The main reason we went to the quilt show is that Fairy Girl ha entered her quilt in the the end only for display - technical info that i don't quite understand but anyway it was there hanging...........
She was very excited about this...........
We also snapped a pic of Susan @ Thimblestitch with her lone star......she got some ribbons there but I didn't take a close up so can't remember what they were.......Congrats Susan..........Its exciting when one of your friends wins.........and we found her on quilt duty and took heaps of pics............
the other reason was i helped by friends out on their stand..........can't say it was was so much fun.........thanks Anni and Pete...........
too funny I came home with these goodies but the fat 1/4 I really liked.......i took the pics of what I got at Cherry pie Designs and didn't realise until I was looking at the pics I got the exact same print with a red flower centre..............and it was folded the other way so I must have really liked it..........saw the fussy cutting potential............
Simple Joys Pincushion was a hit and the Grand Adventures pincushion even more..........too many caravaners now days......Simple joys had to come home with me..............
Some liberty love............can't remember from where
Elm Grove Patchwork...............really was lovely to meet Lenora...........we have been friends online via her blog Elm Grove Patchwork for so long..........
Lighting terrible.........quilts gorgeous.........
While I have a broad range of fabrics I like I am sure my first true love is civil wars prints I just love shirtings are low so got this little mixed bundle...........and I LOVE Karen K Buckley scizzors they are so sharp.......I don't have this size...........
Sewn and Quilted was right behind us and it was a bit surreal as I follow Meredith @ Pomegranate and Chintz who posts about some of the sewing classes and always so inspiring...............
Dutch Heritage...........
And some little purchases...........

Cherry Pie Designs............always have to stop here too..........
got a backing on a great sale............and some more glue............
Picked up these fat 1/4's..........see what I mean about the one on the
i did the Mrs Peach epp workshop with Kathy Doughty from Material Obsessions..........can't wait to get into this more...........
Not the nest photo because of the light but The Birdhouse was also beautiful..................
I got the fabrics to go with the pattern that I got last year...........
Its supposed to be a quilt for Fairy Girl................she might get it for her 50th
And blue and green bundle from Somerset Patchwork..................
the quilts were amazing as always to see what people have done..............
the stands I went too all looks beautiful.................
BUT seriously lighting in the building is bad you hardly think it is a brand new building only opened not much more then 12 months ago..........
Does not show the quilts off as best it could..........the stands need so much extra lighting so you can see what they have..............and lets not go to trying to see in a workshop.........
I had a great time............but then i had to return home.......I think it would be best to not go away when it is bad here........
Catch you later.......
Well done to Fairy Girl for her entry! Looks like a great show... I just heard there is one here in Melbourne next month, maybe I can go... wanna come?! xx
Georgie did well! Lovely quilt! She must have been very proud indeed! You did some good shopping too. We are done working now. Did the workshop today. Tomorrow and the day after we will be driving back to melbourne, want to visit berry! Should be fun. No Outback though, lol..
looks like you had a great time! well done Fairy Girl! lots of lovely purchases there
Congrates Fairy Girl on your entry...
Great to have spent time with your DD and friends plus you picked up some beautiful goodies.
Thank you for showing that much pick of the show. 🤗
Sorry, pick = Pics!😉
Her quilt is very nice. I love quilt shows, Thank you for sharing.
Fairy Girl's quilt is fabulous! That is my kind of quilt!! Sounds like you had and engaged in a little retail therapy. We all need a little getaway now and then!
Fairy Girl rocks! Lovely quilt, lovely girl. You came home with lots of pretty fabrics, I have done the same buying fabric in two different color ways without realizing it!
Mooie foto's van heel veel prachtig quilts.
Goede en mooie aankopen gedaan
Groetnis Annie
Love your quilt show posts. Looks like you had a fantastic time.
Well done to the quilters! Love your loot. Looked a fab time x
It certainly was a great show. You have a few nice purchases which will keep you busy for a little while.
Love Fairy Girl's quilt. Looks like you had a fab time and made some great purchases. How funny that Sewn and Quilted were nearby. So glad you got to meet Carol. Enjoy what you bought.
You were very controlled Chooky with so much gorgeousness to tempt you. Love what you bought and lucky you working on that beautiful H and P stand
how wonderful to have your daughter share your quilty passion...and lovely purchases...must try some liberty soon...
Was so lovely to finally meet you in person after all these years in blog land. Thanks for helping to make my first trip to the Sydney Quilt Show so enjoyable. Hope rain falls soon. xx
Looks amazing. I do miss visiting the big show I used to go to in the UK. Have fun with your new stash.
Great quilt by Fairy Girl. Lots of beautiful purchases and lots of beautiful stalls to be tempted by too. xx
How fabulous for Fairy Girl - so a lovely and colourful quilt. Good on her - it looks amazing hanging up there. Great haul there Chooky.
Great quilt bu Fairy Girl....looks like an amazing show, love your purchases!!
Lots of nice shopping there.
Looks like so much fun.
CW prints are my first love, too, and you found some real goodies!! :)
Wow...awesome quilt by FG...and Susans quilt is totally amazing..nice shopping...xxxx
you bought the most lovely things, love the yellow, and green and blue bundle...very nice...sometimes it is good to get away and have a breather then you feel more refreshed to handle everything when you get home. Would have loved to venture down but we are full of kidlets.
I am picking up my jaw from the floor LOL> Sooooo many beautiful purchases. Looks like it was a very worthwhile venture seeing all the lovely stalls and a pic with Anni etc. Gotta love Civil War repros. I think I met Kathy a few years ago when she worked in the local library.
Quite the loot! You go girl! Congrats to Fairy Girl for having a quilt in the show! Cheers!
Hi Chooky well done to Fairy girl her quilt is amazing ,a chip of the old block i would say. Love your new purchases chooky ,it does one's soul good to visit these quilt shows.Love the pic of you ,Annie and Pete xx
Great quilts! Thank you so much for sharing these photos with us, Chooky. I am glad you had such a great time, my friend. Kisses!!!
How fabulous to see Fairy Girl's quilt on display! I love all your purchases and all the photos of the booths.
Lots of lovely purchases.
Great reason for going to the Quilt Show...congratulations and well done Fairy Girl on having your quilt hanging...
Wow, Fairy Girl's quilt is stunning! Absolutely love it!
so good to catch up...not enough time!
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