quarter ...........Japanese.........linen.........I think this is my fav peice of material............
One of the many Jacaranda's flowering in my garden.............one of my favourite trees...........
Do you know who is following your blog..................I have just discovered these people have me in there links.............Minki and Country Painting (French???) and Julie K Quilts.........I was really surprised and Julie had left a comment on my blog yesterday and then when I emailed her she said she had been lurking for quite awhile and started a blog since following mine............kind of odd and very exciting all at once...........leave a comment if you have me in your links and I haven't left a comment on your blog as I may not know you exist.............of what the hec just leave a comment anyway and tell me how cool the presents are from Annie.................
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Storms at my house......
Hi all another post tonight but this is the storm that just passed by.........the best lightning storm for ages.....and I am sure there will be more to follow as it is just the start of the season and we usually have lots of storms...............I was so excited I just had to share................
another one is coming in now.............but I think I will go to bed before the power goes off again............our time has changed (to summertime) here today..............I am confused and will be for a few days................I hate it...........kids going to bed in the daylight............travelling on buses when it is the worst time of the day for heat............
weird hair day .................what do you think...........
(I had emailed this pic to the weather on Sunrise (national news/breakfast show) and they showed it in the weather segment - I am so excited)
Camping out.......
We went camping and here are some pics.............this is a very friendly kangaroo - this is the most common type Eastern Grey..........there are lots of them........we have heaps at our place but they are not this quite - this is unusual.................
A goanna.........we stopped and lucky he was patient so I could take a picture for my blog friends
Mountain views
A flower DH took...............very cute and different.........
I am cute aren't I............
...................Take care till next post................
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Best thing in the world........
Yes after 4 - FOUR yes 4 months it is raining..............we had had a couple of showers in that time that didn't even measure up to 1mm so not counting them.................
One of the heavy showers...............if it wasn't so cool I would have gone out in it.........
Rain in the rooftop and rain on the windows..............the sound of rain on the roof is magic.........
Watering my garden...............yippee.................some water into the tanks...............

---------------Take care-----------------
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
I won for someone else!!!!

Now to decide who this was going to go to you had to nominate someone to receive the quilt and Nicolette would draw a winner (don't know how she did that - they would all be deserving)
Instantly a lady in my town who I have a little to do with and thought had amazing positive attitude to her situation came to mind and I nominated her.................anyway I have won the quilt and the bit I didn't realise is that I get a little prezzies also...........
Along the way Nicolette has taken suggestions and she has drawn all the applique for the quilt.........she is quilt (I mean quite) an artist I think they are the cutest little pics (and I told her this)........So yesterday when she had a post with some more material I thought she was getting closer to showing a finished top and today I wake up and find she has done the draw and it is coming all the way from the Netherlands to OZ as soon as Nicolette gets it quilts and bound (I could do the binding Nicolette)
You must go and see the quilt here it is gorgeous..........
....it was by Nicolette going pink that I also went pink for October................ go and check your breasts and make sure they are okay....
..for more info...Australian National Breast Cancer Centre website
Don't forget the new bloggers in the last post..........(but I had to do this new one)
Monday, 22 October 2007
It all about new bloggers - check them out

(another butterfly in my garden since you all liked the last ones)
Now about Happy in Quilting and Day Day's...........they jumped into blogland when I started the Santa swap(back in August)..........they started a blog so they could come into the swap.............how about that......am I pushy or what...........Happy in Quilting shares the administration of this blog and has gradually got things posted onto her own blog but Day Day's just did a few posts and then went quiet for awhile and then last week in one day she posted 6 quilts and one bag.......IN ONE DAY..........so check them all out and encourage Dale to do some more posts.....this girl is on a mission to make a bag a week for some special project for her grandchildren I think and they are all different..........
.....and make sure you check out there groups blog
------------take care-------------
PS just looked at this posted and decied it was not a quick post...............oh well enjoy my long post...........
Another bird by accident............
.............no more sewing to show..............gardening yesterday and then last night we had little insects around the lights...........no good for sewing...........
--------------take care till next post---------------
Sunday, 21 October 2007
More pics from my garden
Started sewing these little box bags.................very cute (Gudrun and Hedgehog I have an email to send you)
Since you loved my pet Gular here are some birds that live wild in my garden........
this ia a Willy Wagtail...........to get a pic is near impossible and they flit about constantly...............I love having them in the garden and they chatter the whole time and it is such and happy friendly sound..............
This is a sacred kingfisher................brilliant blue - not the best pic but he was on my verendah and scared and I just snapped so I could catch him and let him out........ "I was scared of that beak it is very long" they only come into my garden this time of the year.........
Thinking of Leanne Beasley here and Butterfly Garden..................I have thousands of these in my garden at the moment and they have been here for quite awhile............they are so pretty - not sure what horrible bug they will bring to me but they are fliting around everywhere
Natalie Ross - Isabella Bag pattern without the frill.................(link in previous post or 2 back)
these 2 panels are going to turn into bags................more news on them later................
Friday, 19 October 2007
In my garden...........

Wednesday, 17 October 2007
69 sleeps til Christmas...........get sewing

Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Expo shopping...............
My favourite shop at the expo - Cottage on the Hill..........(is that cool ribbon or what).....I got a bundle of Maderia fabrics - love the colours of this range.......also brought a couple more fat quarters and some green chennile and pom poms for a bag (I think) - see next picture with Natalie Ross pattern......

Sunday, 14 October 2007
Strawberries for Fairy Girl.......

............blogger is not sending comments thru today so not sure what is happening............people are leaving them but they are not coming thru to my email..........
I will post the shopping later I was to excited about making the dress
.............take care..........
OMG what a great day..........

Here are some of the quilts hanging around.........all these are antiques except for the bottom right 2 - they are other quilts hanging around that i really liked......