Someone found her way into the garden..........and she brought her baby with her...........
Hippeastrums are looking gorgeous...........
great time catching up with the Chookshed Stitchers had been a little while since we met last............

numbers vary all many time zones its always interesting to ask what time it is.........some pop in and say good morning or good night........and others say the reverse
I worked on Miss Elizabeth..........
Slowly you can see there was progress.........
two rows of diamonds added and started to join two sections.........
Last night we had a phenomenal light was close to constant flashing..........
the gap of light below isn't a reflection (on water) it's underneath the clouds...........
I was going to upload a video but I cannot work out how to get it here and I am heading to bed...........
it was so still for ages I sat and watched it at my front window and you could hear the crickets and frogs..........went out several times and took some videos and photos............we got 20mm.........
The Churn Dash SAL is waiting in the much other stuff happening and I could not get the other fabrics so pretty frustrated with that...........maybe i'll get it done by the end of November.........the weather situation better change as so many roads are closed in my part of the world due to present it would add minimum 1hr extra to go to my retreat next month.........some will be open soon but it would not take much for them to close again............and we are in laNina......and she sure is strutting her stuff at present...........
I did fix all my work shirts that have stupid button positions and added an extra button at the bottom..........they look so much better..........gosh people make crap clothes now days.......I managed to work out how to do a button hole again it's been years and I must say they look great.......Lucky Peta reminded me to pin across the end when cutting the button hole open.....I didn't stuff one up and cut it too far..............
Catch you all later.............
It was great to catch up on zoom. Wow, that is some storm. Ugh, button holes.
Great photos of the storm and Miss Elizabeth is looking great. I cant believe also had to do a buttonhole on the weekend and had to get the instruction book out LOL..I've had that machine since 2014 and never done a buttonhole on it.
yes zoom was great! wow lots of progress on those hexie strips...gonna be a very nice quilt!
So sorry to have missed the Chookshed meeting! I felt better the next day, but it was a miserable time for Zoom day. Catch you next time!
Interesting photos of the clouds. Great progress on your projects.
Maybe PETA can teach me how to do a buttonhole without wrecking it. The weather hasnt been the greatest but I sure hope you make the retreat
Sorry I didn't make it, I was all talked out after being at quilt group! Miss Elizabeth is a lovely girl, isn't she? We had a short sharp storm yesterday afternoon......storm picturea are so dramatic. I agree about ready made clothes, the quality is getting worse.
Lovely to catch up on Zoom. Miss Elizabeth is lovely. That was some storm you had there. I hope you do get to retreat.
Sorry I didn't make it to the Zoom meeting, but I did try for 1/2 an hour, then lost my cool. When a certain person comes home from gallivanting abroad, I'll head west & get her to help me set it all up. Rained here last night, though we've not had anywhere near as much as NSW or western Vic, but are supposed to get a drenching later this week & even snow up in the mountains. We'll see, but it sure has been a grey old year. We aren't game enough to head north to see family because of the all the flooding. Good to hear you got to grips with alterations & my uniforms were always well made through the late 60s to 90s when I was made redundant in 1999. Oh, maybe Bridget thought the garden was drier than an old paddock.(giggle) Take care & hugs.
What a stunning shot!
Good to hear you mastered the buttonholes - pretty easy one you re-learn!
Fingers crossed about the roads.
It was great seeing everyone again after such a long time! You did a lot on Miss Elizabeth - she is beautiful! BTW I took a look and the red fabric is Ton in Ton red strips, so now you know ;) NO I am not going to start a new project :) :) :) Don't forget: Lou and I decided that we will all be seeing eachother again on 4th/5th of September - looking forward to it :) :) :)
NOT 4th/5th September BUT 4th/5th NOVEMBER
Good to chat on Zoom, thank you. Always nice to see who is around even if I cant stop long. Your hexies are looking great. xx
It is always fun in the Zoom Room. That is some sky.....hope you can get to the retreat.
Amazing storm pic, sorry to miss zoom,good progress on your quilt, luv bridgett and her lamb
Goodness those photos of the storm are impressive! Miss Elizabeth is looking fabulous! Hope you're staying safe and dry!! Hugs Christine xx
Wow, the storm looks scary and amazing all at once. It's so hard to take in just how much rain has been coming down lately, it's crazy here too! I hope it's not too long before all your roads are safe again and your life can become more normal.
Miss Elizabeth is adorable, such a cute picture. You're so brave putting buttonholes on already made clothes, I find them terrifying!
Hope you have a great weekend
Bridget and her lamb are looking good, as is your garden. It was fun in Zoom last week…..where had that time gone?
I reckon you are quite clever doing button holes. That storm pic is awesome. Loving your hexie project.
Looks like Bridget is showing her baby all her favorite places. ;)
That is a gorgeous lily!
So good to Zoom again. Loved popping in when I had a moment, and seeing who was on then.
Your EPP is really coming along.
Love that moody sky!
Actually started assembly on the churn dash quilt today, but between my chores, physical therapy and grocery shopping, I spent very little time at the machine and have next to nothing to show for it!
Ah Bridget and her lamb on an adventure!! Miss Elizabeth is looking wonderful. Great storm photo. Well done with the button holes!!
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