I'm a little busy for the next few days so thought I would get this post up.............

if your joining in the Chookshed's 2nd birthday party celebrations spending the weekend or part of it as part of virtual bloggers sewing party leave a comment on this post so others can find you...............
tell us your name and where you are from........show us what you're working on for the weekend etc........
the more the merrier......maybe that's the bubbles........lol.........
if your joining in the Chookshed's 2nd birthday party celebrations spending the weekend or part of it as part of virtual bloggers sewing party leave a comment on this post so others can find you...............
tell us your name and where you are from........show us what you're working on for the weekend etc........
the more the merrier......maybe that's the bubbles........lol.........
eg Chookyblue from Australia http://chookyblue.blogspot.com.au/
See you at the party..........
I'll be there by my lonesome but I think I'll get more done that way hopefully. I have a couple of projects I'll be working on and will post about them nearer to the date. Thanks for the invite.
I'm from Victoria, Australia and my blog is http://barbscreations.blogspot.com.au/
Sydney Salley .. no personal blog although I am the blogger for The Quilters Guild of NSW Inc.
http://quiltersguildnsw.blogspot.com.au/ and you can find me on flikr at appliqueen or Instagram at appliqueensal.
Saturday night "Chooky's Chookshed Party Night" . . . I will have the whole bottle of champagne to myself as I am sewing "Home Alone"
I will be working on some Flying Blocks in a swap run by the lovely Jan at . . . http://redshedquilting.blogspot.com.au/2014/05/been-busy.html
That is . . .if I haven't caught the Flu....Number 2 son has the flu and he always passes his germs onto me!!!!
I hope everyone has a great night sewing and I wish I was actually at Chooky's! Thanks Donna for getting us all together! **hic**
On my own but that's ok! I live on Brisbane, Australis and my blog is http://thenextstage-maria.blogspot.com.au
I plan to do some stitching and also some knitting as it's almost time for our Annual Patish Art Show and each year I donate one of my knitted throws for sale to raise funds. Haven't started the 2014 one yet! :-/
I will also be stitching on my own and I will be hand quilting and making little hexies. I am from Brisbane Australia.
Happy needle and thread time to all xx
Yep I will be there. Long weekend here in NZ, so lots of sewing and stitching will be going on. Looking forward to it heaps. Looking forward to all the fun x
Forgot my blog... Sheepiegirl@blogspot.co.nz
I am from Western Australia and my blog is http://maria-lifeontheblock.blogspot.com
I will also be on my Pat Malone but that's ok as I hope to get back to working on Goodnight Irene... And my cross stitch sampler..
Happy Shedervary Chooky !!
Yes please I'm in...setting Mr Armchair up to care for JoJo....working on surprise quilt for my brother....and hopefully my Sing Bag. Organizing champagne to be on hand.....cheese and crackers....chocolate.
I'm from South Coast NSW....woo hoo Chooky..fun, fun, fun! Will blog it all before Saturday!
Let's have fun girls!!!
Have fun. I'll be in Brisbane for a catch up with a friend and then a conference. I'll have a drink with you from there :)
Pinnylea from South Australia, pinnylea@blogspot.com.au
I'll be stitching alone, hubby and girls on a scout camp. Not quite decided what to work on but I've got plenty of UFO's to chose from!
I'll be joining in as much as possible. Not sure if I'll get to the sewing machine or just some stitching but I certainly have bubbles in the fridge.
Fiona from Australia
I will be joining the party as a virtual sewer.
I hope to try to quilt a mug rug. My blog is
I will be flying solo also, I believe :) ... Am aiming to get my weekend cleaning started on Thursday, finished Friday morning, so I can sew to my hearts content and begin Friday afternoon/evening ... Saturday morning will be taken-up by my daughter's gymnastics and swimming lessons (but I'll probably take along either some stitching or crochet to work on while I wait, lol!), and then back at it Sat evening ... Sun, morning also out coz of church (and yes, can't get out of this week as I'm on Sunday school duty for the littlies), but straight after lunch, I intend to be back at it :D ... Gonna be good!!!
