Well i'm not sure I will be breaking that zoom sewing marathon record..........
It was huge......
fun friendship encouragement enabling inspiring
lead off on far to many paths of sewing goodness......everyone has their own patterns and designer etc and it's great finding new ones as we chat about different things, styles techniques etc
googling and sharing the screen to show everyone........
(taken during the morning)
Kicking off at 6am is early but I am usually awake so no issue......and the international girls are ready to start popping in.........we all live in about 6-7 different time zones........
There is always someone ready and waiting at 6am (my time)
As usual I am working on my Blue Lanterns.........I got this big section together............I actually laid it on the floor this afternoon with the rest of the quilt...........
OMG I didn't have my phone with me for a photo but it is so exciting........I can see the end is in sight.......But I ran out of cream blocks so had to stop joining........
Chatter goes on all day..........
Anything and everything. I am sure we could fix all world issues........
There was lots of chatter about covid and lockdowns with the whole state I live NSW in lockdown and the Victorian girls on were regional girls and all went into lockdown at lunch time.........so they had to pop out for awhile in the morning to grab a few things.....they had about 2hrs notice..........

So back to making cream units since I had run out......the exciting thing is I only need to make 5 full blocks and then I am onto making the edge units.......I need to cut some of the papers in half so hadn't done that until I had some spare to reuse..........
Once I had sewn all I could of the creams I need to cut some more fabric...............OMG that was so long ago that I did that.......I had to go find the fabric and concentrate and that wasn't happening at that hour...........
Starting to become exhausted as it was getting late I decided that I wasn't going to start joining blocks and my shoulder was getting a little sore so I reverted back to Lucy............
People do really pop in and out all day.....Some stay all day with me.......
27 girls joined in and the most we had was 14 at once........
Later in the evening it was dwindling and I thought I might be finishing about 6.30-7pm but we were still chatting away and a few girls came back in..........and later on Lou popped back in she had been to work and home again and wondered if we were still on............YEP we were...........she was impressed to see me working on my Lucy fillers as I had bullied strongly encouraged her to work on her new Lucy quilt she is making.......I was excited as she got 2 sewn.........Just before 10pm we signed off......
Anyway better wrap this one up..............
I've added the new girls to the sidebar - Aus Maree, Aus LyndaH, USA Swooze (you must have fallen asleep for the night. Hope you join us again next time) my friend Leah doesn't blog.....
Until next time which if we stay in lockdown could be sooner rather then later....
thankyou all for joining me in the Chookshed
Stay Safe....
Catch you later.......