I've got the wrong pics as I was supposed to be working on my Foundation Paper Piecing again today to show you my progress...........BUT I got distracted when I told Fairy Girl she could earn some money carting all my sewing books/magazines to the "chook shed"........she earnt the money........
This is progress along the way........trying to sort them all out...............
This is some of the progress at the end of the day.............much more organised and all away in cupboards.......

I am so excited when I am in the chook shed this little Fairy Wren and his mate have been visiting for a few weeks now.............they fight the windows all morning....... flitting around in the bushes out the window....making lovely little sounds......I didn't realise how dirty they are making my window but I don't mind they are so cute..........not like a stupid peewee that used to mess up the kitchen window........that was the whole window........this is just along the bottom..........
I'll try and get some better photos of them.........
With all this happening I forgot to get a photo of the progress from yesterday BUT I will try and get one tomorrow to show you...........
We had a wonderful day sewing.........got a bit done............flogged along one of my friends.........I did some cutting for her to help her move along faster but she is making good progress on the foundation paper piecing quilt we are working on together........
We had a wonderful day sewing.........got a bit done............flogged along one of my friends.........I did some cutting for her to help her move along faster but she is making good progress on the foundation paper piecing quilt we are working on together........
I have the next sewing sleep over weekend pretty well planned for a few weeks...........yippee.......
Hope you had a great weekend..........mine was very social...........
Take care til next time
PS thanks to everyone who is turning off word verification..........if you're unsure what to do I did this post in March...........
I have the peewee problem - and not nearly as cute as that little fellow. Your chook shed progress is looking good.
so glad you had a great day Chooky.xx
Oh I would be pretty excited too...i love the blue wrens.I couldn't believe it only a few weeks back we had a robin red breast on our fence only a few metres away from our sliding door, such a pretty bird too!
Great idea. My dream of a bigger sewing room is on hold :(
Good to hear you've been cracking the whip! Lovely bird to have visit. We've had a positive response to turning off word verification, hopefully everyone we follow joins us.
I have been going thru my craft mags too, but not sorting - i have been getting rid of them!! Just keeping what I want out of each mag, which at the moment is not much LOL
I need to organize all my books and magazines too...yours look great!! Love that little bird, he is so cute!
What a lovely little feathered friend to watch over you!
Love your chook shed!Fairy Girl certainly earned her money that day lol. I've also turned of the word verification thingy on my blog as well :) Barb.
All those magazines. I'm impressed! Good response on word verification, I must admit I think twice about commenting when I see it, someways it takes 2 or 3 attempts. I don't have it do I? Lol
That mag situation looks oh so familiar! Love those cupboards.
Good to know my mate also has a problems with magazines....LOL....
Looking very nice and tidy! I went through my magazines a while ago and tossed a lot out (for the op-shop) and the ones I kept, put a post-it tab on the page/s that had a project I liked. Your fairy wren is very sweet - they are such lovely little birds. I have been watching Mr Bowerbird - he's been oh so busy entertaining the visiting lady bowerbirds.
I'm so envious--wish I could get organized! Love the little wren too- you did well to get a photo!
Good on you, got to make them earn their keep LOL
All looks lovely and organised now .........
such a great space for you... I do love the fairy wrens and their macho behaviour at this time of the year.....
How nice that bird. We have also one i had the thought he dit that to so hello but now i know he is sees him self in the window. Aaahhh what a dispointing. Im sorry for my bad englisch:) big hello from here carina
she deserves a GOOD treat x I HATE word verification!! The other day I got one that I swear was ARABIC!!!
Tidy cupboards . .. good karma! Little blue birdie. . .extra good karma!
Fairy Girl has done a great job with your mags. I think I need her down here. I have oh, so many. Everything is sounding very organised in teh Chook Shed. I love your little fairy wren. He is slightly different to the ones we have flitting around, but they have never pecked our windows - yours must be nice and clean. Do you have your homework completed for your next workshop?
Hey Donna! Aren't those little wrens funny!! I've got a pair that fight with their own reflections in my office door at work ... they make me laugh and are guaranteed to brighten up my day! :0) Love how your 'Chookshed' is shaking up, too! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS
Oh chooky to be that organised-I can't even get in the door of my craft room! The wren is very cute. Can't wait to see more pics of the chookshed. Michelle
I culled a whole lot of magazines. I'm never going to use them all!
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