Nice to have a weekend at home.........just working around the house............
Inside and outside jobs.............but within walking distance...........
We got some rain during the week...............won't really make any difference unless we get more very soon and that forecast just completely disappeared..........
Last Sunday 40mls was forecast for this last week..........most around here were lucky if they got 10mm...........some even started sowing some crops........everyone is so desperate..........10mm won't do anything really...........we are sooooooo dry.............
to put it into perspective..........and every area has different rain fall needs.......we have an annual rain fall of about 21.5inchs. (12 months)
For 20 months we are only up to for not too far off 2 years we don't have any where near one years rain even yet...........
We just need to be more resilient according to the government..........i can tell you if we weren't resilient we wouldn't still be here......stupid govt........

I managed to get some pics of Big Loves babies............
Inside and outside jobs.............but within walking distance...........
We got some rain during the week...............won't really make any difference unless we get more very soon and that forecast just completely disappeared..........
Last Sunday 40mls was forecast for this last week..........most around here were lucky if they got 10mm...........some even started sowing some crops........everyone is so desperate..........10mm won't do anything really...........we are sooooooo dry.............
to put it into perspective..........and every area has different rain fall needs.......we have an annual rain fall of about 21.5inchs. (12 months)
For 20 months we are only up to for not too far off 2 years we don't have any where near one years rain even yet...........
We just need to be more resilient according to the government..........i can tell you if we weren't resilient we wouldn't still be here......stupid govt........
I managed to get some pics of Big Loves babies............
Thankgoodness she is still managing to feed both of them..............mind you we are still feeding her heaps.............
Big Love loves her buckets of feed............
in the tray is oats and cotton seed..........
Some more groceries arrived yesterday..........only 1/2 the load..........someone else was desperate so I will get more next least I know it is coming.........
Not sure what will happen once this is gone.........its getting more expensive and this came from Victoria..........the freight is a killer........
Sunset yesterday.............Actually feels like we achieved something this weekend............something progressive.......while it was demolishing yards it's still good to do something other then exist......or feeding...........
I received a little care package a few weeks ago and I was looking in it again this weekend and found the hot pink nail polish............I needed a feel good moment so i painted my nails.................lots of funny comments from the family while it was a great boost for the weekend............sometimes it's the little things that show people still care that count.......don't ever forget how powerful one little action or word can be for someone............
not sure when I will be back.........sewing is non existent and I think your sick of the farm posts.............
Take care...........
Catch you later.......
Love your farm posts. Our "big" rain event has also been a bit disappointing. Our grocery rations are still coming from local (NSW) but every load is costing more ??? At least there are little bits of cuteness arriving. A lovely sunset and keep your chin up.
I'm wondering what the government means with being more resilient???? Letting the livestock starve or what? It must feel like a kick in the stomach those insensitive and stupid comments from people who most probably have absolutely no idea about farming and what it means to be at the mercy of the weather and also of those exact same stupid people. Do they not know that it's imperative for any country to have a healthy and independent food production??? It really is so short sighted. Your pink nails rock though ;)! xx
I love your farm posts. it's wonderful to see life in different aspects to your own. Who doesn't love cows, they are so friendly :) Hope you get some of the big rain and manage a little sewing sometime :)
I love the farm! Even though it's agonizing to watch you suffer, sigh. Even small things can make a difference, that pink polish brought some laughs and lightened the day.
Love the farm updates too! Sending rainy hopes to Australia (from an unusually dry Norway) 🌧
Sending you a cyber hug! I wish I could have sent you some of our rain ... over 3 inches last night... it was quite the downpour. It's bloody hot here at the moment ... we're in the 32C but it feels like 39C with high humidity. I'll refrain from making a comment about Govn't officials! Happy Canada Day! Hey!
It's good to see you can still be buoyed up by something as pretty as bright pink polish 0 you needed that at Baradine!
We obviously need more farmers in the parliaments - real farmers not the Macquarie Street kind.
How long will that load of groceries last?
Please don't stop the farm posts, or any posts, sorry about your lack of rain, even down here it is in short supply, forecast usually doesn't bring much, lots of areas in SA the same. My brother's not planting their usual winter crops. Love the cattle photos, and the grocery truck, and especially the pink nails!! Thinking of you.
Love your farm posts & those pink nails. Hugs,xx
love your farm posts, and hope that some more rain falls very soon! yes we definitely need need more farmers in parliament, not hobby proper ones! You guys keep this country alive! love your pink!
life is better with tarty pink nails....
I am so sorry you continue to get such little precipitation. Here we've been having more then enough along with some local flooding, wish I could send it to you! I love your farm posts. I live in the North Central US and am a farmer's wife, we have cows, but it's nice to see how things are done differently around the globe and the beautiful yet dry terrain you live in. Please continue to share, and if there is really anything I can send you (besides rain) from the US or just to give you a brighter day, please let me know! Love your nails, you have lovely hands! Praying for you to get some rain!