I'm hoping to get a move on with several of my current WIPs - I figure if I have some of them out ready, then I can just work on whatever takes my fancy on the day ;)
I'm in Darwin, and blog at http://craftygodchick.blogspot.com ... though, admittedly I haven't been very good at posting lately - oops!! I'll make sure I put up some progress posts over the weekend :)
Looking forward to it!! I've spent most of the last month either cutting down my scraps into workable sizes/strips, and crocheting doilies lately, so I'm keen to get the machine out to sew on :D
I will be on my own also, but lovely to know there will be lots of others stitching along. I have a quilt for one of the Grandies that needs to be worked on.
I am from just north of Brisbane.
I'm joining in from Brisbane too - no idea what I will do yet - but I do have some "taxi" duties Friday night & Saturday..oh and better get the groceries too.
This is going to be a BIG Cyber party!
I am hoping to be able to get lots of sewing done this weekend. And I have been severely ignoring my blog so perhaps this will be the "nudge" I need to start posting again!
Sherry V. USA New Jersey
Sounds like a fabulous weekend of celebrations ahead for you Chooky - unfortunately I won't be able to take part but I look forward to seeing everyone's posts about their celebration!!! Have a great time!!!
I still have that date reserved! As I sew, by myself, and get some borders on 3 tops, my post will be updated throughout the day. I'll leave the bubbly in the fridge, otherwise I can't guarantee how straight my borders will end up! :o) So, it will be tea and coffee and other goodies to munch on.
Rose Marie
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Great Chookyblue to be joining you from from Oslo, Norway.
Looking for butterflies now! Some of you might have guessed the project, if not wait and see:-) Please check my blog on May31, mind the time difference. http://aquiltlady.blogspot.com
Hi, I am going to visit a friend ....a quiltingfriend :)this weekend. I will bring some Christmas stichery to work on. What my friend is sewing for the moment I don t know yet. :)
Oh yes I forgot to tell you I will be joining you from Norway hopefully sitting on a balcony in Stavern :)
I am in the UK... my companions will be my 2 dogs x and my 8 year old grandson .. and major cheerleader xx not sure what will be working on .. must make a list xx
I can be found at www.thecheshirequilter.blogspot.com will definatly be sewing Saturday .. not sure about Sunday xx
Hey Chooky I will be there and I have a couple of well known old chooks ......
Can't wait, got it marked on the calender!! I'm Sharm, from Victoria in Australia and my blogs are:
because I plan to do some stuff for both of them!!
I'll be sewing solo too. I'm Susan from Mudgee, NSW, Australia. My blog is http://thimblestitch.blogspot.com.au. I will be working on some secret sewing.....and maybe some little hexies too.
Fiona, Australia, http://bubzrugz.blogspot.com.au/
I'll be joining you from my home .... Hubz has said he will cook the BBQ and we have some home brew ready (that's sortof bubbly?)
Hi Gals, I will be on my own stitching and sewing and a bit of crochet. Am so looking forward to the weekend. bubbly is in the fridge and got some snacks yesterday. I live on a cattle station in Far North Queensland and my blog is www.rellsplace.blogspot.com Hope you all have a wonderful time and big congratulations to Chooky for her 2nd birthday.
See you over the internet on the weekend.
Hi, Jan here. I live in Ballarat, Victoria and blog at littleredhen08.blogspot.com
I'm attending the second of 2 machine quilting classes on Saturday - no bubbly or my stitches will be wonkier than usual! In class we are making a linen quilt using 9 different quilting patterns and on Sunday I'll be doing my own thing I have lots of UFOs to choose from!
Hello Donna,
I will be joining in over the weekend. I plan some machine embroidery,and maybe some cross stitch. There could even be a hexie or two sewn and made up. No bubbly though! The stuff makes me itch.
Hope everyone gets lots done.
I am from the Central Wheatbelt in Western Australia.
The plus for us West Aussies it is a long weekend, celebrating WA Day on Monday.
Happy days.
oops forgot my blog name.
Happy days.
