LaNina sure is showing her stuff again.......3rd year in a row has officially kicked into gear.........another flood event over last weekend.......the only time I have waterfront views.............the creek sure has been gorgeous..........this was Monday afternoon its very slow to go down at present......... 

we have been pretty lucky so far........some of our region has coped it worse..........rural isolation is major......road closures, flood warnings, more rain forecast tomorrow, not too much but an inch is more like several at present..........big rain forecast again next week...........
We had a quick trip away for an engagement party.........we called in via Burrendong Dam on the way home..........this was about 139% when we called in..........I've not seen this dam full........its a bit off the road so you have to drive in specifically to see it...........before last weeks rain with constant releases they had got it down to 113% and with the rain + Windemere Dam spilled over after 20-30 years, it flows into the Cudgegong River which flows into Burrendong also....So quickly is was back up to 139%.....Burrendong spills into the Macquarie River...........the River near me is the Castlereagh............both the Macquarie and the Castlereagh (plus more) flow into the Barwon then into the Darling then Murray.........see map below.......and the top left of that maps shows you what part of Australia this flows down near Jo.........
the floods get slowler and take months to move thru the system as the country is pretty flat.........given it is flat it all spreads out wide once out of the river banks.............lots of crops are currently standing in water.........
Big news.......Bridget has become a Mum.......just one baby..........I wished she had two..........
Delivered a quilt that I thought I was posting so that was wonderful..............
if you know you know...........but it did involve some crazy sewing and two binding lunches with Miss Jules my partner in all things quilty...........
So good to see these girls as the Chookshed got cancelled this year so it's been well over 12 months..........
Lifes been busy with lamb marking - I swear these lambs doubled in size as they went thru the next gate to where I picked them up.............OMG.........stock work is behind with all the wet weather..........
Gorgeous bottle brush flowers in the garden.............
OK best has just been hectic - you all know what that's like.......
sewing to deadlines, sheep work, town work, both the kids home at different time to blog or read blogs............but thought I best pop in before you send the are you ok messages.........
busy weekend with a family event then i'll do a big shop again Monday in prep for being stuck at home for who knows how long if next weeks forecast comes off.............
Was going away for a couple nights next weekend sewing with some friends but thats been canned......partly due to the fact two if us may not get there with the farecast rain..........
the joy of dirt roads............the weather has a massive effect especially when its many km's not just a short go this turned into a much bigger post than I thought it would................
Catch you later........
Fingers crossed you don't get it worse! I knew there was a reason we bought on a hill when we moved here several years ago. That's a beautiful quilt with two of my favourites....yellow, and stars. Your bottlebrush is a twin to ours!
The creek photo is lovely. Beautiful quilt. Awww a cute little lamb. The bottle brush is pretty.
Good luck!!
Some lovely photos from your part of the world!! We have drizzling days after some lovely sunny ones. Days are getting shorter and it's getting harder to get up early in the morning! ;-)
Thanks for the geography lesson. There's always work on a farm/ranch, hope you get more time for stitching!
We’re having a bunch of rain now, so I’m sorry to say it’s probably heading your way! Hope it’s not too much, looks like you’ve had more than enough!
Hugs, Tazzie xox
The bottle brush is stunning. Congratulations to Bridge, a boy or a girl?
Time with family and friends is important.
Thanks for the post, I was about to phone you to see if you were ok, and your paragraph about being hectic etc could be just what I need to write in my blog too! I do have a post partly written......Congrats to Bridget
Thanks for the update & yes I know, I did send an email. Lots here in Victoria being evacuated, but luckily we aren't too bad here in West Gippsland. Love Bridget's baby & still lots of little lambs around here too & noticing quite a few new calves when out and about. Lovely quilt you gifted. Take extra care & hugs.
wow california would be jealous of all that many US places in drought...hoping it stays manageable...and congrats to bridget! lovely quilt given away....good to see you post tho i know your plate is always overfull...
It is good to read you are ok, thought you may be really busy around that time of the year. At least you met with sewing friends, lots of beautiful pictures. Nice post. See you soon.
Thanks for the post. It was a great catch up. We too were to be going away to June next week but am unsure if we will be going due to the rain and floods. We are good here at the moment. We will go for a drive today down the river to see the levels. I heard the banks nearly broke at one part. I’ll take a photo and post it. If anything interesting. We are off to brunch. Hope the new manager is doing good.
Oh my that dam is sure full. I hope the rain stops soon and your water views go down a bit.
Love that quilt.
God bless.
Lovely reflections in the water at your place. It’s just incredible how much water had to pass down the system, starting gym so far away. Seeing Suze in person was so much nicer than popping the quilt in the post. How exciting for Bridget. I hope she’s a good Mum. Let’s hope things start to dry out and you can get farm jobs done and aren’t marooned at home.
Thanks for sharing your lifetime. Don't forget to breathe during all the hectic.
Great to catch up - what a lot of water! Gorgeous star quilt and Bridget's lamb is so cute. xx
What a beautiful lamb Bridget has had! The flooding looks really extensive, hope that it recedes for you soon! Good luck with all you have to do! Hugs Christine xx
I love to see your life on the farm the lamb look so healthy and it is interesting for a city girl to see other walks of life.
Wonderful quilt! and great landscape pictures looks like an industrious trip for sure!
Enjoyed reading your great post. Was like chatting to you.
Cute baby Bridget!
Hope you don’t get rained in.
Look at all that water!! Could you send some to us please?
Ah, Bridget has a baby--so sweet.
The bottle brush is very pretty.
I am so sorry that your fun sewing times and your getaways have been canceled due to the weather/roads. As much as I would love to have you call a meeting of the Chookshed Stitchers if you can't get away next weekend, for your sake, I really hope you can get away!!
Bridget's lamb is gorgeous, and oh those other lambs sure are big! Back home we've had floods, so it seems to be wet everywhere in the east... Lovely quilt and so nice you got to deliver it in person xx
I do hope you are okay and that you are keeping your feet dry. Cute little lamb. Love the quilt! Stay safe.
Adorable little lamb! The water is pretty with the reflections of the trees, but I can see that this isn't really something you want to have. Have fun sewing with your pals!
Lovely new lambkins! Your photo of the creek is stunning. Beautiful quilt...hope you don't get too water logged xx
Finding the balance and enjoying the positive effects of the weather is sooo satisfying x Enjoy the wet while it lasts and hopefully not too many problems will raise their heads x
Thanks for the geography lesson - all those rivers!
its been a mess in lots of places - hard to imagine that not long ago you were affected by drought.
Our dam - Wivenhoe just had a major release of water - seems like a waste but better than flooding (again)
Congratulations to Bridget! LOL
The map males you realise the water has to go somewhere!!! Seems the weather is one extreme to the other at present. Cut little mini Bridget. Lovely bottle brush flower.
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