wow where has the time gone............a month since I blogged's been a busy month..........I've had some extra days off here and there.........finished my course I started - its been 12 months.........yippee........I've been a bit extra social..........few things on in town.........
Diane @ The Sloan Patch came to stay for the got a little extended due to some rain.............

We had a great time together...........she was supposed to be here for the Chookshed birthday but it was too wet then.............better late then never.......

We did play with the quilting frame........that was a not so good...............but we sorted a few things out...........jury is still out if I will keep this or not...........
I got the binding on a couple of quilts.................
sunset when we had a fire one afternoon...............
Danni was teaching and I had a great time.............
First day I did an orange peel workshop..........I choose some scraps from my box to play with as I was undecided if I wanted to machine or hand stitch..........I choose machine..........
The mountains looked amazing...........those green crops on the left were so vibrant............
The second day I did free motion quilting..........
I tried a few things but I did best at rulers late in the day...........I will keep trying though............
I am completely zoned out when trying to get the pattern in my head to FMQ...........
You might recognise Mrs Amazing across the table from me...........
Janice@Jannimary and Di (another Di from Scrub Stitchin) were also at the workshop but I missed getting a photo..........Janice was going AMAZING............
loving winter here...............
great thing about winter is sitting around a fire with friends................
Another stunning sunset..........
some great firewood in this cut.........
sometimes it's a but random how good the wood is...............
Anyway best go..........
Catch you later.........
PS oh and a new retreat may have been planned.........
more on that very soon..........