I'll be joining in. I recently Immigrated from the Isle of Man to New Zealand.
The container with all my goodies,, stash and sewing machines hasn't been delivered yet, so I'll be busy with my crochet.
Have a great and productive weekend everyone. xx
I'll be there by myself. Will be away for a few hours on Saturday to attend a 1st birthday party for my great nephew. I have quite a few things I want to work on and will post about them on my blog on Friday night. Looking forward to joining all of you and getting lots done. My blog is http://quiltybitsfromtheblueroom.blogspot.com.au/ Hugs......
Ops! Forgot to add my blog!
L xx
Forgot to say I live in Cedar Grove, a semi rural area in Queensland.
Hi I'm Sheila in hot Florida, USA. I will be working on a baby quilt for my friend in St George, NB Canada who is expecting her first grandchild (a girl). Also finishing the quilt binding of one of my grandmothers quilt tops from 1940 and will entrust it to one of my grown grandkids....bindings are something I delay.
I'll be stitching away right here in my little room. No bubbles for me, just a cup of tea perhaps. I'll be 'working' on some secret swap things and maybe some knitting too.
Tracy in Australia
Hi there everyone, thanks so much for the invite, I'll be there! Wish I could be with you in person Chookyblue. I will be stitching on my own, working on some 1930's hexies, yay, for a little wall hanging just for meeee. Glass of something and some chocolate while sitting in my armchair, dog at my feet. Have a great time everyone. Natalie, (Meeee), West Aussie.
Will have to be there in thought only :(
Would love to join you all but work decided we need a weekend workshop and it had to be this weekend!
Spose I could take some hand sewing for meal breaks? :o)
Have a great weekend everyone.
Hi everyone,
I'll be happily stitching away by myself. I've tidied my sewing room, fluffed up the pillows on the day bed, downloaded an audiobook from Audible, traced out a couple of stitcheries, bought some chocolate and popped a bottle of bubbly in the fridge, so I'm all ready to go. Thanks o much for organising this fun weekend, Chooky.
Melody in Melbourne
PS my blog is thehouseonthesideofthehill.blogspot.com
Please pop over and say 'hi'
I will be sewing solo too..
hoping to do cutting and preparing, I am starting on a horse quilt for my niece for her 21st, which was 2 years ago! (Bit embarrassed here!)
Sue, Gisborne, Victoria,
Have the G & T in the fridge in readiness.
Happy sewing everyone
Happy chookshed birthday Chooky!
Back again....I am Peg...Central NSW....www.happyinquilting.com.au
and there will be a giveaway or two at my blog.....see you soon....
How can i resist. I need a diversion so i can put up some pics. Not sure what i will do yet but i have to join in the fun. I will be stitching solo from home. I am on mid north coast
Opps forgot my blog link: http://wwwdawnies.blogspot.com.au
I'll be there every chance I get...virtually that is... but having FuN alside all of you! :)
Hi I'm DorY... aka Cheryll. Lakeside/Coastal NSW
Hi Googy Girl here
Well I won't be stitching alone I am heading away for the weekend with some sewing buddies( including cardygirl and Fatquater bird) we will stitching away over the weekend, sipping our bubbles and relaxing at gorgeous Gresford.
Ohh I m from the beautiful Hunter Valley / NSW Australia
I will post a blogpost about my potential projects in a day or so
I will be joining in. Prepping Christmas swaps. Finishing off my prairie points too.
I am from central NSW. Also stitching alone.
Forgot to add my blog to my previous post www.quiltingismydowntime.blogspot.com
I think I need to join in your chookshed celebrations too Chooky. I have some machine sewing and hand stitching planned. I'm Cheryl from Victoria, Australia and my blog is www.cherylsstitchings.blogspot.com
I'll be putting down the knitting needles and doing some solo stitching. I hope to finish piecing the quilt that has been sitting on the dining table since January!
