Friday 19 January 2024

cows, scones, storms and calves.........

The most exciting news of the week is that my blog books arrived.............yes I did say books..........I realised I had not ordered 2022 so did that at the same time with the 50% off.........skimmed in on time.........did bugger up and order one soft cover by mistake but it's not too bad...........I have used the same cover since I started I think............always picking a highlight or favourite photo for the front and back from that year............ 
Now when I left last I was going out for dinner and going to make an entree..........
you can find my recipe here.........Chookyblue's Cooking

During one of the Chookshed Stitchers meetings I ordered some Bloc-loc rulers..........

I had decided on the 3.5in but Janet was on and she said she uses the 1.5 lots and I could see both options at the online shop so I got both............

the little one was perfect to cut my left overs from another quilt so I trimmed them...............

only another 41x8 left to trim...........but it was fun playing with the left overs.........
Opps I can see one on the bottom of the top right pic is the wrong was around.......but you get the idea.........there are options.........
The clouds have been pretty cool lately.............sadly not giving us very much rain.............
sunrise one morning mustering..........
can you spot matter what she still lives with the black cows............she does not stay with any sheep............and I tried to get her into the yards to put some fly prevention stuff on her and she slipped to the side...........she wasn't too happy that she was separated from her friends when they were all in the yard but I was not getting her in there.........I usually have to bribe her to get hold of her for shearing.............
This little fella was busted after the walk to the yards...........probably only a day old if that.............he had a good long sleep..........
the dams are getting very is some old fence that we put in last time this dam was very low which was back in the big drought.........we need to pull it out before something gets tangled in it.........the edges of dams are starting to get boggy...........just another job to keep checking them daily to see nothing is stuck..........
According to my blog this dam was desilted back in Oct 2017.........see here
While mustering cattle this stupid ewe was lucky to be found........she was facing up the bank and I was about to grab hold of her and try and pull her out - not an easy task but she did a flip and was wanting to go into the dam further so I had to call in Mr Chooky it was he sunk to his calf in the silt (with his boot still on) and it suctions onto you so it is not the easiest to pull your self back out of...........but the ewe got up and headed away from the water thankfully............we need to "ring" some of the dams...........that is going around the edge with the silt scoop and pull the bad mud away from the edges - hence "ring" around the edge......(desilting is going across the whole dam and the water level needs to be lower to do that)......we use a couple of tractors to do pulling in and one pulling out............not a fun job.........need to find time to fit this in............
here is a link to some I have posted previously............desilting
Another storm threatened to knock us off work but it went around sadly.............
we only got 11 mm this week...........settled the dust and watered the lawn - didn't do much else.......
We had visitors at work this week and I cooked scones.........plain (served with jam and whipped cream) and date scones.........always a hit........
A stinker of a week coming i'll be busy watering and trying to keep things alive including myself....
hopefully on Sunday I will find some time to lock myself in the air con and sew......
see what happens...............
Catch you later............


cityquilter grace said...

great post and cooking looks good! nice to see the sun if only online...sigh

Maria said...

So much going on at your place…
Scones look delicious.

Jenny said...

Those onion tarts look tasty, must give them a try.

Susan Smith said...

So different weatherwise from down here in Gippsland, where we've had above our average rainfall already for January. I'd love to send some your way. Your cooking looks great. Have a good weekend, take care & hugs.BTW, love your farm pics.

Jennifer said...

We had some good rain a couple of days ago, 40 mls in our gauge up here on the hill which was nice. Your recipe looks quite yummy! Have seen those rulers, but haven't tried them.

Lianne makes stuff said...

The onion tarts look yummy I will try them and fresh scones are always delicious, we got 28mms last week looks like you need it.

Janice said...

A nice newsy post. A pity you didn't get more rain. Your cooking looks rather tasty. Have fun with those tiny blocks.

Lin said...

Nice to have those books and always interesting so see what happens on the land, so different from here. xx

Susan said...

darn - so much rain here, we could easily spare it for you.

Funny Lamby

Sharm said...

Always the way - too much rain in some parts and nothing in others! Hope you are able to get some out your way before those dams get much lower! Scones look yummy! Nothing better as far as I’m concerned lol

kiwikid said...

Always busy busy there on the farm! I hope that silly ewe does not get bogged again! Your scones look wonderful! Cute little calf. Oh Lamby is a bit confused isn't she!! Hope some rain comes for you soon.

Ondrea said...

Yummy onion tarts. That ruler is a good idea. Farm life is certainly never boring! I don't know how you get so much done with sewing, work and the farm. Super woman!

Raewyn said...

So much to comment on...oh I feel for you with the dams getting low and stock getting in them. We've had dramas with that in the past. Hehe ordering while on did you get on with the sewing machine you were looking at that time? Fun that Janet managed to 'encourage' you to get the small one as well! Lovely looking baking :-)

Jenny said...

The boggy dams are not for me .. Yuk but the food looks delicious. Hope it rains soon

loulee said...

Well it's all go at your place. I had a look at those rulers, HOW MUCHJ?! They stayed in the shop.
Does this mean we might have a chookshed zoom?

dq said...

You make the best biscuits - er - I mean scones.
You are roasting while we are freezing. Fall for you and spring for me are a few months yet.

jude's page said...

Yummy cooking Chooky, pity it's not on my list of things to eat. good to get your blog books, they don't take long to come do they?? Always something to do on the farm isn't there?? Sorry you didn't get much rain, all the stubbles have already gone green here, which is not good in January.