Friday 21 October 2022

Storm and a bee......

Storms floating around the last few days..... We've managed to miss the heavy falls so far........
I captured the little buzzy friend below.... The bees love this succulent..... It only has tiny flowers but they must be good ones.....
I potted up a pile of pot plants today.... Some for work and repotting some for home.....One peace lily plant is now 5......
i have since trimmed the dead edges......
The skies been interesting with all the sudden cloud changes.......
Don't forget if you want to join the email list leave a comment here or drop onto the contact form on my right side bar to leave a message.....
Zoom zoom tomorrow so I'm just getting some sewing ready while a storm passes over.......
Extra long weekend with today off..... Nice to potter with the plants etc.....
Catch up on some emails......
Catch you later......


Chris said...

Pot plants? I know marijuana is legal in Canada, but there?
I have some similar plants in pots still outside and we have had a few light touches of frost so far. I am looking forward to hanging out with you and the other girls tomorrow. Wait, it is tomorrow and I haven't gone to bed yet. Got Lucy ready.

Chris said...

About the bees . . . I had 4 big ones show up in the quilt room earlier today. Wonder where they are getting in? It is after all, mid October. Not springtime.

Janice said...

It sounds like you had a nice relaxing, but still productive day. We have lots of cloud around here too, but thankfully, the rain seems to be missing far. See you tomorrow. Not sure what I'm working on. I'll figure something.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Looking forward to zoom session, sewing projects are ready to go in a little basket. Churn Dash has priority and is on top of the stack.

Sandy said...

I’ll try to join you before I head to the shop.

Tazzie said...

Have a lovely time Zooming, one of these days I'll get all brave and join you!

Susan Smith said...

Bees buzzing here too & now we've had to net the blueberries as berries are forming & the blackbirds are too interested. I'm also trying to be brave enough to join in some time today and try to work out how to do it. Rained a little overnight, so wonder what the day will bring. Take care & hugs.

Cheryll said...

Good to see "spring" has arrived... even if the weather isn't our usual.
EnJoY your weekend...xox

Jackie said...

I am glad spring has arrived for you. Winter will be arriving here on Monday. Forecasts say up to 10 cm of snow should fall. Hopefully most will melt away.

What lovely small flowers on the succulent.

God bless.

dutchcomfort said...

Amazing photos Donna!!