Kylie, Australia, indigoandquince.com
I hope to pop in at some point over the weekend. I'll be working on some secret sewing! I'm Christine from Diamond Creek, Victoria. My blog is www.macdonaldspatch.blogspot.com
Top of the morning to you all.....Tracee here from Bullengarook Victoria, Aus....Decisions decisions....what to work on there are sooo many choices,I'm sure that I'll find something to rage along with...pump up the machines ladies and lets get this party rock'n.
I'll be heading to Chooky's shed for the weekend!! It's been too long since I visited the farm! Hope you've got some diet coke on ice for me!! Lol. I may have a wine or two! See you on Saturday bright and early!!!
Have fun, I will be stitching with googy girl and fatquarterbird at Gresford....no idea what I am doing as I haven't even thought about it! Hope you chooks don't create too much ruckus in the chook house or the rooster might have something to say!
I will be partying solo too! Not that there is much space in the sewing room for more than one! Happy 2nd birthday to the Chookshed!
I blog (or pretend to blog) over at http://re-de-zines.blogspot.com.au/. Who knows I may even get a blog post up over the weekend!
I'll be there Chooky... Happy 2nd birthday by the way!!! I will be "virtually" joining in the fun and hopefully have a blog post up here...http://allthingsvintage-teresa.blogspot.com.au/
Sharon - Cloncurry Qld - it is this weekend? - I am working nights, so will be able to virtually visit in the arvo when I wake up - finishing off a couple of blocks for a swap and my hexie BOM, and a couple of other bits and pieces.
Won't be able to have bubbles, don't think the patients would like that, might get em mixed up - so will have a couple of cuppas and some snackies.
I will be joining you in spirit from Michigan USA working on a round robin border. www.weesied.blogspot.com
Wish I could be there in person!
Hi Chooky, I'd like to join in too for your 2nd Birthday..... sounds like fun even if its only virtual sewing its still fun.
I'm QLD at http://helbels.blogspot.com.au/
I must go out and get some goodies for this party.
Happy birthday! I would like to join in too - plenty of projects to choose from here... Chocolate will be to hand too. Looking forward to it! Tania, Gisborne, Vic, Aust www.ollieandt.blogspot.com
Don't think I can make it Saturday but Sunday I'll be there.
Hi Chooky, congrats on your 2nd chookshed versary. I won't be able to join until Sun(hopefully) will have prob 4 grandsons, Fri night and Sat is their school fete, and we are also hosting a district get together, so if everyone, who says they are coming comes we will be inendated with adults and kids. I am at the moment working on a large hand appliqued quilt for my eldest grandaughter, have a wonderful weekend stitching everyone hugs
oops forgot to add that I am also in Central West NSW, further east than Peg, and we have the forcast of 90% chance of 20 - 40 mm of rain on Sat.
Happy Chookshedversary! I will be stitching at home at sometime over the weekend....not sure what I will be working on yet....you can find me at grannyloz.blogspot.com.au
Happy Birthday in the Chookshed..what a celebration with all the ones above who will be 'attending' the party...I will be a virtual partygoer spending part of the time on my own stitching projects and part of the weekend heading off up the highway with a friend to see a quilt exhibition on Saturday... I live in the deep south of New Zealand and we have the added bonus of it being the Queens Birthday weekend here..my blog is http://stitchesfromthemainland.blogspot.co.nz/
I'll be on my own finishing some Xmas in July projects, maybe some Leanne Beasley items and anything else I'm in the mood for.
There might even be a glass or 2 of bubbly to help you celebrate......
Happy Birthday in the Chookshed! Oddbjørg who lives in the northern part of Norway, want to join you Thursday and Sunday. Today I'll do some stitchery - a UFO - sitting on the terrace. (We have sunny weather at the moment!) I'm not sure what the next project will be.
I'll be on my own hand quilt with a finish insight hopefully and a glass or two of Chardonnay :)
Thanks for the invite - I would love to join in! Plenty of sewing planned for this weekend :-)
Darn it, meant to say, I'm joining you from New Zealand xx
I'm going to visit a bloggy friend for the weekend, and I'm sure we'll be able to pop in at some point to join in the merriment. Sunny in the USA at http://sunny-quiltingdreams.blogspot.com/
Happy Birthday!!