I love your farm posts too, never get sick of them, is a learnign opportunity for this townie. I wonder how the politicians would manage if their water was turned off for several months a year..they have no idea. The calves are very cute. As always hoping rain comes your way, love the nails xx
Please don't stop your farm posts, I have such admiration for our farmers, heartbreaking job at times...hope there is more rain. Have to love the gorgeous pink nails!
Pink is my fave colour - your nails are superb. I don't wear nail polish as it always chips within an hour - no point, can't imagine how long your's lasts with farm work thrown in! lol. You/your family/community are certainly leaders in resilience. Good on you all.
The farm is your life and if you need to talk about it, lots of us will listen.....however should you get sick of talking about it, feel free to natter in about any other subject......tis your blog after all.....we are just lucky readers who are allowed a peek into your world. Maybe this blog willl highlight the real world to those who are locked in a world of privilege in Canberra! I think all bureaucrats need empathy’s hard to get others to truely understand and all they seem to care about is their reports and bonus payments.......each day without rain is another day closer to a days with rain........praying and hoping it arrives and can relieve the stress.
Just loved your post! Don't care at all that it is about your farm, love it to be honest. I just hope you will get heaps and heaps of rain! I made it back home too, sun is shining, warm, summer, and feeling tired with the jetlag! Woke up at 05.00 hours this morning, might have to have a little nap by now. You take care of yourself,
No don't stop the farm news, we all need to be made aware of the hardships of the land. There is always a bright spot somewhere, other than your nails! Just wish we could do something about the rain but that is in the hands of the gods.
Actually put my panel on the frame, after watching all the videos on how to do get started, surprisingly I have forgotten. I always have to tidy up my room, before my mind can begin to function, so now I can play! Hope you can get some time to play in your chookshed. Pink nails are so you!
I enjoy your farm posts sew please keep posting...
Lovely pink nails and nice you got time to do them...
I love your farm posts. Farmers are the smartest, kindest and most resilient people I know. Just remember politicians are beggars - they beg for a job and then feed at the trough at the expense of their constituents. Maybe they should try to be resilient and get a real job. Please keep posting. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
And - loved the pink nails.
gotta love pink all your farm posts xxx
Keep your spirits up and keep sharing these life photos. That's what blogging is about. Every bit helps.
Never get sick of the farm posts but do hope you get some more rain soon
Farm posts are great - please don't stop. Good to spend time around the home, love the nails. xx
Your farm posts are so tippical for Chookyblue... I just loven it... Hope it will rain soon... Your pink nails are just that femine touch you need on the farm... :)
you are right, sometimes it is the little things. Love your farm.
Never sick of farm posts - we need to know what is really happening.
I wish I could paint my nails as neatly as your. So pretty. It’s good to see that Big Love is doing well with her calves. Here’s hoping that big break comes sooner rather than later and in the meantime you can continue to source feed. As everyone else has said your farm posts keep it real for us townies, so please keep us informed.
Hooray for at least a tiny bit of wetness your way, even if it just dampened things down a tad! Never forget this is your blog so you blog what you want! Personally I love to see more than just sewing on blogs ..... a little bit of the daily life is always interesting! Cotton seeds? Wow, I don't think I've heard that before . Loving the pink nail polish 💅
Hi Chooky gee even if the government paid the freight it would be some help for the farmers,i pray things will improve for you all on the farm chooky ,take care my friend,oh and i sure love those pink nails xx
Pink is always a cheery colour. Those nails don't look like a hard working farmer girls hands and I am glad of that for you, because I know they are hard working hands. Try to find that 10 mins in the chook shed it will make you smile ...Hugs
I had a few minutes to check blogs and so I went to yours. I always enjoy your posts, whether quilting, farming, or whatever. I wish it were happier times though, I know droughts can be the worst as you’re dependent on Mother Nature, and at her mercy. She isn’t being a very nurturing mother right now, but I’ll be praying that Just the right amount of rain is on the way to you. You are the kindest most caring and energetic kind of person, I can tell from your blog.
I love your posts, Chooky and especially the photos of your beautiful animals.
The pink nail polish is beautiful, and the sunset photo is amazing.
As for the government, I have the same opinion for the greek government too. Kisses, my friend.
Hang in there Chooky... wish there was something we could all do to help... so frustrated that the govt won't do more. Keep posting anything, we all enjoy it xx
It's dreadful to have so little rain. In contrast, farmers in parts of the UK have been working all hours recently to get sileage in before the rain starts again!
i hear the despondency in your posts time and time again...feeling helpless is so awful...nothing i can do of course but watch and read and many others do as well no doubt...
Stitching and crafting time will come back. It is awful to see you so low and how often have I wished I could send you rain.... ((Hugs))
I'll never tire of reading your posts, even the farm and stock posts.
We dont follow jsut for sewing, we love seeing and sharing your life, hopes n dreams x
These posts are about your real life and sometimes that's not all roses, rain and pretty pink nails. Times are hard (I hope the rain comes and soon) and I think it's important to post about it to share what life on the land is really like, it's ups and its downs too. Meg
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