Ill be joining in from Victoria I have planned to quilt a top I made this week but I hurt my knee yesterday and will have to see how I go standing otherwise it will be the next block of my stitchery. You can find me at www.britcreek.blogspot.com cheers to all and a very happy birthday chookshed!
Count me in! I'll be in my little sewing room in Scotland working on something... don't know what yet. Wondering if I can keep Aussie time to make my presence more real... can you get jet lag from virtual sewing party? Regardless of time find me at http://dillydimple.blogspot.com
See ya!
Oh yay I can't wait!!
I am Anthea & I live in Western Australia. My blog is www.hibiscus-stitches.blogspot.com.au.
I'm planning to make quite a weekend of this fab party, including Friday; I'll be cutting & sewing with the fq's I received for my Birthday back in March.
Thanks for having so many Hens at your Shed for the weekend Chooky - what a fun way to spend your blogging Anniversary!
Got my food & refreshments at the ready - woo hoo...
I will join you from my little place in France !!
I prepare the bubbles … and some fabrics !
Florence from
Hi, I'm Laila from Norway...I will work on a jelly roll with Tula Pink fabrics,and I will work/play when you sleep ... Show more on my blog on the 31.
Have a great time every one... I can't belive you will have fun.... LOL
What a fun party!! Happy 2 years in your chook house. I'm Rachaeldaisy and I live in the Blue Mountains in Australia! I'll be working on a quilt I'm calling Bubbles, and might just have to open some champers to be part of the celebration. I blog over at Blue Mountain Daisy.
Hi I am Kim from Melbourne Victoria you can find me at quiltingwithkim.blogspot.com. I am going to work on my Puddle Jump quilt top and some secret sewing.
Happy Birthday to the Chookshed. Enjoy the party!
I'm in too Chooky all the way from North Queensland. I'll be working on a wedding quilt (well starting it anyway) for a friend's wedding next month!! *eek* What a great incentive to join in ......and it just happens to be MY birthday too...what better way to spend it than with my blogging friends!!!!
xox sugary hugs
Wendy :o)
I'm in from Adelaide :) will be stitching on my own, but will be in shifts :) starting Friday arvo, then a bit more Saturday & Sunday mornings :) Cheers, Cathy :)
Car packed.....bubbly Packed.....Sewing packed....Bring on 4pm and I will be on my way to THE CHOOK SHED....Yay!
Carole from Champlain, New York - that would be as far Northeast as you can get in New York without crossing into Canada and swimming across Lake Champlain to Vermont! http://www.carolesquiltingetc.com - re-working a pattern from Riley Blake - Speedster - great line for boys. Getting some FQ and the border bolt! Love that quilt! So what's the occasion? Did I miss something? sox
Seems everyone is going to be partying this weekend so I better join in too. I'm going to sandwich a quilt and start hand quilting it, perfect weather for it as it's a bit chilly in Tasmania. After my trip to the US i have taken a liking to Margaritas so I can't guarantee my stitches will be even :-) You can find me at http://scrapnstitch.blogspot.com
Would be a shame to miss a party! Nanette from far northern NSW Australia and I blog at http://stitchandsow-homeandgarden.blogspot.com.au
I'll be stitching on my own and I have some stitcheries finished that need to be sashed and made into a quilt for a 90th birthday gift, due in 3 weeks so I'll work on that.
I will be there. Not sure what project yet, might even mix it up a little and work on a few different ones. No bubbles though :o( hugs Sharon
RSVP ing late but hope to get there some time this weekend. Hopefully I will get some more work done on my lynnette Anderson bag. There are a few other things as well. Wish I was there is person.
I would love to join your party - from South Coast NSW - thanks for the invite.... but won't be "there" till Sunday - an extra day or so to chill the champagne and decide which project to tackle. You'll find me at yarnsfrommysewingbasket.blogspot.com
Did a bit of sewing today but no more for me. In a car accident on Tuesday...no injuries, but very sore in places and am finding the pain is worse in the evening. Hope you have a great weekend in the Chook Shed....wish I was there x
I'll be there on my own, doing something.. not sure what... well, I can only join in on Sunday if that is okey dokey...
I'm Joy from Victoria blogging at: http://www.daysfilledwithjoy.com/ with a jug of Iced Tea :) xxx
Had a nice glass of mulled wine thinking of the drivers last night, , Imagining you all laughing away
Once I have dropped my daughter off on a trip with the Girl Guides at 4.30am Saturday morning then I will be free to work on the Dress a Girl Around the World dresses plus digging out my WIP quilt that needs sorting out. More on blog tomorrow I need to get to bed otherwise I shall sleep through my 3am alarm. Have fun Ladies!! You should be able to click on my name to get a link, but if not then I can be found at www.indigo-blue-designs.blogspot.co.uk and I shall be sitting in Cornwall UK. But not until later Saturday morning mind you.
Hi, I'm Janice from http//:jannimary.blogspot.com.au in NSW. I'll be joining in as we'll with Mick cheering on. What is a birthday party without cake? Not sure what I will be working on as yet. It sounds like we will all have a great party.
No sewing for me last night - my cousin who lives in Canberra came over on her way home from Queensland. So she and her husband stayed for dinner.
My blog is at: http://patchingpixies.blogspot.com.au
Forgot to mention - we did have the Champers!! LOL
I am hitting the sewing room now to join in with this party!...Jewells from Dungog NSW!
I'm recovering from dental surgery, but sewing in spirit! Happy birthday!
Hi Chooky , I'm up in Broome for a few days , but I will be stitching along , as much as I can ...and having some bubbles also ...Suzie
Hi Chooky
Im reporting from the sewing room in Sofala NSW, Ive been in and out of here all morning sorting things out so I can sew sew sew the rest of the weekend.
Hello Chooky and other Ladies
Yeah, I know I should still be sleeping, so far I have completed three blocks for swaps, and am in the process of stitching my Hexie BOM together.
Think I have eaten to much chocolate lol.
Hi Chooky, didn't think I'd make it but better late than never. I'm sitting here in the lounge catching up on finishing some stitcheries and getting organised for new things as well. Rum and coke sitting beside me, what more can a girl ask for except maybe a warmer temperature! -4degC here tonight in Christchurch, NZ.
Congrats chookeyblue on your celebratingparty 😊 i'm not shore that I can join this weekend. I must first see if I find my sewing macine in all the mess in my sewing room 😏 but I hope you all had a lovely data with lots of sewing...
Take care!
Marica @ englating.se
Congratulations and many bubbly drinks! I'll be joining from Norway, sewing on my own, but will be there in my mind. ;)
Blogging from http://shadesofnemo.blogspot.com sharing pictures from the day. :)
Joining in. Can't wait, thanks. Hoping to get lots done.
What fun! I'm sewing on my own as well trying to get the binding on a quilt for my aunt that really needs to get done. I'm out west in the United States in Carson City, Nevada.
Great!! A international-weekend-sewing party!!
I also love to join this weekend, although there isn't much time to sew.... our new kitchen is coming next monday; the old kitchen was removed last thursday.... we are -kind of- camping in our own home... LOL
But: the sewing still goes on, because I just LOVE to sew.
Currently I'm quilting the Sweet William-quilt; a pattern made by Susan Smith.
If you would like to see what I'm working on, come and visit my blog: http://treasurequilts.blogspot.nl
I live in the Netherlands; a true Dutch girl (and 55 years of age..) ;)
Have fun everyone and enjoy your weekend!!
Love from the Netherlands, Ria.
The plans we had for Saturday were put on hold! Quietly there was a Yipeeeeee from me. My first thought was - now I can join Chooky & the girls for the chook shed party.
Happy 2nd Birthday to the chook shed & the lovely Chooky blue xx Can't wait to check out all the stitching that been going on over the weekend. Ann - Central West Australia @ lavenderbluestitches .blogspot.com.au
I managed to get a bit of sewing done last night but today has ended up another busy day. Enjoy your Birthday weekend.
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